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Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Noxryn

  1. Lucky you =P Omi makes the Black Mage thirty times coolier by dressing up as the Black Mage. =P
  2. Well...I would like to say today was not my day for a bowling game. I lost with a very pathetic score of 29 -__-; and the next game I bumped it up to 39 -__-;...that did not make me look good at these games... I finished Rogue Clone, and the third Ranger's Apprentice book, I'm now on The Clone Alliance (Last in the series) I loved the part so far when a gigantuan mercenary named "Ray Freeman" just left a military briefing to go to the bathroom, and never came back. Colonel Harris (Main character) made a bet with a Naval Intell Officer that they wouldn't find his mercenary partner. The next day the Naval Intell Officer was all ticked and handed over the 100$ owed. I found that quite funny. A Kewl part in the last book (Rouge Clone) was in a gigantic space battle with the Confederates, Mogats (MOrGAn ATkin) believers, and the Japanese group from Ezer Kri who had a planetary name change denied by the U.A Republic. The U.A had a ship called the Droctrinaire which was a monolithic ship as advanced as they come. Fleet Admiral Bryce Klyber was supposed to commandeer it-but he met an untimely death and the ship was handed over to Admiral Che Huang, and his Rear Admiral Thurston. Thurston kept the giant ship in one place and used it as a fortress when he should have been manuevering with it. What happened was that since the ship was pretty much unmoving, and only shooting, a kamikaze Mogat ship with a Nuke on the bow was able to broadcast (Turn into energy and shoot at speeds fast enough to cover millions of lightyears in a moment) right in the center of the monolithic battle ship, the result destroyed both ships and the nuke took care of the nearby fighters. U.A fell, but not fully. It was a kewl and fun to read space battle.
  3. Pssst Shaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrddd.

  4. Now it is the competition between RotT and TT, RotT is doing so well ;_;

  5. Noxryn

    Day Ovar

    That sums it up, a romance was built along the way, and more of a connection with the family, but other than that it was constant action and destruction. It was cool to watch, but really didn't have much of a story behind it.
  6. I like Geonosis moar than Kamino. I get more headshots there well, as the CIS I do... I haven't played Battlefront 2 in a loooooong time...I should sometime. ^^
  7. Lucky... when we sent in our car they broke a couple of sensors, that bolt that holds the wheel in place for the most part was shoved back and was the cause of the broken sensor, aaaaaaaaaaaaannnnd they broke off a stud-thing on the back of the car. We got it fixed for free though ^^ Shtill, service like that only comes once in a lifetime *unless they do the same thing again and again and again in which case you are the luckiest man I've met*
  8. I likez zeh Engineers, but sniperz are moar fun. =P
  9. Noxryn


    I love Chinese food ^^ I just never feel the urge to go make myself some cereal... or a sandwhich...or anything for that matter. Lunch here is "Make it yourself, or don't eat." breakfast is the same way unless we are having pancakes...after my last adventure with cooking pancakes, that day had an exception for the first rule. If you want to know, I was warming up one in the microwave...I put it in for two minutes because of my ignorance of how many times I pressed a button *It was supposed to be twenty seconds* and out comes a black, liquid leaking pancake which was supposed to be my sister's breakfast...she hated me for that... Aaaand that's why I am no longer allowed too make pancakes, or peas. *Again another incident involving me putting the entire can in and promptly forgetting that doing it that way is shtupid >< I had to buy the new microwave and can of peas....*
  10. Noxryn

    Day Ovar

    Moar like "OMG There. is. a. bomb!" I would be really tempted to write out a detailed plan for detonating a bomb in the lobby of theatre just because of all those looks, I wouldn't of course, that wouldn't be a good idea... I felt more offended by the employee looks though...it was that guy who cuts your tickets when you get in, I swear it looked like he was thinking "I know you have a bomb, but my car got stolen cuz I'm such a dork and I don't feel like leaving to survive the explosion. Whoopee do." I just looked like" "This sucks."
  11. *Gets shot* Alright with that out of the way I would like to begin this entry by saying that AAU, may be getting a slow update due to me writing up the full first chapter to the DBSR1 project I've been thinking out and writing about for years. Along with the fact that I wrote up Twisted Sorrow, and am in the middle of another which is still unfinished My SSs don't get that many replies now do they? =P *hinthint* *gets shot again* Besides for that I ran to Barnes 'n Noble, didn't have the book I was looking for and another I wanted was incredibly overpriced. *I'm not spending seventeen dollars on an eight dollar paperback book * I also just noticed that the windows are open... no wonder why I'm so dang cold... I haven't been doing anything much 'cept for go to a pool and do nothing there for three hours... The RPGs today seem to be moving at an extremely slow pace for some odd reason....and I got bored and needed to kill time so I typed up this entry thinking that someone may read the SS which is in my blog and leave a comment on it. *GG left a comment, but his dun count* All of a sudden I have the impulse to run around outside in circles for no apparent reason...that's a first. Oh! I forgot to mention that the school in Denver, well exact location I shtill dunno, but I'll say "Denver" as that's as specific as I feel like getting =P This school is going to be open for its first year and so *hopefully* I'm not going to be viewed as an "Outsider" like I was viewed in my last school, although two years of being around those people you get to be part of the loop within the first six months. ^^ Just because I feel like saying it I will, I didn't eat breakfast or lunch, nor had I had any snacks today... I haven't been eating much recently, I find that odd... Well dinner we were finishing up all of the leftover foods *Since I don't eat much there was a LOT of food leftover, my sister ate half of it....* I ate three hotdogs as it was the smallest and least filling thing there with, yes, baked beans...that tasted good, but I felt overfull afterwards and I HATE that feeling ugh..... Well now you know my basic diet, nothing, nothing, nothing inbetween, and then dinner. Yup that's about it for food and shtuff of that sort. This is most likely the end of this entry unless I can think of something to say ... ... >> << Nope 'nuffin 'cept a nice breeze just came through the window and promptly hit me in the face ^^
  12. I has a sister who got me G1 Starscream, but yeah Soundwave is kewl...but Starscream is da Kewliest =P
  13. Hi

    *comments* two in one! =O

  14. Noxryn

    Day Ovar

    My DS unit belongs to my sister now, don't ask a very long story... Well if I had brought a notepad I most likely would have created the entire outline for my epic along with as much of the Demonic Beginnings project I've been working on for a loooooooooong time. I got two kinds of looks while sitting there, the Suspicious looks which came from the employees mostly, and the other type of look I don't have words to describe...it was either the group of girls making fun of me, or their smiling and looks every now and then were something different. Either way, I was still bored. And now I know to bring some paper and a pencil with me the next time I go to a movie that starts before my sister's so that when I wait I can just doodle/write/make some sort of plan that is entirely fake and leave it lying around for people to discover and go "OMGOMGOMG!1!!"
  15. Noxryn

    Day Ovar

    It wasn't really good, the special effects were fun to watch, but it was just too fast paced and annoying in some parts. I wasn't the one who paid for it anyway so I'm good =P
  16. 'Ello again! *gets shot* Goodbye again! =D

  17. You should've known she'd try to attack me with 'em ^^', and that I would inevitably be hungry and eat them...

  18. *eats pancake in question*

  19. I saw The Mummy, I liked the special effects, but it was just too fast and quick paced, it wasn't that bad though. I got a new SS idea from it, and one of the previews ^^ Then I had to wait for my little sister and my dad to finish with their movie. Twenty minutes sitting in a lobby trying to entertain yourself for that long sux. I think some people thought I was plotting something 'cause they looked at me weeeeiiiirrrd and then I cursed myself for not bringing something to do. I ended up reading everything in the room....ugh.
  20. Ohhh...I had something else to bother him with ^^ more like the mamillion questions that I had pelted Makaru with...heheh...and I shtill have a mamillion moar.
  21. Omi used Heckboy so I copied him =P Speaking of which I need to go bother him...=P
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