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Blog Entries posted by Noxryn

  1. Noxryn
    I'm in Orlando Florida as of today, and am going to buy myself an Ipod Touch, since my old ipod broke and has too little memory space in general. Plus, I'll still have eight hundred left over anyway XP
    My sister's getting RockBand for the Wii, which works for me anyway =P
    Plus I has no schoolstuff this weeeeeeekkkkkk.....
  2. Noxryn
    I want to go hoooome
    And play SS
    And print off my esssaaayyy
    And print off one of my stories 'cuz my English teacher wants to read one for some reassssoooon
    And also to feel warm on this really cold, wet day.
  3. Noxryn
    I should get another haircut... been less than a month, but it's already all long and I don't like how it looks when it gets all long and stuff. Just... looks... weird.
    So, we got ourselves a weed whacker thing, of which I get to put together and use once a week on the yard. The lawn people charge $400 to do that and it really isn't that hard. Oh, and we're also getting a new grill of which I'll probably be putting together and moving out onto the deck, as well as cooking on it at some point.
    I need new earbuds, these things really don't give off much sound... but oh well.
  4. Noxryn
    Heckboy 2 isn't showing at any of our theatres, that wrecked my rainy stormy day.
    Now I am going to go see the Mummy...I'd prefer to see the first rather than the latter...
    Besides that, I'm most likely going to be around a bit today as this storm is looking like it's sticking around, oh well, nothing I can do about it...
    That's about it...
  5. Noxryn
    I might not be able to get on the internetz till Thursday, so yeah if I'm not around I'm not dead, or anything it's just that Comcast is taking their sweet time to get the internet in and the little thing I use to connect to the internet may have to be returned soon.
    This is a Might if it's for sure, well you just won't see me online.
  6. Noxryn
    Due to getting 10 hours of sleep in the middle of the day, I stayed up all night... again, but I watched a show. The show itself lasted 13 episodes, but the ending was just... wow. Three perspectives are handed over at the end of how things could have happened, but they tied in realistically so it wasn't like "What the bamboozles?".
    I don't think I should really mention the name of the show, since it's really not all too appropriate for the audience BZP is aimed at... but I dunno. Just playing it safe.
    I loved the opening theme... I have no idea what it's actually called and will probably look it up.
    And guess what? I now have another thing to save up for: the manga for this series. [i don't normally purchase manga since I get intimidated by the number of volumes some shows have ._. -- but with this, it shouldn't be too much.]
    The reason why I enjoyed it was because it had the amount of blood and gore that makes things fun, and those really touching moments that would make people tear up a bit... or not at all, since such things don't effect some. But... it was probably one of the best anime series I've seen: well if you take out some of the Gundam things.
    So yeah, that's how I spent my night... since TV sucked and no one was around to talk to. I do not regret it, but my wallet will eventually.
    Inspired soooooooooo many things though; music and show included. [As in; the opening/ending theme and the show, not that it inspired more music and shows ><].
    -As a last statement: I liked the opening theme much, much, much more than the ending one. But that's just me. Oh, and the ending was definitely something I had never seen done before... with the different views and such.
    So yeah, it was awesome and... yeah.
    I know what I could do... just buy one issue of the manga a year... well... maybe reading one a year... since it might not be so easy to get later on; and I say this more because rushing to the end of something good sucks when you get there. I like to take my time and enjoy things... well, I blame the show for making me go "Zomg... what's next?" and thinking... made me think a lot.
    Like with the recurring melody thing, hummed in the beginning by the killer [split personalities are awesome too ^^] and with the music box [Pops up a lot... but is kewl ^^, and the opening theme. They're all the same melody, just sound a bit different due to the fact that the opening had instruments and a voice; the music box had its thing [i don't know how they operate fully, kay?] and going "Na, na, na..." is different.
    And above is probably a really long run-on sentence, but I don't care enough to fix it.
    Or proofread this entry.
    EDIT: Wow I'm stupid, the name of the song was written on the box... and I should have remembered what it was called from a whiiiiile ago ><
  7. Noxryn
    But what happened?
    Wednesday I woke up at ten o'clock AM, and had to head off to the airport at eleven AM. We had some trouble going through the baggage stuff as apparently my parent didn't understand that there was a ten dollar fee for putting a bag into the cargo of the plane. Once that was all done, we had two hours to murder. I ate a cheesecake, and fell asleep to pass those two hours.
    The plane ride was boring, and a kid behind me threw up and it smelled quite bad for the following hour.
    I met several old friends of mine at the airport who procceeded to tell me all about the new stuff they got and how my life was. Well, Two of them got GoW2 Limited Edition right when it came out (GameStop is within walking distance from their homes) and I asked how it was and stuff.
    Then Friend A and I got to his home (cuz I was staying there) and we ate too much, felt sick and went to sleep.
    Thursday was a bit more boring; we didn't do anything that day, but he wanted to show off his "new" 360 that I had chipped in to buy him for his birthday, along with a few books I brought along with. He told me about the annoying button though. You have to jam the thing hard to get it to work.
    I checked up on BZP on Thurs, went on as Anonymous and such.
    There was the main celebration on Thursday for my friend, and we ate, took pics and had fun. Then, We all got together and had a Thanksgiving dinner.
    Friday was more fun, at the school my friend goes to, you sell these chocolates in order to get a plane ticket to DC. Sooo, we went out with a box, sold it, and then (Much to my persuasion) we walked down to the local "mini" mart, where we both got energy drinks. Shortly after we chugged our cans and disposed of them properly, we headed back to my friends house. We went out at 2:00 PM, and came back at 5:30 PM.
    So, then, like on all Fridays of the past, we piled into a car and headed off to friend B's home. There, we did quite the bit of things. First we played GoW2 on Horde which was set on Insane, and we made it up to wave twenny six, then... we got murdered, and ripped to pieces.
    Before we went to our Friend's house, we stopped at GameStop where I bought GoW2 the regular edition.
    I ate dinner at his house though, and it was biiiiiiiiig.
    Saturday was fun, we woke up two hours late, and then had to run to a place of where we had to be. We got a bit scolded for being how late we were. That morning our breakfast was; an Amped Energy Drink and donuts.
    It was a festive day, we went to some homes, played some games, ate some food, and we brough Homework boi (friend B) who hadn't done his homework, to friend A's house to spend the night.
    We forced him to do his homework, and it was fun.
    On Sunday, we had to get up early and had to pick up two other friends via car, and then we promptly went off to Lazerzone, and played four games, ate pizza from Pizza Hut, and overstuffed ourselves. I came in second on the last two games, on the second game me and Friend B were sitting on the ground and watching the lights our guns made when we chot them.
    Then we alllll got attacked by friend C's rabid dog... they locked me inside the house... then I had to get to a different door while trying to not get eaten alive.
    Also; I saw Zed's name in Green and Watashi's in Blue and so CONGRATULATIONS.
    Also; I noted that I won Wrack's Story contest, and I'll have the info in by tomorrow.
    Okay, then after Laser tag and such I had to be brought back to the airport, and stuffed onto another plane. The plane was a pain cuz it kept delaying, and freaked me out at one point (EVERYONE GET BACK INTO YOUR SEATS AND BUCKLE UP!)
    It was fun though.
    And now I am here.
  8. Noxryn
    So for newish things that happened so far would be;
    My sister got a Wii, but I use it more... go figure =P (It's Brawl and I has fun with it, lots and lots of fun)
    I got Animated Lugnut cuz he was on sale at Target for half off, or at least that's what the sticker soemone put on him said <<, in the end I got him for the sticker price... which was ten dollars and I am not dissapointed, I just dun like the mace... and the legs are a bit wobbly, but he's still kewl.
    No I didn't go out to the store, that's the story my mother told me when she got back with him =P
    A little while ago I purchased a book called "Scar Night" and so far I am not dissapointed in it. *I was looking fo rit at Borders and found it behind a magazine rack, it was six bucks so totally worth it*
    And the day for the first day for my school keeps getting moved... now were looking at tomorrow, or after Labor Day weekend...
    Aaaaaand now I'm bored which is why I typed this short entry up about things.
  9. Noxryn
    Countered (sometimes softly) by a lot of the characters in the game (Widowmaker, Soldier, McCree, Roadhog, Mei, a decent Hanzo, DVA, Zenyatta, Ana)
    Yet I still pick her and manage an 88% of the match on fire card, while outdueling their counter picks somehow.
  10. Noxryn
    -Found out I had 1056$ when I woke up
    -Went to the mall and got some Halloween stuff
    -Wen home
    -Became a CoT RPG Judge
    -Became a POBZPC
    -Ordered some Halo figs
    -Got a submoderator spot in Halo RPG
    -Hunter plan is initiated (Kinda )
    -Got out of several runs in PE via drink of water
    -Got My 360 and stuff back
    -Had a nice suppah
    -Stayed home from school (reason there was)
    -Got mai Halo figs ordered on Monday
    -Set them up and messed around with them for a while
    -Day before Halloween
    -Hooked my 360 up to XBL
    -Played Halo 3 with Les Claypool
    -Did my book report in five minutes
    -Did mai homework
    -Got an A on the Book report
    -Got an A on the homework
    -Selected to be in Math Honors
    -History class was a game where we got candeh
    -I won something in French
    -It's Halloween
    -I'm going to Blockbuster after bringing little sis around the neighborhood to rent some Horror movies
    -Eat candeh till I asplode.
  11. Noxryn
    I should really start drawing stuff with an actual process behind it all again. Cuz mini five minute in class doodles have taken over my notebook.
    Oh and we need a better scanner. The one we have currently sucks.
  12. Noxryn
    I saw this movie a little while ago, I didn't blog anything about it due to the state of affairs at the time.
    If you haven't seen this movie, then I implore you to go and watch it. Wait for it on DVD if you must, rent it if you will, but it is by far one of the best movies I've watched within the last three years.
    As for haters, they can all go eat gravel.
  13. Noxryn
    Sitting in a bus, for twenty extra minutes, having just been beaten the karz out of via playing a hockey goalie, then walking half a mile home in forty degree weather with a T-shirt, coming home just to have to put up with a little sister who started to throw things around and make a scene does not make for a happy Spink.
    I am cold. I am wet with sweat. I have assignments. And I feel miserable.
    This is why I hate Mondays.
    On another note, I've been recently informed that for Thanksgiving, it's just going to be me, my mother and my sister.
    And I was so excited to see the family again. T.T
  14. Noxryn
    Well.. I got that Limited Edition Gears of War 2 for free... and I worked off my debt by cleaning the house, moving the furniture around, attempting to make dinner with a cookbook and a select bunch of tools, doing the dishes, and stuff... but now I have this small problem;
    I have two games of Gears 2... I'm keeping the Limited Edition one kthx
    I was originally going to give the second away as a gift for the holidays, however... someone else beat me to it, and I'm stuck with a copy. I dunno if I should simply sell it, or something.
    I could probly sell it for thirty bucks if I really wanted to...
  15. Noxryn
    The pool was open today and so I had fun from 1-4.
    I have recieved a new game from the mail for my 360 (Rainbowsix Vegas 2) It's pretty good, but I got kinda bored through the second mission. Of course I'm going to beat it though.
    I also bought two Mistika, they didn't have the two I wanted (Gali and Gorast), but they had Onua and Bitil and so I bought them instead. Perhaps one day I'll make a detailed text review as my camera broke recently and is a piece of junk that needs to be replaced.
  16. Noxryn
    There are a lot of writing systems out there, such as Microsoft Word, NotePad, OneNote, Lyx, and probably hundreds of others I have never heard of before. The annoying thing I found using some of these [Never used Lyx – I don’t have a Mac, same with OneNote] is that they are useful for writing small, more simple stories down [The ones done on a whim, which don’t require hundreds of notes and pages to be saved]. I was working on Demonic Beginnings some time ago today, and I was a bit annoyed about jumping from window to window, program to program and writing things in NotePad, then into Word, and even on a paper I had next to me. The whole process was a pain, to be honest. Sometimes I’d click on the wrong window, or I’d have too many open [internet, NotePad, Word, (Lots of different documents)] and I’d be spending my time looking for the one I needed. The paper was only there so that I could jot down the things I would be unable to in NotePad, or in Word [Tables, looking back for names, being sure something was correct with my writing, etc…]
    After this whole pain of a process, I had to take a break [A break I have yet to return from] just because the windows were becoming overwhelming and it was starting to become frustrating at parts. I have note cards [physical], papers, NotePad documents, Word documents, all about the same subject, just all being organized in different documents because one document on its own isn’t enough to really hold all of that information and continue to be coherent. Having all of these different documents is something that just gets irritating, as for me, when I go to “Open” and search for a file I want, my results are always nonexistent. This means that I have to go through around two hundred documents [short stories, epics, notes, school stuff, novel stuff, book reports, ideas, etc…] and pull out the ten, or twenty I need. The annoying part is doing this for two different programs, and fiddling around as to get a piece of paper along with a pen/pencil.
    Going through all of this for what feels like the hundredth time made me wonder as to why there seemed to be no programs that have; Notes [such as a note card feature], and just… well, a single file that holds the information of ten.
    It’s just all bleh.
    And I had more reasons and features to add, but I forgot what they were cuz as I started to type this entry, old thoughts and ideas just started to leave my head as I started focusing on other concepts first. ><
  17. Noxryn
    Well, in the last class of the day which is what we people call "7th Period" or the period where I get to sit on a computer and listen to a teacher tell me how to do all these fun little formulas of which I really, really hate. Anyways, yeah, I do happen to have a small crush on someone within my 1st, and 7th period class.
    For first period, it just so happens that the Language Teacher wishes to see how much of a fool I can make myself out to be by pairing me up with the person above of whom will be called something later cuz I'm A) Not allowed to use their names on the internet without permission, nor would I anyway and B ) because I has nothing on my mind that sounds appropriate enough.
    So, I end up having to read my introduction to my anthology to her, of course, I actually did my homework this time and so actually had it and couldn't worm my way out of it. (Though, she had to read hers anyway XP), and, I admit... I didn't really hand over any praise, or really any comment... I'm a nervous wreck IRL in front of people of whom I either don't know, or just don't want to look stupid in front of. (Dunno why I'm like that).
    So, after I read mine I feel bad. She pretty much loved it, and said that I used word choices well, along with my only two spelling errors (I didn't use spell check, nor did I read it before this XP) and she also liked my ability at figurative language. Now, why does this make me feel bad? Well, because I didn't really comment on hers... I just had a blank mind and all, but I should have thought of something.
    Gah, it was the morning anyway. I can blame being tired.
    In 7th period, I have the same class as that person, which is Comp II. I don't care for that class personally, but I have to live with it cuz I forgot what it was. Sooooo... at the end of the period, we're all standing wanting to go (Would have gotten out five minutes early, but someone had to say something <<) and I somewhat looked around the room, trying to find something to kill my time.
    She was looking at me... why? I dunno, maybe I looked like a moron standing around and she was the only person to pay attention, maybe I had something behind my head, or maybe it was just cuz some other reason I dunno about.
    The fact of the matter is: I dunno. Buuuuuuttttttt
    Nope, no idea.
    Soooo... ummm... yeah, that's about it.
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