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Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Noxryn

  1. I haven't had a good day... it is and has been classified as a rather bad day, let's start with before it even began; Alright, you all know I tend to be nightmare prone, well same thing except it was set in a more personal thing which I won't bring myself to talk about, but it was still frightening and rather heart wrenching at the same time. If it wasn't a personal one I'd go into much more detail. I woke up and six AM like I do, except with the periodic waking up in the middle of night. I skipped breakfast as I had to go, and at school I realized I had a lot of things I missed (projects for the most part, not actual homework) and so I had to get myself up to date ASAP, lingering thoughts did not help with that in any way. Lunch was a joke, all I had was a bag of grapes, twelve little juicy orbs in a ziplock bag. (We didn't have anything else, and this included drinks) I suffered from hunger and thirst all day (I do not know where the water fountains are located) No, I do not have wireless internet for the house, I'm using a USB plugin which I'm paying for and doesn't allow me to watch vids or use AIM for that matter which indeed sux. Although earlier I put on some sunglasses a leather coat and picked up my airsoft rifle to freak out little sister, worked a bit although she was quick to catch on. Then I ended up falling down a flight of stairs, painful, but at least it was carpeted (This was when I was leaving for dinner as I sleep in the basement which has the best view of the entire neighborhood, you'd get it if you looked out my window) At school I couldn't find my bus (First day on the bus) and nearly missed it (caught it when it was about to leave... I was so embarrassed from that...) Got off at the wrong stop and had to walk two miles with a forty pund bag and all I had to eat/drink that day was that bag of grapes. I also walked in on the wrong classes as I forgot my schedule for the day. I had a nap when I got home after drinking a liter of water, and well I can't sleep without something freaking me out (although the rapid succession is decreasing) I stepped on a spider which I think bit my foot before it went down, I can't be sure however. (I'm deeply afraid of spiders, it took a lot of will power for me to smash it especially with my foot... having a sister commentating how frightened you look seriously doesn't help) I mistakenly flushed the one toilet that's incredibly screwed up and had to clean the mess of water (Leaned on it when combing hair in the morning) I may have vented some of my anger and frustration out here, and if so and if you saw (it's an if) I'm incredibly, incredibly sorry, days like today just don't help when I'm trying to word things as best as I can as I get frustrated far too easily when my day was bad. I apologize for any spelling errors , this is a new keyboard and I still can't get used to it. There were some other things, but I don't feel like typing that up.
  2. I wasn't mocking anyone though, or a general group.

  3. No Hard feelings, I overreacted a bit, been a very stressful day >

  4. I'm going to dig up Wrack quotes to explain everything that people fail to notice. I'm Teleporter... there was more, but it won't load. ><
  5. I may be around, although I though my PMship was going to leave me today *doesn't rememebr which subscription he subscribed to* And it looks like it isn't... so yeah that's all good.

  7. Nevah, I'm too lazeh

  8. So, if it IS for sure, then it's only a might? You confuse me, pink one O.o KK=- Meh, read the rest of the sentence and make a pause after might. I was too tired to make it any more clear =P
  9. I might not be able to get on the internetz till Thursday, so yeah if I'm not around I'm not dead, or anything it's just that Comcast is taking their sweet time to get the internet in and the little thing I use to connect to the internet may have to be returned soon. This is a Might if it's for sure, well you just won't see me online.
  11. Noxryn


    *looks at shelf of new Clone Troopers and at the thing that gives me wireless internet* Umm... nothing.... *Looks around*
  12. Noxryn


    Kex isn't as lazy as me when it comes to the extra press of a button. <3 looks like one to me...
  13. Noxryn


    Then you've never seen me make Pancakes, and put food in a tin foil thing in there. The latter was just stupid even before I did it, and the former was because I hit "0" too many times....
  14. No, the cookies are balanced, people aren't *pictures a mamillion Bill Gates' walking around* ._. meep
  15. One of the scenes I have seen before ^^
  16. *rates Shard three billion starz*

  17. Noxryn


    Don't take me to a store with a pocket load of cash... ever.
  18. Turk, Turkii Same person? FIND OUT TODAY!


  19. Blade... hmm... I call you Blade from now on.

  20. GG stop spreading lies before I kill you.



    GG: BAD

  21. Noxryn


    Bah Bah Black sheep.
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