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Everything posted by Noxryn

  1. Noxryn


    This one ain't BIONICLE, I'm halfway through... I made it a fan-fic on the Clone Republic series I luff that series <3 I wanna do something with mechas and such because Wrack showed me an awesome space battle clip...
  2. Noxryn

    A Quick Poll

    Yes! That means I can use my old Charrie who had grown on me! 8D
  3. Pohatu roundhouse kicked CN and he was looking >8(


    Therefore he is beatable.

  4. Nuffin...'cept I got a Muffin...and that rhymes O.o

  5. Noxryn

    A Quick Poll

    Are you guys doing the SPARTAN III thing from the last one? *I learned about it via Vak*
  6. No...but they should be... the two droids were my favorite characters- they said and did so many stupid things...
  7. Noxryn


    Buying a book cuz it looks interesting and two I'm just incredibly bored. -__-;; Anyway, I'm going to pick up Scar Night on the insistance of Disky who really loves that series along with Twilight which had been reccommended to me by so many people.
  8. I like the other Star Wars movies, but this was blech, I will always love the Droid Commander and Sergeant though, IMO they were the real stars of the movie.
  9. Noxryn

    Words To Kill By.

    You are one of usssss nao. Embrace the Dark Side and we have what the Jedi want so badly, but cannot afford it... Donuts on Mondayz yes Donuts. Join us and you get Donuts on Mondays, eeevery monday. >8D *Viciously attacks*
  10. Noxryn

    Words To Kill By.

    Schveeeeet, I will own all Jediz who get in meh way >8D
  11. Noxryn

    Words To Kill By.

    Clone Wars was Blech, it was too actiony and not enough character development in it, all it was is kill kill kill, nego-kill *Negotiate, half way through KILL* There's a certain someone who should've died in my opinion. I believe in a try, it's that thing you do when you are doing something, but only get so far and screw it all up. I deal in absolutes...does that make me a Sith? =P
  12. Noxryn


    There's something for me to IC about? Kewl, I'll go do that right nao and come back to thinking. QE: Nuffin' happened with my character yet...and I dun feel like ICing him yelling out a bunch of strange things and describe the scenery, I want character interaction...but I can't find anybody ;_;
  13. Noxryn


    Pirate Ninjas... I'd probly stick with the pirate part for Space Pirates who fly cool ships and like to makes things explode...but what should the plot of it all be rather than just *BOOM* "you're dead" One thing I wanna avoid is too much action and not enough character development *Looks at new Star Wars movie which had too much action and not enough charrie development*...*thinks*
  14. I'm really in the mood to write something...something futury and full of explosions and flying things...but what would it be about...I'm drawing a blank -__-;
  15. Yeah, that's what it was. The things some of the Droids said made me chuckle a bit- I love it when the droids do and say stupid things. All it was is fight... fight with a negotiation scene lasting a few seconds...fight...negotiation which turns into a fight...I was actually hoping that the little Padawan would get killed, I was really hoping for that. What also would have made it better is if Anakin was shown to get much more attached than he was with her, and then kill her off to fuel Anakin's blinding rage towards Dooku. Sadly that didn't happen, oh well.
  16. Today I went to see that new animated Star Wars movie upon the insistance of my sister. It was just one battle after another, the droid commander and the droid sergeant are my two favorite characters. <3 » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « "I can't see them."- Sergeant *Peers over the edge, slips and falls yelling* "Get back here Sergeant!"- Commander Droid Commanders and Droid Sergeants are so kewl. Everything else was okay, not really my favorite... » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «they protrayed Rex as a poor minded person by that mind trick Well, it had its humor in it here and there, but overall I don't think too grandly of it.
  17. *Picks up an Arnold clone and throws that instead* Put him in T4 and you have a *gasp* IMPOSTER!

  18. Noxryn

    New Look

    Indeed... I have seen that movie so many millions of times it just never gets old. ^^
  19. Noxryn

    Just Joshin

    This particular Josh just doesn't care about that saying. If at all this Josh here which is typing likes to confuse people by using it excessively in a group of three or more Joshes *I know a total of five more other than me* It is so much fun ^^
  20. Noxryn


    I can't say I quite think that much, nor do I think about the concept of thinking and what it does to me. It ain't easy to make me depressed, or incredibly sad through thinking-well maybe there's one thing that would do it, but my mind unconsciously never thinks about that. Whenever I sit around thinking it's normally a Fantasy thing, or some weird philosophy I make up and forget about a few minutes later. I tend to think of the latter late at night- on a stroll in the night, and it's dead quiet with nobody bothering me- unless the person is talking to me about the concepts and definitons of space and what could actually happen in our future. That only happens when I'm talking to an intelligent person who happens to be walking with me. When I'm alone I may hold a small conversation with myself while in deep thought-it's what I do shoot me for it. I like to look at the sky with all of its pretty stars and the moon to act as eye candy while I think and speak to myself in hushed tones. I've come up with thousands of fantasy ideas that way, and millions of things about space and reality- be it complete speculation and only makes sense to me. I've also created a few philosphical (sp?) ideas as well while thinking. -Thought and thinking is my favorite thing, I can do and think whatever I want in my thoughts even if it doesn't make sense to others. I have fun doing it as well. I've never been on either side of the spectrum, I may understand something after a while of thinking, but it never makes me especially happy, or make my day. Same goes with getting depressed (It takes quite a bit to make me depressed, I have only been depressed...perhaps twice in my life and for logical means) Anyway I like thinking and I think of it more as a great gift, so far through my so far relatively short life I've never been hurt by it, nor have I been made incredibly happy by it. It kills boredom and is as interesting as reading a great book to me. This turned out a lot longer than I expected...o_O
  21. Wow, those minifigs resemble the character quite well. I was quite impressed by how good the resemblance was. Great Job, great Job indeed. ^^
  22. *Throws Arnold at GG* I got moar where he came from >8D

  23. Noxryn

    New Look

    Cuz he's a bumbling moron who thought I had a good one. =P STOP INSULTING ME! -Lord Helmet who is considering to blast Spink ...
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