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Blog Entries posted by Noxryn

  1. Noxryn
    So I realized that when I'm tired, but in a rather uplifty mood, I tend to be more wordy and use more words than I normally would when perfectly awake and not running on the aftermath of an energy drink. The bad side of that is the fact that sometimes, I don't think I'm fully understandable when I talk for so long and in many paragraphs when I'm tired (Because, well, I'm tired and running off of something that makes you all jittery and whatnot XP). Well, it can also be a good thing, I mean, it does help me say more of what I mean to say without getting all worried about "Oh please don't kill me after I post this ._.;;;," mainly because my mind is in a state where it's able to produce a detailed opinion about something, and decide that I'm not... well, I'm restating what I already said, aren't I? Oh well, it happens. But yeah, today's been a full day, anyway... well almost full, still getting over being sick from the week, but that's about it.
    And this just sapped whatever mystical energy I had. o.O
    - Congratulations again to everyone promoted!
  2. Noxryn
    Yesterday, in the wee morning hours which is basically before dawn, I developed this mind-paining headache. It hurt a bunch at first, but through the day it faded out and away (almost like magic!), but it got far worse when I was at home -- which kept me from really doing anything, other than talking to some people over IM (I couldn't think well enough to write, but I did do my homework... maybe, I could fix it up and make it nicer... but yeah). This morning I woke up with a nasty throat and cough, achy all over and just dead tired... I woke up around eight-thirty AM or so and went on BZP/ME2 (Not much else to do... really. Everyone's at school, I don't really feel the greatest to go out and about walking... so yeah) All I did on BZP was wait and just read over some stuff, I posted a bit in the morning because I was thinking, but now... two hours back I fell asleep and now I can't really think for the life of me.
    Basically, it's been a boring, bed-ridden day =/
    But hey, now I have an extra day extension on all projects and homework! XP
  3. Noxryn
    I really need to edit those three links in that RPG-filled content block. The first no longer leads to the Approval Topic, cuz the one it links to doesn't exist... and the link leads right to one of my short stories. The second link links to someone's art topic, oddly enough, but that's also because of the deletion of the topic that it once linked to. And the third, the third still links to the Guidelines, but to Toaraga's Guidelines which I didn't think were still floating around XP
  4. Noxryn
    Should I write? What would I write... what is there to write? Maybe write about the Holidays? ... Maybe... how about writing up those projects of mine? Eh... doesn't feel special. I need to write something I haven't done in a while...
    Something like psychotic biomechanical people who do stuff.
    What stuff?
    I dunno.
    Oh, and I won't be on Meebo (AIM/MSN) today. Feeling a bit to out of it for any kind of actual conversationalizing (As can be noted from the fact that I just made up that word) And also cuz I think my comp might blow up soon. *Means it's going to turn off in a few seconds*
  5. Noxryn
    Had lots of food, from;
    - Sweet potato casserole (Which is amazingly awesome)
    - Rolls (Made from a tin, but still tasty.)
    - Turkey (We had to hack it apart, cuz none of us know how to properly carve a turkey.)
    - Stuffing (Not the gizzards, cuz using the gizzards in stuffing is eww, rather we meshed stuff like bread, apple cider and the like together)
    - Apple Cider (<3)
    - There was soda, but I didn't drink any of it.
    - We had this broccoli stuff (Didn't care for it that much)
    - Normal mashed potatoes (Didn't eat any XP)
    - Pecan pie
    - Pumpkin pie
    - Pumpkin bread
    - Ice cream
    But now, what I am I thankful for? I'd say for being alive to experience everything that there is to be thankful for.
  6. Noxryn
    Reading the whole thing, rather than a segment, is always the best thing to do.
    Otherwise, I at least, end up doing something stupid due to not having all the details. And then it becomes embarrassing.
  7. Noxryn
    No, it's not chibi-Sebastian, at least, not yet. I wanna see if I can do some pencil/paper editing before I decide to take a pic of it.
    However, it's creative, magic and... it needs to be read, so please read it please ;-;
  8. Noxryn
    So, I caclulated up how much sending in my current 360 will cost, roughly $150 with shipping and all of that. So rather, I decided that just giving Gamestop my non-working one and getting a thirty dollar discount on a used one is better and cheaper, making the system $100 to "Repair" other than the $150.
    And, if I trade in my COD4 game, and my Halo 3 game, I can get Modern Warefare 2 for twenty bucks. Which is a nice deal, cuz Halo 3 got really boring [Plus I can rent it and borrow it from people I know... the latter for months at a time] and I never will play COD4, again.
    So yeah, I can get my Xbox "fixed" and I can get Modern Warefare 2 for a total of $120 altogether, versus the $210 if I got the current 360 repaired, and bought the full priced game. [$170 otherwise].
    So, I'm happy. ^^
  9. Noxryn
    I have my Halloween costume, need to staple/pin/tear something on it cuz it works extremely well for part of the "mask" thing I have.
    All I need now are black/really dark colored shoes. ^^
  10. Noxryn
    To write something I've had in mind for a while, but being hungry, tired, and really drained of energy isn't helping... at all.
  11. Noxryn
    I hate Writer's Block, with all the tests, all the pet-based drama, and all the mind-numbing hours stabbed into a videogame, I can't think of how to update my epic. I've been mentally stuck for like... three weeks, almost... ugh. The worst part is that I can't find my outline, which means I don't even get a mental boost in what I'm supposed to do ><
    -- However, I've made too much progress in Platinum ever since I got it... like... back in September, late September...
  12. Noxryn
    All today I felt unmotivated, and felt just sick in general. My ear pain went away last night, but then I got a stomach ache, and a sore throat that lasted most of the day ><
    And I'm not gonna post a new chapter to my epic today or tonight, just feel too "bleh", especially after the five hours of homework ><
  13. Noxryn
    I found a subject I felt comfortable talking about for English, and I was able to put it into the speech format within... almost half an hour.
    It's so nice to have that checked off my small list of things to do.
    It'd be awesome if I got to not speak. I didn't need to speak for that timeline thing... in fact... the English teacher said that I didn't even need to do the assignment when I got back to school the next day.
  14. Noxryn
    School was different today, which was mainly due to the odd schedule of classes. So, rather than fifty minutes of every class [some fifty-five minutes], all classes were 45 minutes, and PE was 30 minutes [As it was the last period]. Some periods were also mixed around and such, so, rather than the day being set up like;
    -World Geography
    -French II
    -Graphic Design
    -Team Sports
    It was set up like;
    -World Geography
    -French II
    -Graphic Design
    -Team Sports
    -Crazy long Pep Rally
    It's not much different, when looked at as text, but it made the day seem significantly shorter. Oh, and the Pep Rally was rather boring this year, though, the band did pretty well. All we did in the Rally was scream... and that's about it, for an hour. Sitting in the bleachers got pretty boring in and of itself, and my back started to hurt [Cuz I have pretty bad posture when I'm not thinking about it, and someone's knees were in my back the entire time ><]. The whole thing coulda been better, but yeah.
    What I hated was that I didn't have Advisement [i get all of my work done there, and study some if I have a test], but I guess what we all did in Math class was worth it [Watched some interesting vids 'bout today's technology and where it's headed, what jobs we're being prepared for etc..., and this one vid taken from an old comedy.... I forget the name, with someone trying to convince someone else that 7 x 13 = 28.] I actually found the comedy to be pretty funny, more because it wasn't one of the cheesy things the school puts together XP
    The only really bad parts, as far as classes go, was that I have some minor biology homework, some English homework [A speech ._.] and... I think that's it.
    My highlight of the day was being one of twenty Freshmen in a Biology class [There's about 100 or so Freshmen who take standard Biology] to get an A on the Biology test. No one got Bs, there were like, twenty As, then like... thirty Cs, and it just went downhill from there.
    So, I guess I get this stuff =P
  15. Noxryn
    Today I got bored, and when I get bored I have a tendency to start writing out some ideas for stories. So, now I'm starting to actually create that Bionicle epic I was talking about in one of the previous entries, and if I believe it's interesting enough, I'll probably begin creating it. So far, I have the characters pretty much all written out, along with the factions involved, which was followed by the rough outline of the plot... and by rough, I mean, really rough. So, as far as this goes, I've been thinking to call it "Knightmare".
    As for The Monarch and the Peddler the fourth chapter is about a third of the way to being complete, which took a few straight hours of thinking and writing. I should have it all done by Friday [No School on Friday ^^], so expect a blog entry to pop up about how Chapter Four is up and me begging for people to read it and leave comments, just cuz I feel more special for each little post someone leaves. =3 (Plus, I like suggestions and outside opinions)
    That's all for now.
  16. Noxryn
    I saw it, and it was what I expected of it. The plot was a bit dull, though it had its own moments at times. I found the ending to be somewhat cheesy, but I'm not gonna give away what happened during the ending, considering the fact that the movie has only been out for a week now. The characters were at least characters as in, they all had their own unique personality and appearance.
    I loved the machines though. Each and every one of them. <3
    Normally, I might've posted more, but I just don't want to spoil something by mistake.
  17. Noxryn
    I finished chapter three of The Monarch and the Peddler, comments, critique, and anything else would be appreciated.
    As for other stuff, I still got four or so SSs to work on, but I'm doubting I'll be able to finish one of them today.
  18. Noxryn
    We got to write four short stories. I had a lot of fun with this, the first one was themed and was more like "How would you react if there were no adults in the world? Like, they suddenly vanished." it wasn't expected of me to make it a story, but I made it a first person small story thing that was a lot of fun to write. I had ten minutes, so it wasn't any longer than half a page [Though, with my handwriting, it counts as a page].
    The second story was themed... forget what the theme was though, but it was fun to write out nonetheless, and it got my creativity moving forwards. The third was the same.
    Then, we had absolute free reign with the fourth, and I made a full page detailing a story thing I made up in two minutes and wrote out in ten ^^
    Then we all turned them in. Easy grades. ^^
  19. Noxryn
    I have Exia now, and now I need the time to actually piece it together, though, I did get the GN-Generator done, which is at least something [Then I took a test, and now I'm multi-tasking with BZP, some stories, and a Unit Review].
  20. Noxryn
    My teacher thinks I'm awesome.
    Guess that's cuz I'm the only one to turn everything in, get the right grades and even go for the extra-credit without needing it. [Cuz I like seeing 100% versus 99%]
  21. Noxryn
    I need a flashdrive, and Illustrator on my computer. If I had those two things, then I could work on that poster for the "I Never Saw Another Butterfly" play for the school. Of course, over fifty people are working on over fifty different designs, but I need more time than what we have in order to make it look awesome. We were told about the project on Wednesday, started Thursday and the first draft was due on Friday. Mine looked like garbage on Friday, at the start of the period, but with suggestions I completely changed the sizes, proportions of everything, but need color.
    On Monday, I need to have it done and I didn't even start on the text yeeeeet. D=
    But at least I got great comments about what I finished at the end of the class period.
  22. Noxryn
    If it does not rain, I shall lead an angry mob to the weather man and then demand that he make it rain, even if can't.
    Cuz if it rains, I get to go seen 9, and I like rain anyway. [i get to see 9 based on a bet =P]
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