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Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Noxryn

  1. Noxryn


    As long as it is creative, and you made it sure! Now go out and show the world your brilliant inventions of mass destruction! =D
  2. Noxryn


    dadaddadaddadaddadadadadaddadadaddadadadadaddadaddadadadadadadDA! -my new songz NOW IT'S PEANUT BUTTAH JELLY TIME....etc...
  3. Noxryn


    Ah kewl three new things I inspire in people, now lets use this inspiration in a creative and constructive way ^^
  4. Noxryn

    It's So Disgusting

    ... I be a bit guilty of that... only when no one else is around... and I'm alone... It's just so tempting... so very, very tempting... but when people are around... I will tend to wash them... cuz that's just having good manners.
  5. Noxryn

    Shout Out

    It wasthe first last name I made up ^^ And it sounds normal... now I has a Lars Larsky... I made that up after looking at a street sign for ten minutes =P
  6. lulz lucky, I still work for it, and man if I had been at Brickfair... I probably would've asked if I could do anything which... may result in an loud and simultaneous "NO!", but still... *next year... I come... maybe...* But still Congadumafications, and all that shtuff... I wanna purple Huna << I'm gonna pay someone to make me a purple Hau first to make sure they're good at it... and then bring up the Huna... hehehehehheh Purple beats bronze =P
  7. Ooooooooh innnnnnffoooooooo I already read that a bunch of times anyway, whenever I post a topic I look there first, and then search it before I post it =P
  8. Noxryn

    Shout Out

    Law breaking is a very bad thing if you get caught, it's a bad thing anyway, but it's all worse when you get caught. Meh, I deleted it off my comp sometime back, it was taking up too much space >< I was known as Julie Underwood however, (Based off of my Halo CE: TBRPG character)
  9. Noxryn


    I is happier nao. Why am I happy? Here's a list -I bought Iron Angel =D -I officially love Wednesdays at my school (An hour walk in the morning for health class, a period where we do whatever ((I tend to catch up on my writings with that time)) and a thirty minute period of reading at the end of the day. Oh and other than the two "Free periods" and Health, I only go to three other classes =D) -I actually finished the rough draft of the completely revamped DB prologue I've been slaving away at all day, and everybodeh loves it, although some dun like the blood and that I killed a character that early and was rather mean towards a family of harpies... but meh, I like it the way it is so far ^^ -I had my vision and hearing tests done (20/20 both eyes, as for the hearing they didn't tell me the results... although I did space out for a fraction of two seconds and... may have missed a beep or two...) -We all went out to eat and went to a few stores (To get my book, last copy left =P) -My comp broke free of Comcasts evil adds, and now works on the internet again (I was using the "Clunker" earlier to get things done) -Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnd I made a doodle of Iril... chibi man, but the hair looks decent... and the face looks ticked ^^ And since he's the god of the Maze, I drew a very complex maze all over his robes... I dunno what he actually looks like, but I made a guess. Everybody in French class liked it... even the teacher liked it =P (Although I was told to get back on task <<) -Art class wasn't today... and I don't have a printer to get the pictures of Fish I need for it... I'll improvise however, or come up with some really good excuse... I hope the former more than the latter. -I actually got eery question right on my math shtuff after only reading it for a day, while everyone else who had been learning this for three weeks got at least two wrong =P -People here think that it's "cool" that I have puny hand writing, and that I write stories and doodle bloody battle scenes... works for me however ^^ Sooooooooooooooooooo I had a good day.
  10. Noxryn


    I dunno if I'll buy the vehicles... I might... and stuff. Oh and during health class I redid the entire prologue... I have seven or so pages I wrote after that awesome hour long walk we all took ^^
  11. In some senses yes, in others; no.


  12. Noxryn


    Meh, I tried those things, but I'm not hungwee... and doodling... I can't think of anything... x_x
  13. Noxryn


    I need ideas for my prolouge... I have half of an idea... but that's it... gah I'm stuck ><
  14. Orb... you banned me didn't you?

  15. They all want to talk to me.... other than that I be quiet... It's weird. And yes and COME ON AND OOH EEH OOH AH AAH TING TANG WALLA WALLA BING BANG =P
  16. Noxryn


    I got 546 headshots in one game cuz my sniper glitched and I had unlimited ammo, shot every man as he respawned... until a man snuck away and nailed me with a rocket... (this was CTF, and no one was going for the flag...)
  17. I need to -focus as hard as possible on school this year, didn't last year so much and messed up in some things, not too badly however, but I need to improve there. -Get working on DB SR1 again, progress was halted after I scrapped everything and I've been stuck in writer's block and I need to end that. -Buy Iron Angel the next time I am at a book store. -I really need to be more responsible for somethings, that will become number two priority just under school stuff. -Go to a Brickfair thing in the next two years... I hope more for this than need it. -Start off art and such and get better at it, tutorials and such have helped greatly, but I'm gonna need an actual teacher at some point in order to be good at it << -Plan further ahead... I don't plan. That needs to change. -Stick to a schedule. Life is crazy as is, and BZP along with other sites keep me busy... I need times to sort out my day outside of school. -Get a bedtime. I can't keep going to sleep so late, that'll just hurt my chances with anything. -Become more acquainted at school so I don't feel so nervous going there (I've only been there for one day, day two is tomorrow and geeze I am still so nervous ><) -Keep promises, and stick with what I do on the web as well in life. It hasn't been so easy, but I've manged in the past by some miracle. -Save money for bigger things in life rather than blow it all on my small hobbies. Books are exempt cuz they help a lot. -Be more careful about health and such... I've been slacking off lately and eating too many sugary foods for my own good. -Write some more in order to get ideas flowing. A few things I need to do/get done or the like.
  18. Noxryn

    Brickfair News

    Dang, and I need purple << Oh well, there's always getting customly colored pieces... Brickfair looks like fun, according to current things I may be there next year.... and I will be in on all the fun << Sounds like you're having a great time though Omi! =D
  19. AT RSD: Meh My approvals are just text saying "Approved by Spink" until I decide to go off and make one... And yes it was realleh kewl with missiles, nukes, explosions, bullets, moar missiles, plane going BOOM, following missiles blowing shtuff up, and a really weird girl who I can't say much on cuz it'd ruin the movie =P I liked the ending <3
  20. I saw Babylon A.D Tis pretty kewl.
  21. Noxryn

    Cij Meeting #1

    I am well your minion here I guess... I HAVE MORE MINIONS. therez.
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