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Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Noxryn

  1. Yeahz, eh nevermind... I don't think I'd murder in a certain situation... that's just a bit far for me... maybe fight... but not to the death of anyone. Although I'll write about people and characters getting killed and enjoy my time while I do it. *I enjoy trying to write sad stories, but I never know if I succeed or not*
  2. Well I finally got out of my previous temporary area of living, and am now in a new temporary place of living which is an apartment in Denver. The apartment was bigger than I expected, and everyone has an actual room here including a bathroom, kitchen, and living room. It's quite nice, oh and here we get the treat of a flat screen TV... something I've never had in any place I lived before ^^ Some downsides were that I couldn't haul my 360 here as it wouldn't fit in my luggage I brought on the plane, so rather I brought my lappy which is the only way I ever get on BZP... I hope to find those TFA figs I've looked for in two other states (Texas and Arkansas, who didn't have what I was looking for <<) and am now going to try one of the many Targets and/or Wal*Marts in the area. If I do not find what I am looking for, I'll probably be in the news for destroying a large section of the city =P -Back to school this Monday, of which I'm still a bit nervous for, but I'll get over it sooner or later... the fact that there's a bus doesn't really help -__-;; If the school itself has it, I intend on taking art classes, along with any classes I can to improve my art/writing skills, which need desperate improvement upon >< Not too much has happened... all I hope is that the people I end up having for classmates are fun, nice, and easy to work with... I may or may not get my wish, but hoping hasn't killed anybody (At least to my knowledge...) I am incredibly, incredibly excited for Brickcon... although I wish I was going to Brickfair cuz all the staffies and people here on BZP I would like to have a chance at meeting are going... and Makaru along with a whole bunch of others are going to have a party of awesomeness and epic fun... I hope one of them brings a camera and takes pictures of their awesome time... Although Brickcon is coming up as well, and while I'm in Seattle I may as well go visit some relatives who live in the area 'tis should be fun. *Is intending on wearing something with the name "SPINK" written on it in very big black bold letters*
  3. You be so incredibly mega ultra lucky. I cannot describe how lucky you are... it's puts the leprechauns to shame.

  4. Nevah mind... moment passed...

  5. Ah dangit...

  6. [hyperactive]yeahyeahyeahyeahyeahyeahyeah!?[/hyperactive]

  7. Noxryn


    I dissected a worm before... it didn't bleed that much at all o.O I've also done frogs... of course both were already dead when the dissection began.
  8. I got da caffene patch! =D

    I can stay awake for daaaaayyyyz without any side effects!

  9. The new idea for the story interetss me, although yours is equally as interesting. I would think that the mainland would be a more... prosperous and have that "Metru-Nui feel" to it *I don't know much about the Mainland, as I haven't been keeping up with late 07 and most of 08* The idea of switching universes had interested me and the one thing I hoped they wouldn't do would be mecha units *even though the Exo-Toa and Boxor were interesting sets*, and well they didn't. By the looks of things it would seem that perhaps it will go back to the "Mata-Nui primitive feel" that so many of the old fans *including me* miss. I didn't mind Metru-Nui either, the only thing that bothered me were the large "gun-like" projectile weapons, as well melee weaponry had been with Bionicle for too long to simply switch *coughKopakaneedshisshieldandswordbackcough* Either way, I look forward to what 2009 has to bring and simply can't wait for it to arrive. *even though I kinda wish they stuck with "matoran" as it sounds a bit better than "[leaked name removed]"[ Oh, didn't know that name was leaked as I found it in OG...
  10. Noxryn

    A Wan Smile

    Glad to hear that you are doing better, and we all love you too! Eat, sleep and be happy... and be excited for Brickfair =P
  11. I probably will, and there is nothing to fear in CoT... just stay away from things that you fear =P (I be a CoT dweller... who occasionally goes into other forums) I think it came out alright personally... but I can't be incredibly sure about that =P
  12. Where are you running to? I need to know if I should incinerate you or not =P
  13. Tale of Two Sisters - Comment on my latest work of writing pweeeeeeeaaazzze *preferrably in the topic...* I needz feedbackz
  14. Noxryn

    Brick Badge

    How big? Gigantuous big? Or just big? Or maybe even really big? Is it the size of your head? =P
  15. I at the moment am working on another SS which is featuring Anavrin and Vex ten years in the past. I dun care if you know who they are or not, things are explained in it. =P In other news; I'll be off to my second to final destination tomarrow and am hoping luggage doesn't get lost and bad things don't happen on the plane... that would well... be very bad. =\
  16. A STAP are those little speedi craft that Battle droids use in battle, there's a blue colored one which comes with the AT-TE, I don't know what it stands for, but they can be seen in the CW movie of which one gets you could say by being Hijacked by Anakin. They hover and all that jazz.
  17. I knowz that song =P It be a fun song to listen to when the apocalypse is going on *looks out window*
  18. Noxryn


    For me the score's considered to be good The place was pretty much deserted today except for afew groups of people who seemed to be having a very fun time. AT-TE has many kewl parts, I love those moveable gun turrets and I can work those into so many MoCs of my own...
  19. As for your RPG, it took a few weeks for my first to get approved by Toaraga... although the dead last one was approved in a few days


    As for your questionish thing in my profile, I'm not going to Denver, I'm moving there and I will be living there from now on =P

  20. Not going, moving to Denver. I'm gonna live there from now on =D


  22. Noxryn


    Well this morning I redid that dropship I made, which is made out of AT-TE parts. It is a small ship- probably about nine inches long and six inches at its widest point. I maight take a whole bunch of pieces and make a gigantic transport and then take a picture of it (Whenever it is that my camera decides to work <<) and then tear it apart to make that AT-TE which I haven't done... yet. Then I beat my sister in a game of chess she insisted on me playing... it was an interesting game more because I was playing with my little sister who tends to cheat from time to time. Then I skipped lunch and we all went out bowling due to the horrific weather of earlier. Unlike last time I scored a 109 in the second game, and a 97 in the third. I can't remember the first >< I really have nothing else to put into this entry... ah well.
  23. SpInk iS In uR PrOfiLe

  24. Noxryn


    That does happen, 'cept with me it was a discussion about "Death by book" turns out Mybotai wants to get crushed by a falling shelf of books, who knew? =P
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