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Blog Entries posted by Noxryn

  1. Noxryn
    All today I felt unmotivated, and felt just sick in general. My ear pain went away last night, but then I got a stomach ache, and a sore throat that lasted most of the day ><
    And I'm not gonna post a new chapter to my epic today or tonight, just feel too "bleh", especially after the five hours of homework ><
  2. Noxryn
    This is why I like early birthday presents. And since there's nothing else I want at this point, I decided to use it to get a PS3 and some games. Cuz other than that, I'm happy with what I currently have.
    But that's still a lot of money .-.
  3. Noxryn
    I wrote 18 decent Short Stories on this site in the course of three years. That is obviously not enough, and I may look into writing some more COT works since my list with those is ten less than that of the Bionicle SSs...
    If anyone has an idea for a fun plot tell me XP
  4. Noxryn
    Finished three out of seven finals today. Got home 12:30, tried out ODST and got bored from that game -- though, I find Ghosts of Onyx to be an interesting book, despite the common spelling errors I've been noticing in the book itself. But regardless, I find military sci-fi interesting.
    But for the Finals themselves, I found them very easy.
  5. Noxryn
    Well this morning I redid that dropship I made, which is made out of AT-TE parts. It is a small ship- probably about nine inches long and six inches at its widest point.
    I maight take a whole bunch of pieces and make a gigantic transport and then take a picture of it (Whenever it is that my camera decides to work <<) and then tear it apart to make that AT-TE which I haven't done... yet.
    Then I beat my sister in a game of chess she insisted on me playing... it was an interesting game more because I was playing with my little sister who tends to cheat from time to time.
    Then I skipped lunch and we all went out bowling due to the horrific weather of earlier. Unlike last time I scored a 109 in the second game, and a 97 in the third. I can't remember the first ><
    I really have nothing else to put into this entry... ah well.
  6. Noxryn
    I saw it, and it was what I expected of it. The plot was a bit dull, though it had its own moments at times. I found the ending to be somewhat cheesy, but I'm not gonna give away what happened during the ending, considering the fact that the movie has only been out for a week now. The characters were at least characters as in, they all had their own unique personality and appearance.
    I loved the machines though. Each and every one of them. <3
    Normally, I might've posted more, but I just don't want to spoil something by mistake.
  7. Noxryn
    I don't know if this show is still on the air, I didn't look into that. But from the handful of episodes of it that I've watched, it just makes me want to hug some of the people in the show.
    From what I gather, the show's basically a social experiment. They hire actors to play out scenes, in public locations, that generally have a victim and an aggressor -- real life scenarios. Things that actually happen. The point is to see how other people react to it; do the people (who have no knowledge of the fact it's a television show) intervene, to help the victim, or do they side with the aggressors, or just stay quiet? In the episodes I've watched, it's primarily the last, with a small handful actually helping out -- it's the people who help out who I just want to hug.
    IMO, it's a pretty neat series and I'd recommend it to about anyone.
  8. Noxryn
    Technically speaking, everyone of the class (over Fall Break) had been assigned to read a book written by Patricia Cornwell. Reason being, her novels are about law enforcement cases and by reading the novel we could come to an understanding of how these things, sometimes, go down -- the hours worked, the toll it takes on the investigators/forensic scientists, analysts, and medical examiners and so on and so forth. I, technically, chose to read Scarpetta.
    I never did.
    The synopsis of the novel I found was incredibly short, five lines or so, and I couldn't find much online information (I was using shortcuts because I procrastinated to the point where I wasn't going to read it, as I had found a more enticing novel to stick inside my brain). I wrote an 11 page report on this novel without so much as turning a page and working off what I gleaned from a very basic, short synopsis I found online.
    The end result?
    My rough draft (the one before we write the final draft) received a 400/400 and now I do not even have to do the final draft as, according to my instructor, there's very little to improve upon. To be fair, the basic idea behind the assignment was to be able to compare and contrast what is real and what is not, along with understanding how the characters behaved and why certain things happened. Personally, I have this record of receiving grades such as this for work I hardly put effort into, at least with essays, and I've even received an award from my school for one (I know, right?). Anyway, I'm not advocating this type of work ethic, but rather just gloating that my screw up turned into a success.
    Part of me wanted to read the novel for reading's sake, but I just can't get into that genre. I find it, largely, depressing and sometimes painful to read through, and it just doesn't entice me as much as other novels do. Problem was, I found a novel that fit my niche tastes and that overtook my reading time (until I had to read 104 pages of 1984 in one day...).
    But man, it feels like this year is going by so quickly. It's almost the second semester for my school, all of my notebooks are about to need replacing, I've already read two books for AP Lang and have done more than 10 case studies for AP Psychology, along with plenty of experiments. Maybe it feels like this because I joined a club? (Something I've never done before). Gives me something to look forwards to every week, and everyone there is really kind and fairly inclusive, plus my favorite art teacher (he let me experiment a lot when I was in his class, with ideas and stuff) lends us art supplies on occasion. I'm a bit saddened by how the posters are defaced and torn down, it's really disrespectful and incredibly rude towards those who spent their time to make the posters in the first place. (For reference, we've had five big posters -- one for each wing -- and only one remains, because I super-taped it to the wall after someone tore it down. We've had twenty fliers taped up as well, which were quite clearly torn down). I just wish there weren't people like that at my school, but there's nothing anyone can really do about it besides ignore and just fix things up.
    I suppose I just wish my fellow high schoolers were a bit more mature and grown up, rather than behaving like a gang of ten year olds.
    However, we (of the club) designed a new poster that will likely be laminated and hung up where a security camera can watch it, so if someone were to tear it down, we can figure out who it is and hand them over to the administration (this case falling under destruction of school property). It's a pretty poster though, an incredibly colorful puzzle put upon a white piece of cardboard, with all sorts of designs around it of every color they had in the art supply room. I just have a picture of the puzzle portion, but it's a pretty large file so I won't put it up in here.
  9. Noxryn
    I drew this spider thingy in the middle of Biology class and to me it looked pretty neat. This little unnamed creation is probably the best doodle I made all year, which is a good thing =P
    Just thought to share that with everyone.
  10. Noxryn
    More of a doodle, though the shading and stuff took a while. The black coat-part doesn't look that good, because the pencil I was using doesn't color even. (And I know the cravat/hands suck). It was how I killed an hour in class, when I had nothing to do.
    I couldn't fit the entire drawing into a picture, but the duster he's wearing basically trails off and has a bunch of blank eyes in it.
    It's not very good, but eh, I was bored.

  11. Noxryn
    It had been a cold night, snow on the ground and frost in the window. Instead of basking in the freezing embrace of the great outdoors, I instead chose to read things on the internet, in many cases, I found a bitter taste in my mouth. All too often I read as people complained about how unsuccessful they are in life, by comparing success to money, to fame, to glory and to all sorts of materialistic wishes and wants. People would harp on those who spent time to become successful in their own lives, such as Stephen King, Dean Koontz, James Cameron and a multitude of other individuals. So, quietly I pondered: what is success, how is it measured?
    I went to sleep with that puzzling question, wrapped under layers of warm blankets to assist my busy mind into a delicate slumber.
    Dreams have puzzled humans through the ages, some claimed them to be prophetic in nature, others believed that they were the wishes and wants of the subconscious, still others believed that dreams existed to help us think over problems in new ways, and others still believed dreams to be simulations as to prepare the human for life. I subscribe to no particular belief of what a dream is, for such a thing is too subjective and malleable to be categorized as such, but part of me leans to the idea that they can assist with problems, or perhaps simply show us what we may not have noticed before.
    And so before me, within this dream, a great hallway extended forth. A grand structure of gothic design, torches attached to the walls lighting the way, with the occasional stained glass window darkened with the nighttime sky. The faint smell of roses filled my nostrils as I steadily walked, feet falling softly upon a crimson carpet with gilded gold edges. The aroma was intoxicating, and I felt myself drawn towards the stately wooden door that rested at the end of the impossibly long hallway, beckoning.
    I place a hand upon the cold wood and push, the creaky door opening merely a crack before my senses were lambasted with more of that intoxicating scent. As I regain my composure I notice a young man who stood at the center of the circular room, leaning over a pensive. Wings as black as the moonless sky graced his lithe, yet powerful back and his flesh appeared a light purple. The clothing he wore appeared strange, something an Egyptian Pharoh may appear in, though upon this man it was made of leather, the covering around his waist reaching to the floor, and a single leather pauldron lashed to his shoulder, adorned with gold. Quietly he just turned his head to look at me, his eyes a deep emerald hue, and hair charmingly messy and as black as his wings. As a smile graced his lips, I could see the inklings of fangs, pearly white, as they were.
    Slowly he pulled himself to his full height, likely around six foot five, and stepped over to me. Lightly he placed his hands on my shoulders, fingers tipped with sharp ebony nails, and quietly spoke,
    "The most successful person, is he who dies with a genuine smile upon his lips."
  12. Noxryn
    First, I got these pesky bands on my molars off, since they were useless and full of pain, which is now awesome cuz I have normal teeth. My last dentist said I had a cavity, this dentist says my teeth are perfect.
    Oh, and a hungry Spink in a waiting room for 3 hours = Angry Spink. I just learned that today.
    Soooo, my goal is actually a few things in one. I call it the "Creativity Goal" and that means that I need to draw something that actually looks good, which will be taking a lot of time and plenty of effort, and after that I need to construct an Epic that I will actually have a heart to write, rather than putting it off. Shouldn't be too hard, in comparison of other stuff. And I also need to finish my MoC...
    I'm stuck at the arms though, and it sux. If I can make it look good and stuff, then I might take pics and put it on BZP just cuz it'd be new. I also need Photoshop so I can teach it to myself. And yeah, that's about it.
  13. Noxryn
    For members who type up TBRPGs, or Stories of any sort I would like you guys to keep this in mind.
    When you type it up and such, I highly suggest not using the "Reply" box on BZP, I would highly suggest using a Word Processor, or perhaps Notepad even. If you own neither, you can pick it up in a software disc (I do not know where to get it, if you can, off the internet) and download it. If you don't want to spend the money, then go over what you wrote with a Spell and a Grammar check and shortly after that go over it with your own eyes.
    Once it is in good grammar and spelling, and all that magic jazz, you can post it and have that feeling that people will understand the story/RPG. Several common errors I see involve spelling and the "Your for You're" and the "You're for your" i.e;
    "I see that your happy."
    "I hope you're mother is okay."
    Common mistakes like that are what can drive me up a wall at times. I read "You're" as "You are" versus pronouncing it as "Your" so I have to reread sentences that switch the two.
    Why you should have Good Spelling/Grammar
    - It will make you easier to understand, and that is what you want correct?
    - Members will be enticed to read the story you posted or join the RPG you made.
    - People prefer the ability to understand someone rather than read what one had to say and go "lolwut."
    - It's a great habit to get into, and your language teacher would be proud.
    Those are only some reasons out of a lot as to why, but using good grammar and good spelling is a very good idea in the end. Just keep that in mind when you're submitting an RPG request, or posting a SS.
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