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Blog Entries posted by Noxryn

  1. Noxryn
    Kinda bored so I'm choosing to write an entry (though none of you read it anyway so this is purely for my pleasure, ;D)
    SO, okay, here's a short list of some online games I'm taking part in along with some info on characters and junk within them... mostly for my own reference and organization, but hey, if you play one of these games and want to friend me or something, feel free! I don't bite. I promise.

    Guild Wars 2:

    I play... too many characters and have used too much money on gems (okay, maybe sixty dollars over my year+ish of playing, so not too bad)... but, I have:
    - Leliel Thorgeirkin (Norn female warrior, I seriously can't play norn males... those shoulders... man, those shoulders. Although, people have made some amazing ones... I just... don't identify with hyper-masculine men, lol). She's also basically my like, super-independent-I-can-take-down-giants-on-my-own lady person because, like, it's fun to punch sexist characters in the face and break their jaws (with permission, but hey, it feels good).
    - Kitvael (Might name change him, since he's my sylvari mesmer and could possibly go Nightmare Court RPly... because, they're cool even if they're somewhat like angsty teens... but I mean, who could deny the name Kit the Dreamflayer?). He is the pinkest sylvari alive. With a glowing purple focus. With a rapier. With faerie wings. And a dress. Because... he's amazing and beautiful and butterflies everywhere.
    - Cein Ravenhart (Male sylvari, green and a necromancer who I use in WvW usually... namely in zerg fights because I use staff and three wells [Yes, all my utility skills are ground targeted large AoE's that I use to help and slowly kill people who stand in the fire]). I haven't really RPed with him, so his personality is up in the air.
    - Kastis Nightrose (Male sylvari guardian, super purple, was supposed to be Nightmare originally... but who knows anymore).
    - Vincent Escalier ( Elementalist: He's basically the best human I made, looks-wise, and like... he so pretty, omg)
    I have other characters, but these ones are the highest levels (all 80, aside from Leliel who is at 68... though I've been cheating and using the Tomes of Knowledge you can get in structured PvP games for her... because, let's face it, as a mesmer or a warrior... PvP is so easy and deliciously fun).

    League of Legends

    Total and utter newbie. But I've been playing with Morgana (Solo-Mid generally, but like, I do suck so... yeah, eh, whatevs). I've also been using Ashe a lot as she's free (same with Morgana this week), and I've been using Master Yi a little bit because slashing things. Like I said, I'm terrible and my friends totally carry me in this game (but they get to watch me die, so they ultimately win <3). Never solo-queued for anything because... well, hesitant since I hear so many things about the community at large and I know very little of the game itself (I play for fun, not really to win... honestly).

    Final Fantasy XIV

    I love this game, even if it has a number of flaws. I currently play:
    R'yndae Tia (Sun seeker miqo'te male, right now he's been leveling PLD because I wanted to try tanking and, so far, I find it pretty fun... much more fun and engaging than being a damage dealer).
    Kit Azrael (Essentially my main character, also miqo'te male [moon keeper] and I heal, generally, on him and... like with tanking, I find healing a more engaging and fun aspect of the game... currently I haven't been leveling with him so much since I level him with a friend).
    I'm not in a FC in FFXIV as of now, due to some disagreements with the leadership (Like, the overall community leadership of the FC, all of whom are focused in a different game for the most part). I'll likely end up part of a LGBTQA+ Friendly guild, and possibly some RPing LS's pending how well and comfortable I feel to do so.


  2. Noxryn
    i want to write the undercover masquerade scene
    but to get there i need to write the other five billion scenes orz
    (and my laptop is messed up and i hate typing in my room because it's so secluded from the world... and zenwriter doesn't exist for surface tablets)
    and also cuz i wanna stick cein in a ball gown he'd be adorbs.
    (though i kinda like how it's starting the whole chain of events beginning with an injured human-appearing dragon floundering into cein's place of work b/c when that happens you know life just got interesting)
  3. Noxryn
    ever since the new lightning returns trailer just <3 (idc if he's a bit of a blockhead at least in the first game since i never beat 13-2)
    *this voice actor has also acted a good chunk of characters i had crushes on what's up with this (like seriously)
  4. Noxryn
    needs to be able to use shortbows so i can have the bow that shoots rainbow pony unicorns that neigh
    i want so bad so bad so bad so bad so bad so baaaaad
  5. Noxryn
    i mean listen to this it's like love ( i purposefully kited a boss around in my personal story just to listen to the music >.> )

    everything in the vid's from the game too :B

  6. Noxryn
    So in two days (Sunday) I'll be on a plane headed for Rome, Italy, even though I have to catch a second one in Detroit (boo).
    It's just me going, on my own, which is actually pretty exciting -- I'll be able to do things on my own schedule, go where I want to go, do what I want to do. (And spend as much time as I'd like doing those things, my family's usually very "rush rush" when touring and I'm not).
    Although I ordered new clothes (mostly for school, and since I sort of do need a lot of replacements for shirts...) which should be here tomorrow, so hopefully those come in on time. (I got a purple one I really liked, and one with a cute heart design on it I thought looked really neat).
    I'm also getting so many miles on that Delta program thing. So many.
    (This is also why I'm not going to BrickFair this year)
  7. Noxryn
    I spent some time in the game today, and then spent an hour making a design for a dress. :>
    I like how it came out, even though I wish I had the skill to have done more with it. (I'll likely take a screenshot of it once i figure out how to do that)
    But it's all red with some white and pink and a heart on the chest (because i like hearts and so can you)
  8. Noxryn
    Like I mentioned previously, I was lucky enough to participate in the FFXIV: A Realm Reborn's Closed Beta Test Phase 3 (Ongoing) last weekened. The NDA has been lifted for Phase 3 to allow tester to post screenshots, albeit with all the trademarks attached to them and without too much alteration (I left them as-is, so they are big images).
    In these photos I was playing a Conjurer (Caster, Healer) as a miqo'te male on the Gilgamesh server. To give some context to this screenshot, there was an issue with one of the main story quest instances in that it only allowed one person at a time to go inside, as a result, people created a line to do it one at a time (instead of bum rushing it). The line was fun to stand in, actually, and a lot of conversation was had;

    Screenshot I, Cein Admiring the Line

    I got through the line in an hour or two, but this issue ought to be fixed by the time the next weekend comes over. (And is the entire point for these Betas). My PC isn't the highest end one, which is why some of the outlines look like they need smoothing, but this is only the game running at High settings with grass options turned off. (And the graphics, I hear, were tuned down slightly for this test).
    Also, I really liked how Cein came out (He's going to be a Lancer -> Dragoon on release :3) so I took a shot of him in his normal idle stance. (I do wish we could type in emotes while the UI is turned off for screenshot purposes, but alas)

    Screenshot II, Chillin' Relaxin' All Cool

    I'm really happy with how his eyes came out (You can change the eye colors individually, so one eye can be X color and the other Y color -- and they show up, pretty vibrantly!). Highlights were fun to play with in the hair options, and I may change his highlights around some. (A player made an awesome miqo'te male, looked more like he was related to a wolf than a cat, lol).
    And I wanted to showcase the sit emote, and this was in the wee hours of 3AM as the beta test was coming to a close that Sunday morning.

    Screenshot III, The End is Near

    Last one was taken by a small fountain in one of the lower level towns within the Black Shroud (Northern Shroud, if I remember right). The giant crystal (as seen above) is used for fast traveling to place already visited (and that had crystals one could attune to), though I took a Chocobo from Central Shroud to New Gridania more often than not. (Chocobos are <3)

    Screenshot IV, No Dumb Title

    I did take some of my lancer, but his armor was a lot more on the revealing side (T is what I'd rate it, really), so I won't post him here. It made me giggle a lot though, because I'm just an immature little boy at heart.
    Still insanely excited for this game :>
  9. Noxryn
    so i was having kind of a bad day and a friend noticed and got me Defiance, since i'd been talking about the show and stuff and wanted to try the game (*reminds me i need to do something to make up for the sixty bucks he spent on me).
    but it's a fun game in my opinion. like, yeah there's a lot of doing the same thing (although, for the life of me, i can't think of a MMO/standard shooter game that isn't repetitive), but some of the bossfights have been pretty fun and the stories are neat to follow along with.
    i do wish there was a better chat system in the game, though i do have it for PS3 so typing quickly sorta is out of the question (i think there's supposed to be a voice thing?), but if there was an easier way to communicate with other players i think the game would jump a number of points in the fun direction.
    but yeah, it's fun :>
    (although it tempts me to try Rift again, but i always end up quitting that game so i'm gonna resist temptation)
  10. Noxryn
    Wooo, Cayne (my avatar) and Chrom reached support level S. They so cute together. (Even if I still wish we could do same-sex romancing...).
    I'm only on chapter six, too lol. (And keep trying to fight this champion-to-recruit who has level five Outrealm units who... are not... cannot be... level... 5...)
  11. Noxryn
    I felt surprised I got things this year, namely because I really didn't provide a list as there really wasn't much I wanted. But anyway, I did end up getting:
    - Dishonored
    - ACIII
    - Emilie Autumn's Opheliac Album :3
    - The soundtrack to Repo: The Genetic Opera (Met the guy who plays the surgeon in the movie~)
    I really like the album though, I've been meaning to get some of her music for a long while now. (I do want to pick up Fight Like a Girl soon...). Have yet to try the games, been more into Guild Wars 2 and Zelda, plus Kid Icarus.
    Otherwise, we all went to see The Hobbit earlier today and man, I loved that movie.
    Oh and visited family, met some cousins I haven't seen since I was like 8. (And, of course, I'm the tallest family member *at this gathering* and yet the youngest of my cousins <.<;;; [for perspective, they are parents with like 5+ year olds])
  12. Noxryn
    After watching some cutscenes, especially the End of an Era cutscene, I really want to play Final Fantasy XIV when it's re-released as FFXIV: A Realm Reborn.
    And I really, really hope there's a soundtrack for this game... and that the song in the End of an Era cutscene is in there.
  13. Noxryn
    'Cuz I thought this was worth a blog.
    So I finished all the gyms now *started playing on Thursday :B* and my party is around 50 ~ 55.
    The entire time I was playing with a friend, we started a bit at the same time *he slightly before me* and he's further than I am, but still.
    Like, he would spend hours looking for certain pokemon (like Riolu and Ditto) and I'd encounter them in one or two tries. Latest one was Ditto, he spent forever looking for one and when I finally got up to the area *he still Ditto-less* I went out, caught one, named it for him and am gonna give it to him as a virtual present xP
    But anyway, finished the first encounter with the Plasma Frigate and now gotta do other things to get to other story points.
    *party is:
    Shiki (Jolteon) at 54
    Poseidon (Dewott's evolved form) at 53
    Mio (Lucario) at 55
    Rowlie (Arcanine) at 51
    Rofocale (Verizion) at 45 (this one's gonna be swapped out for probably Metang, which I named Metta)
    Beezle (Banette) at 50
    Now I need my Ditto so I can have all the Eevees.
  14. Noxryn
    I feel absolutely amazing right now.
    In fact, I had been ever since I went to sleep... I actually had a hard time falling asleep. But I got to sleep in today, because our AP Lit class went to see the play Fences instead of classes (so I slept until 9:30). But even through all of that, I just feel amazing today.
    Let's see how long this lasts.
    Because if the one thing happens that could make me feel even more amazing, then this September would have been my absolute favorite month ever.
  15. Noxryn
    So school started today, although it started yesterday for every other grade. Anyway, my school's doing this weird thing where we have three classes (well I do, most people have four) per day, but whatever.
    So far I like my classes, although I may drop Criminal Justice this year -- I'm not really liking the new teacher (The old one was far more fun, engaging and interesting... and he treated us with some semblance of respect, this one treats us like a bunch of 1st graders) plus the school kinda screwed some of us over as, without telling anyone, they decided that this year it wouldn't be a concurrent enrollment with the college, so it's worth no college credits (last year it was worth three) [we learned of this in class].
    But, anyway, things went smoothly. Even if half my government class didn't show up because they mixed up their schedules.
    Tomorrow I get to experience college algebra. Woo.
    /bored so wrote an entry.
  16. Noxryn
    - Get hair to cooperate for once in its miserable life (hopefully for all of BFair, but it'll prolly look dumb for another year) </3
    - Do the "luxury" packing (backpack full of stuff, like my camera, tablet, a few books maybe, my notebook, possibly my 3DS and -maybe- a small MoC or something)
    - Get all of my music back on my iPod (it was acting up so did a restore... on the wrong computer -__- ) and maybe add some more... maybe.
    ((Stop screwing up the song I'm lip syncing to << >>))
    - Necessity packing! (Y'know, clothes, stuff that makes people smell nicer than a dumpster [like mint and/or strawberry~], and other such things
    After that it's all to hope I keep to schedule (I fly out Thursday, so like, I still have two full days to do all that in... oh and play KH Re: CoM... and maybe some Amnesia...) and that I'm easy-enough to find at the airport @.@
    But that reminds me, I need to leave some "I'm gonna be gone" messages in places... oh and tell some people, though I think I told everyone who needs to know I'll be gone *so I'm not asked to do something last minute/end up looking rude by not responding to IMs/Posts in some places*
    I'm more hoping I won't be too stricken with anxiety... my psychiatrist gave me medication for it, but Iunno if that's really necessary *not bringing it <<*
  17. Noxryn
    Okay so I keep losing my blog, right? Yeah, that happens to me, but the add entry bar on that side place is so nice for moments like those.
    I just wanted to say I wuv my kelari in Rift :3 *'cuzhe'sadorable*
    And also
    I'm a dork and my brain convinced me "You're getting GW2" although I sorta came to that conclusion forever ago, back when I was all "okay, I'm going to do this Hall of Monuments stuff" and then promptly didn't do it (Well, the vast majority of it~)
    So, Imma make a Sylvari, 'cuz they just look :3
    And yay Brickfair and stuff coming up is all exciting
    'cuz since I'm 17 I get to go alooone~
    *And my mother is a worry wort so she's giving me an overabundance of money for the trip @.@*
    So maybe I'll have a MOC, Iunno yet. If I do, I'll sneak it onto the table 'cuz I'm too last minute for all the fancy stuff. If I do, it'll prolly be something small and mangled.
    Also, insomnia
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