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Blog Entries posted by Noxryn

  1. Noxryn
    Ready ready set go
    Oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah
    Come on come on come on come on
    Oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah
    Come on come on come on come on
    If I were a dentist I would take the opportunity to look in your mouth.
    Maybe if I did then I would better understand just what you're talking about.
    And if my x-ray picture gave the proper information I'd be back at the start,
    Cuz every time I try and talk to you my words keep falling apart
    Pretty girls make me nervous
    Pretty girls make me nervous
    Pretty girls make me nervous
    When they're as pretty as you
    If I were surgeon I would do an operation to examine your heart.
    I'd check to see if you and me could really ever move beyond the very start.
    And if my diagnosis turned out positive I'd still be only dreaming of you,
    Cuz approaching you is something that I know I'd never have the guts to do.
    Pretty girls make me nervous
    Pretty girls make me nervous
    Pretty girls make me nervous
    When they're as pretty as you
    And when she smiles she makes me happy
    And when she's near I get so dreamy
    And in my award-winning dream
    I perform like I was on a movie screen
    As I casually pop the question
    "Do you wanna go out for coffee with me?"
    "I don't drink coffee."
    If I were a lawyer I would argue for the right to kiss you passionately,
    And if I were a teacher I would rewrite history so you would end up with me,
    And if I were an architect then I'd be busy drawing up the perfect plan,
    But of all these things above so alone is the only thing I am
    Pretty girls make me nervous
    Pretty girls make me nervous
    Pretty girls make me nervous
    When they're as pretty as you
    Pretty girls make me nervous
    Pretty girls make me nervous
    Pretty girls make me nervous
    When they're as pretty as you
  2. Noxryn
    I has for Halo figure dudez
    -Brute Chieftan Weapons Master (Da gold armored one ^^)
    -Master Chief with a Lazah
    -Some red Hayabusa dude
    -Some Olive green Rogue dude
    - And a Blue Combat Elite.
    Me like.
    If I had a camera there'd be pics. Annnnd I has fifty Halo points or whatever the heck that is. =D
  3. Noxryn
    A scanner that works properly, perhaps I could put some of my DA stuff in here, but I still hate the smudged appearance that my crumby scanner gave them -___-
    I also need more writing ideas... I've hit a Writer's Block of magic.
    I aaaaalllso can't wait for the UPS man to get here 8D
    I need more patience methinks...
    I also need a TV closer to the computer so I can hook my 360 up to the internet connection, and thus play it on LIVE.
  4. Noxryn
    This week rocks, last week rocked and the upcoming week will be good.
    Last week;
    -No school
    -Did stuff
    -CHEESECAKE FACTOREH I has cheesecake =3
    -RPG Judge and POBZPC status
    -On Sunday I discovered I had 1056$
    -I bought a buncha Halo figs on Amazon which will be here Wednesday
    -I got As and Bs on everything handed back in school
    -I got some awesome PMs
    -I get my 360 back tomorrow <3
    -No school Tuesday.
  5. Noxryn
    The poll in the other Entry still stands, I suggest leaving a vote or something... please?
    But that's not what this entry is for;
    Alright, so I was asked to blog about this, but I will not say who asked in case they'd prefer to not be mention (It's not a "they" it's a single person), but I felt like I should anyway.
    Now, from what I have seen, BZPers can have logical, well thought out and said debates. Now, flaming and arguing are not debates, and those generate from "debating" about something a member may have said or done; what I'm talking about are universal, or national debate topics.
    Look in CoT's debate topic; that thing has yet to burst into flame and has one vague religious mention, of which was pointed out by another member. Now, it is controlled and the people of the debate topic give their reasons and politely, and calmly reply to any objections. They do not go "NO IT IS MY WAY YOU ********" they politely quote, and state what their views are and have an intelligent and logical debate about it. Now, some of it may seem... harsh in a way as you can put a harsh toned voice on anything on the internet for the most part, but people don't take any possible misinterpeted "harshness" as an insult.
    But now here's something else, recently there have been AIM debates on topics, the one in particular I won't mention as it does violate "Politics", "Religion" and the fact that it is not a topic for the youngling audience to view for the most part. BUT
    even as unstable the topic may have been the members of this debate did the following;
    They structured a way for everyone to speak (Really only has to be done over the instant message system as you can get a flood of replies at once and at the same time), they were all polite, kind, and stated their reasons without being bashed to pieces by someone who disagrees. Rather if someone disagreed they'd state their reason, why they disagree, who it is directed at and so on and so forth.
    It was rather amazing that things did not get out of hand, and even if those members were all logic thinking (when appliciable) and in my honest opinion "smart-minded members" (Now I am not saying no one else is, in fact there are quite a good number of intelligent people on BZP, I just know some, while most I have yet to meet) and so were able to stay under control and in bounds where there were none.
    Now I am not saying "Open up perhaps some more debatable topics" and such, but I am just pointing out that members in my own eyes (Most) are capable of being mature about this. And the only ones I ever see reply to the debate topic are collected, and mature to the point where they don't blow up at someone if disagreed with.
    That is all.
  6. Noxryn
    Which Banner do you think I should use?
    1) - Sisen
    2) - Sisen
    3) - Sisen
    4) - Sisen
    5) - Teeb Angel
    6) - Sisen
    7) - Sugar

    8) - RoboDevil
  7. Noxryn
    I don't get why people tend to think I'm a girl... okay I admit that back with the pink text/loli thing that Wrack dragged me into it was acceptable...
    The thing is... that I've nearly changed everything, and I don't have a replacement avatar as of yet, and my gender here is set to "Male" the blue color... and... normally people are thought to be considered a "guy" on sites like BZP unless the name states otherwise. My name sucks and is something a ten year old would come up with...
    This was brought to my attention very recently. When I looked back on it that is; so I posted in a topic about this as it was pertaining to the topic. Then I looked back on it and I'm like "Woah... that many people thought I was a girl? And still do? What the heck." and then the post right after mine didn't help. *headdesks*
    So far the only reason I have to this strange mix up is "Magic" and yet that is my answer to all questions...
    It's just weird, that's all... and I felt like killing time so I blogged about it...
  8. Noxryn
    Side Note: I would Highly, highly, highly appreciate it if anyone who happened to read left a comment, any form of comment. Please?

    Blood Unit Part Five 
    (Rated PG-13)
    They had been walking. Just walking, not even running, or even jogging. It was probably due to the fact that Jake was carrying his heavy weapons and so running, and then slipping may result in an accident. A fatal Accident. It hadn't been so long until one could hear the hiss of a bullet, a sniper bullet to be more precise.
    It nailed Julie in the leg, but of course her shields took the main force of the blow, but the single round was enough to force her shields flicker and die out, along with her body nailing the dirt visor first. Jake had taken notice of that and had a rocket launcher at the ready. However he could not see his target, as his target was concealed.
    However the second round never came, and he figured it must have just been fired off in the first place to gain attention, but why someone with an ambush would want that he didn't know. The good thing right now was that Julie was standing herself back up and reaching for her weapon. She pulled it out right as a group of blue armored Elites came out from behind some form of cover.
    They were low ranking Elites, being Minor Domos at that, and they may have been with the UNSC, but one couldn't fully tell. Of course that fact meant nothing to the two crimson armored Spartans, and Jake showed that by readying a rocket. That was only for intimidation purposes, as firing a rocket at this close range would be suicidal. The Minor Domos weren't grade A morons and knew that the firing of a rocket would kill the Spartan, and so they readied their own weapons. Their weapons were substandard plasma rifles, although the "substandard" part was rather hard to notice with the naked eye.
    Julie had two Magnums, and there were three Elites. Lucky enough she had six clips in total for the Magnums, and two of those six were already loaded into the weapons. She took a nearby rock, which was no bigger than one's fist, and threw it incredibly hard at the first Elite's lower leg. The stone hit dead on, and the strength from the throw knocked the Elite backwards. The other two were surprised by this and one was about to open fire, that is when Julie fired both magnums at the creature's head. The first half of the clips did nothing, except for take out the shields, while the second half of the clip tore its face open.
    Jake had attacked the third during the distraction second, and that involved grabbing its weapon holding arm and literally tearing it off. The dark purple blood of that minor spurted from the torn off limb and from the main torso, it was a gruesome sight, but each lived with it. The thing wasn't dead either, rather it was screaming and would try to get back up. Jake, being the merciful Spartan he was, squished its skull with his armored boot. As for the third that had been knocked over, Julie took care of him with two new clips, and lots of shooting.
    The last minute movement and the fact that his personal AI unit alerted him to the incoming bullet, it missed.
    Turn around 180 degrees, and fire your rocket launcher in the middle of your line of sight.
    Jake didn't even reply, he didn't have to. The AI knew he had heard it, and so the Spartan Two spun around quite fast, and fired his already set rocket launcher at the specified location. A roar of dismay could be heard, and then the explosion. The enemy had been killed, and that was confirmed simply by the watching of limbs fall and some armored scraps land amongst the dead bodies.
    "Come on Julie, we're halfway there and this time we're running." Jake said already taking off with Julie not so far behind.
  9. Noxryn
    Blood Unit Part Four

    (Rated PG-13)

    The trip in the Pelican had been somewhat long to her, she hated heights yes, but had learned to get over it when inside a vehicle. The fact that a very trustworthy person was flying the thing helped with her inside worries. Upon being part of Blood Unit a few years back; she had to tell them all of this fear that she had kept secret for the majority of her life. It was a good thing for them to know as they always tried to help her out with it.

    In her view; the Unit was like a family. They looked out for eachother, cared for eachother, joked with eachother, and yes, sometimes fought with eachother. Jack was considered to be leader of the team, but you could debate on some of his choices as he is human as well as Spartan; and humans make mistakes. Jake was just the oversized guy who was fun to be around when not trying to make something explode. Always laughing; even at the worst jokes, and always trying to make everyone smile. Jessica, when she had been alive that is, had always looked out for the welfare of the individuals. For Julie; Jessica had been more of a mentor as she had trained Julie a bit in hand to hand as Julie was rather weak in that department. The others viewed Julie as the "little sister" if they compared the Unit to a family. Everyone else would probably be like the "Big brother" or "Big sister" as they considered themselves equal with eachother, but some had to teach Julie certain things just so that she could fight outside of sniping.

    Even the AI units got along much the same way the Spartans did. Overall the team was very cooperative with eachother, and when they had witnessed what happened to Jessica; as a whole they got furiated. Julie had teared up afterwards, but nobody knew of that as she liked to hide such things. That was when everyone was split up. They didn't use transmissions to tell eachother where they were because such things were monitored by the UNSC. What happened with Jake and Julie had been pure luck.

    "You doing okay there?" Jake asked from the controls of the Pelican, of which was still a modded version.

    "I'm doing fine." Julie responded knowing that the Spartan was referring to her fear of heights and wanted to make sure that she didn't feel naseous or anything. Cleaning up a mess inside the helmet like that was a pain, and disgusting.

    "Good to hear it." Jake replied smiling kindly behind his helmet. The AI units had been quiet due to the fact neither had anything to really say, they were more just there for combat and when they thought they could be helpful, well currently there was no need to be helpful.

    "Where are we headed?" she asked. At the moment she was in the "kettle" as some called it due to the fact it was a; metal walls, metal floor, metal cieling, rattled, and just reminded people of the cooking tool. This was where the soldiers would sit while waiting for a drop off.

    "We're headed off of this planet, and back to another which was recently named 'Angelus Principatus'." that roughly translated into "Angel's Dominion" it was probably called that due to the fact that it was an elegant, and beatuiful land. Even with Jake residing there it stayed practically the same. If a battle broke out here between UNSC forces and the two Blood Unit members, well that fight may just tear the beauty away from the planet itself.

    "I haven't heard of it." Julie responded trying to match the name with some form of familarity.

    "It's a new found one, and had just recieved its name. Right now it is deserted for the thought of pirates, rebels, and fugitives to be residing there. Sooner or later the UNSC will step in to make sure that these claims are false, but by then we should be off of this place and off to the location of our good buddy Jack."

    "Sounds good, let's just hope that you're right."

    "Aren't I always?" the two laughed a bit at that considering the very, very large amounts of times he was dead wrong, but in this case he had more resources and the like, so you never know.

    We're here now Julie, so you can stop thinking any negative thoughts about flying. It really does not help me in any way.

    Sorry, I'll make sure to think of things that would keep you amused. Julie responded somewhat sarcastically.

    Hey! Just because I'm Artificial does not mean I don't know sarcasm. Julie rolled her eyes a bit, they always got into these little debates, but they really meant nothing. It was just a way to pass the time.

    Fine, fine.

    "Fine, fine" what?


    It can't be nothing... I want to know.

    Then you should have been quite and in my thoughts no?

    The AI fell silent as it had ended up with nothing else to retort with. Of course he still wanted to know, but would get his information some other way, maybe in a thought slip-up.

    While the two had been going back and forth at eachother, Jake had landed the Pelican esque ship in a clearing. It wouldn't be so hard to find the ship, now that she thought of it, as the sky was wide open above them. When she did look at the sky though she thought it was quite beautiful. It was made up of all shades of purples, and pinks... like a sunset. Only it wasn't sunset, and the sun was high up in the sky.

    "We're going this way, not that way." Jake said to Julie who seemed to have gotten herself caught up in the scenery. "Told ya it was a nice place."

    "A picture tells a thousand words." she replied which got across to why seeing it had been more amazing than simply being told that it was indeed "amazing."

    "Oh, and don't worry about concealing the ship." Jake replied as he pressed a button on a small device. The Pelican seemed to fade out of existence. "Took me friggin' forever to make that, it's an active camoflauge for the ship, and yes I did have to take a look at the active camo generator in some Elite armor. I think it's pretty neat actually." he said obviously proud of his handi work.

    "That's... pretty amazing."

    "I know isn't it? But we need to go south from here... like twenty five clicks south."

    "Well, knowing your speed we better hussle."



    As the reader there will be certain times where you can pick the next event. It works like a poll, and these would be the options;

    1) Do you wish to see some raiding party attack the two while they're headed to Jake's hideout?
    2) Would a slipped in battle suffice, that isn't in the area number one states?
    3) Do you wish for a full on scale UNSC attack on the planet? Because they are finally taking action to the hostile forces? If so, then there will be loads of explosions and a space battle.
  10. Noxryn
    Side Note: These characters "<" and ">" are like quotes, but used for COM transmissions so you can identify the AI (Italics and a color) thoughts (itallics) and regular speech without a COM (Quotations)

    Blood Unit Part Three  
    (Rated PG-13)
    Her metal armored feet clanked against the roof of the building she was running across. Behind her, there were several mercenaries en route, and they loved trying to kill her. Of course that was the point, and she really hated it. She jumped off the edge of this sand stoned building, and then landed on the one across from it while still running as fast as she possibly could.
    "Come on! Kill it!" one of the mercenaries shouted to their gunner of whom was latched in a pod that was off to the side of the ebony colored ship.
    "What do you think I'm trying to do? She's too friggin' fast!" He fired and blew apart the roof that had been right behind her feet. She stumbled forward, but caught herself and ran still. Her crimson armor was noticeable in the sunlight, and it was giving her information on her HUD as well as from the AI unit.
    The problem was the fact that all she had was a magnum with one round left in the clip, not nearly enough to take out the entire ship itself, and it was catching up and their aim was improving. In short it wasn't a good day.
    They got a lock! Her AI unit named Reese said, this particular one owned a male voice and appearance, and he did help in problems like this.
    Well, that's just freakin' great! Julie responded, at this the Spartan III of whom was allowed the S-II armor and AI jumped down the crevice between two of the buildings, and hit the ground far below quite hard. The impact sent dust and dirt up into the air that obscurred the vision of the gunner who cursed. She on the other hand stumbled a bit, but began to run again.
    <Julie, I would advise to take cover.> A familiar voice said over the intercom channel in her helmet. The voice actually relieved her, and surprised her at the same time.
    <Jake? That's you right?> she responded as it did indeed sound like her old ally, and the fact that he always seemed to be in the right spot at the right time.
    <Look to the building on your right, I'm not that hard to miss.> he responded chuckling a bit. She turned her head to do so and could see the seven foot five hulk of a Spartan on the building. Even in armor the guy looked like he could ram a building over with his bare hands. He was holding two rocket launchers along with that realization.
    <I suppose I should get down then.>
    <Yep.> Taking that answer pretty seriously she pretty much ran through a door to a nearby building, and then the hissing of several rockets could be heard. Then a loud explosion and a crash landing, the crash landing part took off the front of the building which rained debris all over the place. Now the local enforcement squads were made aware and they were immeadiatly on the scene all with some form of Battle Rifle aimed at Julie.
    <Look away, or up.> Jake said over the COM, she did look up to just see the huge man pretty much fall out of nowhere. The impact he caused on the ground caused a mini crater, and now he was holding two fully operating turrets. She could only hold one, but this guy was strong like heck.
    "Okay all of ya... I give you ten seconds to lay down your arms and to let us out, or I'll blow each and every one of you to bloody bits." Jake said in his low rumbling voice as he primed the turrets.
    "Negative, fire." The commander of these enforcement squaders said in response, and they opened fire from their Battle Rifles. The Spartans' shields protected them from the bullets, and Jake began to dual fire with the turrets and tore that entire section of men along with the ground to utter pieces. The other half retreated; obviously they valued their lives.
    "Now, let's get out of here." Jake said to Julie and dropped the turrets of which created a resounding Crash. He wore EOD armor, pretty standard among demolitionists, and she wore a ROGUE helmet along with a SCOUT chest plate and shoulder plates. It helped with her job, which was essentially long range firing and staying under the radar.
    Julie followed pretty close behind Jake who had now resorted to a single rocket launcher, and somehow he fit the other one on his back along with a Spartan laser; this guy alone could like wipe out an army with this armament.
    "The ship I own is behind the few buildings over there." he said pointing to a cluster of buildings with a crimson armored hand. "Didn't think you'd be around here actually, doesn't seem like your kinda town."
    "Meh, there was food and I could stir something up." Julie replied.
    "Still the same I see." Jake replied with mock disdain which was made rather obvious. That made Julie smile a bit beneath her helmet, she was the youngest of the Unit, but that didn't mean they excluded her from anything.
    Jake was rather slow, but that was probably because of the mass of muscle he was, and the heavy arms he carried along with the armor; she was practically jogging to stay in pace. Soon however, they made it to the ship that belonged to Jake. It was essentially a modded over Pelican, but with more guns.
    "You know where good ol' Jack is?" he asked her as she stepped into the vehicle.
    "Nope, although I bet if you just turn on the radio or something you'll find his name in the news." It was more of a joke than a suggestion, but Jake figured that it wouldn't hurt and turned it on. The first few words that greeted them were;
    <A red armored Spartan Two soldier had been noted on another planet, and was shortly fired upon by the UNSC. The soldier was reported dead, but their is no confirmation.>
    "Hmm... you were right for once."
    "Why, thank you ever so much."
    "Well, let's get going then." Jake responded. He barely fit in the pilot seat, but was able to, and within moments the modded Pelican lifted off and headed for the atmosphere of the planet.
  11. Noxryn
    Blood Unit Part Two

    (Still rated PG-13)

    Jack! Wake up will you! The computerized AI that resided in his head basically yelled.The yelling of the AI was acknowledged by some movement from the crimson armored Spartan as he tried to push himself up. His Heads Up Display (HUD) was flashing as he took note that the missile had wiped out his shields, and had damaged the actual armor considerably.

    Groaning his stood up in his soot stained armor, the shoulder pads were of the HAYABUSA design as was the chest and helmet. That particular useage of armor fit what he did in the Unit, back when it existed anyway. During the end of the Covenant War the UNSC had granted the "Blood Unit" as they were called; publicity. Jack, Spartan 113, was incredibly fast, not so strong, but his movements were considered to be legend even among the other Spartans. That is what had earned him the initiation to this elite unit of soldiers.

    The Blood Unit were made up of the best of the best from the Spartan soldiers. They were all S-IIs, besides for one whom was the later module of S-III. The funny thing you could say is that individually they were called "J-1s" due to the fact each of their names started with the letter "J" and each of their numbers started with a "1". The legendary Master Chief had been part of Blood Unit as an incredibly skilled scout. He was quiet, calculative and could take out nearly any enemy. He had been pulled into the Covenant War and the other "J-1s" were kept out of it.

    Julie, Jessica, Jack, John, and Jake made up Blood Unit, two females (Julie and Jessica) and three males (John, Jack and Jake). Now though, only three were alive, and even then their whereabouts are completely unknown, save for Jack. They had their sniper (Julie), their demolitions expert (Jake), their scout (John), their ballistic killer (Jessica) and they had their team leader of whom was incredibly skilled with an energy sword and shotgun (Jack). Together they had been legendary, and unlike thousands of other Spartans; they held a command rank. Of course that was not common knowledge, heck they weren't even common knowledge until recently. Then their group had been offered up as martyrs for who knows why.

    Jessica, and John were considered dead. John is considered dead because of the fact that, half the ship returned from the other universe where the ring was activated, but no one knew that the Chief had actually survived and was simply in cryo sleep within this universe.

    Jessica had been gunned down during a ballistic rampage, and it had been a friendly fire incident. The friendly fire had been provided by a Longsword fighter that bombed her, along with the group of enemies she had been fighting. Her body was burned to ash and so had never been layed to rest. That alone had made Jack incredibly angry. He had shot down that Longsword, and shortly after that had simply left the Corps.

    Julie seemed to have followed suit as they couldn't find her either after this battle, it finally seemed that the Blood Unit had gone rogue. Jake, now he was a mystery to both the UNSC and Jack. That man was always off on his own, despite the fact he was seven foot five, and carried a rocket launcher and a Spartan laser with him. Now the previous "heroes" were branded as murderous traitors and were to be killed on sight. The problem was that they were so dang good that none had ever been killed, other than Jessica.

    The common thing among the Blood Unit was the fact that they all wore crimson armor, with a fancy "B" emboldened on their hand armor. It was what made the obvious seperation, as there were other units of Spartans that wore red armor. Not very common, and they were all pretty much killed off.

    As of now, in the present, Jack had resumed running despite the fact that he was horribly burned on the inside of his HAYABUSA armor. It was a pain, but he could live with it. The planet he was on is an unnamed one as it had only been discovered recently, and because of that he figured it was a good hiding place. There were snowcapped mountains, rivers of blue, and beautiful plains. He used the large forests to generally hide in, and had constructed several shelters throughout the planet.

    He was glad that the Pelican had left though and that his AI codenamed "TIA", had kept the Pelican's sensors jammed for the most part, but in such a way that one wouldn't notice. The AI he owned was an amazing little trinket, and it was someone to talk to when incredibly bored. The one thing that still amazed him was the fact that the S-III of the Blood Unit had recieved ROUGE and SCOUT armor of which was slightly tweaked to allow an active camoflauge, along with her own personal AI.

    You're about two clicks away from your little "campsite". Tia said to Jack.

    Awww, come on, I put work into it... Jack replied with mock sadness.

    So you say...

    You're no fun anymore.

    Am I supposed to be fun?

    Yes, because it keeps me entertained.


    The small conversation ended there without much of a way to continue it, and the red armored Spartan made a run into the trees that started off the forest section of the planet.

    He liked the forest, it had huge towering trees with bark as brown as the actual color, the leaves were all lucious green and were bigger than his head for the most part; and the wildlife, along with the sounds made it such a beautiful, and serene place. Even Tia understood why he picked out the forest for his hiding places. She agreed with him on several things and thoughts that were turned into "reasons" as to why he picked here. Sure, it wasn't the best area to hide, heck the mountains would have provided more shelter and protection, but like he wanted to leave.

    The shotgun he had owned was a molten slag of metal, which annoyed him considerably and he set it down on a makeshift table that had once been a small tree. He had used his energy sword to cleave it in half.

    For now there was no action, but his mind continuously drifted to where his other teammates were, and if possible he could perhaps regroup with them someday. Until that day though, he would have to take cover and hide as the UNSC could send in a S-III team of which may be able to wipe him out if done properly. But, if the remnants of the Blood Unit were to regroup, well they'd be more dangerous than three hundred thousand Spartans.

    The thought brought a smile to his face that resided beneath his helmet still.


    The next few will focus more on the other two of the BU ^^;;
  12. Noxryn
    Blood Unit

    (I rate it PG-13)

    The blood covered warrior gazed across the rocky terrain that was strewn with bodies and gore. He had caused this, every last life that had been ended. Why? One may ask; because quite frankly he wasn't happy, not ever since they killed probably the closest friend he had ever had.


    His armored boot smashed through a skull of some strange looking monster which had the blood in the shade of dark purple, and whose brain seemed to envelope the man's foot as he stepped down. He hated that, but he had wished to make certain that this particular creature had died. The plasma based wounds all over the body should have already said that it was dead, but looks could be decieving.

    Within his life he had been called thousands of things; "Warrior", "Demon", "Murderer", "Traitor", and the one that he had been called the most, and for the longest period of time was "Spartan". Spartan was actually the name of his species, all they were really were humans with added chemicals that enhanced certain aspects of the body. Their bones were virtually unbreakable, their thoughts were sharper and faster to generate, their reflexes could be matched by none, and their strength in on itself was legendary. They were legends, heroes, and most of all; they were humanity's killing machines.

    The Covenant at this point had been the least of his worries, they had crumbled before the combined forces of the UNSC and the Covenant's very own Elite forces who had been replaced by Brutes beforehand. Evidentially that had enraged the Elite race, who then discovered that the "Great Journey" was merely a hoax and so sided with the humans.

    It had led to thousands of bloody battles that ended up with one side or the other getting severely mutilated; of course they had sent their remaining one Spartan against several, and this particular always pulled out of it alive. It was amazing what John accomplished, but the Spartan Three units could have ended this war long ago, had they been deployed. However, the status of the Spartan Third generation mattered to him not; he was the remaining Spartan Second generation that had been spared from death. It had been a lucky break at the time, but now the UNSC knew of his existence, and of the threat he posed to them.

    The roaring of engines could be heard right behind him. Underneath his areodynamic shaped helmet he cursed. Having no better choice he began running at full speed; which was incredibly fast especially since the armor he wore enhanced his speed, and strength by who knows how much. The ship had to actually move to keep up, that was good to know.

    Then it launched a missile, and at that he cursed very loudly and profoundly. The pilot of this ship evidentially heard that over the COM system as this Spartan seemed to have been far to lazy to turn it off for those few moments. The realization made the pilot smile.

    Now he had a missile after him and it was getting close fast.

    Dangit, dangit, dangit! This just isn't my freaking day! he thought to himself as his crimson armored hand reached back for the shotgun he had used earlier.

    Go fifteen degrees to your right, then when it is approximately a foot from your body; drop. The AI they had allowed him to own was on his side, and wanted him to live as his existence was what kept this AI 'alive'.

    This better not kill me... he responded in his helmeted head. And how am I supposed to know when it's that freaking close?

    I'll tell you, and currently you got ten seconds to execute the first step.

    Fine, fine. That works.


    He went the direction of "right" by fifteen degrees, and slowed his pace a bit. He heard the sound of the missile's thrusters right before the AI practically yelled;


    He didn't miss a beat, and did drop. The missile went over his head and didn't create a direct impact, but it hit very close.

    From what the pilot saw, the entire section of that area was a flame, and there was a huge crater where the Spartan had previously been. Doing a few quick scans he concluded that the Spartan had indeed died in the blast. Content with that he pulled the Pelican in a roundabout motion and headed back to where the fighter carrier was waiting.

    Why they used a dropship, who would know?


    There'll be more in another entry I'll post probably tomorrow or Monday. I didn't stick this in a topic cuz I didn't feel like it, and it is rather short.

    Oh and yes there is a reason as to why I called this "Blood Unit", it just has yet to be revealed.
  13. Noxryn
    So, it was lunch time, perfectly normal until someone buys lunch and sits down. Now, he pulls out this cookie, but see it is not a normal cookie, oh no.
    It was soggy and flabby like what some people can jiggle around by flinging their arms around. He ate the thing.
    It literally stuck his mouth shut and he couldn't speak.
    Oh and another time he is about to sit down when the pricipal is all like "What's in your sleeves?"
    He pulls out two corndogs.
  14. Noxryn
    Now I know of the other two projects I have on my hands (Refer to the Entry before last if you don't know what I mean)
    There was this AIM discussion you see, involving three members (one of them being me ^^) and it talked about the current storyline and what we three didn't care for and would like to have back. That was the original topic, which then slid into the topic of "Are you planning on doing an Alternate Version of Bionicle? If so, then what would be some things you'd change?"
    There were many great ideas and things sprung from this, heck during this discussion I came up with what I'd do with the Ignika and the Mask of Time along with Vezon respectively. The Great Beings, Artahka, and Karzahni also popped up in my mind as well.
    Now I was thinking of having my own version of the Bionicle universe, but change certain things and events to make it be like something I'd enjoy.
    So instead of the Boxor being the "Corpsemobile" as stated in this chat (Av Matoran can become Bohrock, and what is a Boxor made out of? Hmmm?) I could remake the Av Matoran going Bohrock thingy as that's not quite the thing I enjoy about the line.
    I also need to come up with some aspects of Mata-Nui and what is staying "Myth" and what is going to become "Faction" (A combination of "Fiction" and "Fact")
    There's gonna be a load of planning for this that I may be able to do from time to time and anything that would be final I doubt would come into play this, or next year. I just need to get some of the basic ideas down. Now I'm not rewriting the whole dang thing, I'm just modifying some events and stuff which may be history altering and setting my own little people to play in this universe.
    Just a fun thing.
  15. Noxryn
    Okay, so there's two things that have come to my attention and should be dealt with (by me) very soon.
    - I haven't updated my epic
    I've hit that magical thing called "Writer's Block" for it, and at the moment am trying to think of the next chapter. If you happen to have been reading it I am terribly sorry for the long wait, it's just that I want to make it a bit better than it already is and so I wish to be in a prone element when typing up the next part. I have not abandoned it like some may start to think, I've merely hit a wall and am trying to get around it.
    - I haven't posted the final part to my four part SS short serie
    Once more, I've hit a roadblock in my mind and cannot think of a way around it. It truly does annoy me, but once more I wish to state that I have not given up on it, but want to truly make the best possible last part that would work out correctly. Sorry for any long waits to anyone who might have been reading it.
    Now, on a completely unrelated note I'm just saying that I do hope I am able to obtain a spot in CoT's RPG Judges program led by Kex.
    This is a fairly short entry, but addresses some things I'd rather like to get off of my chest.
  16. Noxryn
    The main bad things that happened is that my back hurts, but it always hurts, then again today it's been in the most intense form of pain. The dog left me a six hour old present in my room, I was really ticked after that as I happened to retch when I walked in, lucky me that I was carrying a bucket at the time (Don't ask, long story).
    Now I'm on the junkeh comp which has missing keys and stuff as the other two more "optimal" Comps are downstairs and I really gag halfway down the steps.
  17. Noxryn
    I tend to get in the mood to type up a SS... but then it turns out all messed up, and then I has to rethink it all over again. Ugh it's such a paaaaiiiiiiinnnn...
    Well on the bright side I actually did my history project. *OMGOMGSPINKDIDAHISTORYPROJECT?!?!*
    After not doing any of last years... which was a mistake I admit (Still passed with a 90% average), I finished this one... right on time.
  18. Noxryn
    From the last episode I could find being 24 for Trinity Blood, it was rather meh. The fight between Cain and Abel at the end was too short, and rather fast paced and I was hoping for an explosion.

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Although seeing Tres get thrown through a wall was somewhat fun (He reminds me of the Terminator in some ways), and Cain in his Crusnik form was rather interesting; from their past I would have thought Abel to be the evil kill all the humans guy, and Cain be the nice carefree guy. Ohhh well. 
    Annnd Cain and Abel aren't dead in the end, althoug Abel seemed rather ticked off, and he is going to go asplodey splode on thingies.
    Now what I'm wondering is if it will be continued or something, I don't know, but meh.
    The ending could've been much better.
  19. Noxryn
    My thingy at the docs was twenny mins, sisters was a full hour. I fell asleep in the waiting room waiting for them to hurry up, and then became irritable upon being awoken.
    The doc's office overall was a nightmare I'd rather not go back to x_x
  20. Noxryn
    I was watching a show (Trinity Blood) and at this one part there's this little Vampire who got... slightly shot by an oversized tank, and a little Terran (Human) girl trying to make this Vamp (Who had to deliver a message to a certain somebody for the Empress) feel better.
    Then here comes Mr. Nightroad who goes all Crusnik and totally owns Mr. Tank and three battle ships.
    I laughed at three parts, the first was when Nightroad as a Crusnik said
    "You're... my food. I eat you now." and then when Mr. Tank shot him and he lost his arm. I laughed at the last one as he looked ridiculous missing an arm, and he was smiling about it too... here's the part I'm rather disturbed with while I was smiling, it didn't kill the happy mood I was in and it should've.
    Weeelllll you wouldn't get it if I just said it in short as quite frankly you have to know the story to feel the sympathy towards a character (The little vamp got shot, best friend tried to kill him twice, went from human hater to tolerant, made a human friend who is a companion of Nightroad, and was going to deliver his all important message)
    Nightroad incinerated his food (best friend Tankman Vampy) and so moved on to little vamp. He nearly ate the guy when the little girl known as Esther shouted at him, and realizing what he had been about to do started screaming... I think it was sad, but he sounded really ticked ._.
    Aaaaannnnnnddd instead of making me feel sad for short vamp and his best friend, it made me feel... happier.
    Which is why I believe I need some help. *Stabs the nearest therapist*
    Oh, annnnnd I'm going to the docy tomorrow for a physical thingy checkup. Apparently people are unsettled with me being sick at times... peculiar times... and the fact it happened recently... along with the fact it hasn't happened for the last five, six or seven years *is too lazy to remember exactly*
    Hmm... I wonder if he'll ask what my favorite thing to do is...
    "What do you like to do?"
    "Blow stuff up and write."
    "Blow what up?"
    "Food in the microwave."
    "Ahmm... what you like to write about?"
    "Fancy pancy people who get blowed up."
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