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Blog Entries posted by Noxryn

  1. Noxryn
    I forgot to mention that I got the highest score out of my class on some letter thing I completely forgot about until I was handed it back.
    Only got one point knocked off, and that was cuz I didn't check to make sure that every word was single spaced. [i'm saying between the words -- not the lines], so the fact that someone caught that surprised me.
  2. Noxryn
    I just posted the next chapter to "The Monarch and the Peddler," and I think you should go read it and leave a comment.
    Cuz if you don't, I may just have to smash your door down with a shovel. And cuz comments are motivational, and I need motivation.
  3. Noxryn
    So, as of yesterday, I'm a Semi-Official USCAP Cadet. The "Semi" part is more due to the fact that I don't have;
    - An identification card
    - The proper uniform sets (Planning to get them cheaply at the AFB Supply store, rather than ordering through the "official supplier" given how long it takes the supplier to ship things, as well as prices...)
    - The "Starter" Kit of sorts, basically, a zip-up binder that contains a notebook, some texts, (the I.D card) and other basic essentials.
    - I lack my grade cutouts, more because I have yet to get a uniform. They're just cutouts, cuz C/AB's don't get a stripe(s).
    But, I do have my application in a "processing" state, which is another reason for the "Semi," but I did get a free T-Shirt with the logo of the squadron, and a patch that'll go on the BDU whenever I obtain them (Probably the weekend after this weekend, depending on Supply Store hours).
    Though, the Map Reading Class that was held yesterday was pretty interesting, even if it was only the Basic Basics of Map Reading.
    My Tuesday, basically consisted of;
    - School (No assigned Homework)
    - Exercise (About an hour to get through everything)
    - Trip to the AFB for the CAP meeting, the second I attended.
    -- Map Reading Class, learning Drill, going through the final steps of the application process
    - Getting home at around 9:30 PM
    - Doing some School studying, for about an hour; 10:30 PM
    - Doing some BZP stuff for a bit, until going to bed at 11:00 PM.
    That'll be pretty much every Tuesday, only to get a bit more filled up when Fencing is entered into the mix (on May 1st).
    So yeah, that's basically what I've been busy with for the past two or three weeks -- looking up information, reading many PDF files, reading some of the text-studies early, and reading through requirements and the like.
  4. Noxryn
    I hate Writer's Block, with all the tests, all the pet-based drama, and all the mind-numbing hours stabbed into a videogame, I can't think of how to update my epic. I've been mentally stuck for like... three weeks, almost... ugh. The worst part is that I can't find my outline, which means I don't even get a mental boost in what I'm supposed to do ><
    -- However, I've made too much progress in Platinum ever since I got it... like... back in September, late September...
  5. Noxryn
    I decided that I'm going to enter the Core War Short Story Contest [No idea if they call it, but that's what I call it] and already I wrote out a brief outline. It's something like this that I've needed for a while; a fun and interesting project that I have never done before =P
    And all I must do now is look up some more stuff and wait for the questions I sent in to be answered XP
    The music I have on already gave me some fun ideas, though as far as violence; it'll be hard for me to keep it in check =P
  6. Noxryn
    Been working on more of them as of late, such as reconstructing a few for the third time, more for giving them a more interesting past rather than the same old boring stuff that gets tedious to write about. This involved the hacking of my notebook, but I had another one [Found it under a couch, actually] where I decided to put in all of the new information and explanations of things. Some time they'll be converted into my Word processor, but I only have about... less than two hours to be on here [Gonna go see Star Trek at 6:10 PM].
    Alicia, Anazair, Vex, and Veran are the most fun for me to write about. Alicia is fun more because of all of the events that just happened one after the other, and eventually molding her into a very violent individual who dwells within the Mortal Realm, having been sent to one [i'll keep it unnamed] realm from another. So basically she's been everywhere, and that just adds to the fun. Anazair is fun more because of reasons I don't want to say, for those who play the RPG in COT, and because it'd give away a lot about the "main villain". Vex is just fun due to the fact that she goes from; near dead homeless harpy to trained killer because of a series of events. Veran is also fun, more due to the fact that there are about... three entire sections with his history; from early, to current, to future. So far he owns about fifty pages out of that 400.
    Callow, the Locke Family as a whole, and Anazect are a bit more dull to construct histories for, though the Lockes are getting into more and more interesting parts. Callow is more or less just a normal man with a few abnormal historic events, and Anazect is one of the Anazts, but due to their nature, they aren't so much fun to write with.
  7. Noxryn
    School was different today, which was mainly due to the odd schedule of classes. So, rather than fifty minutes of every class [some fifty-five minutes], all classes were 45 minutes, and PE was 30 minutes [As it was the last period]. Some periods were also mixed around and such, so, rather than the day being set up like;
    -World Geography
    -French II
    -Graphic Design
    -Team Sports
    It was set up like;
    -World Geography
    -French II
    -Graphic Design
    -Team Sports
    -Crazy long Pep Rally
    It's not much different, when looked at as text, but it made the day seem significantly shorter. Oh, and the Pep Rally was rather boring this year, though, the band did pretty well. All we did in the Rally was scream... and that's about it, for an hour. Sitting in the bleachers got pretty boring in and of itself, and my back started to hurt [Cuz I have pretty bad posture when I'm not thinking about it, and someone's knees were in my back the entire time ><]. The whole thing coulda been better, but yeah.
    What I hated was that I didn't have Advisement [i get all of my work done there, and study some if I have a test], but I guess what we all did in Math class was worth it [Watched some interesting vids 'bout today's technology and where it's headed, what jobs we're being prepared for etc..., and this one vid taken from an old comedy.... I forget the name, with someone trying to convince someone else that 7 x 13 = 28.] I actually found the comedy to be pretty funny, more because it wasn't one of the cheesy things the school puts together XP
    The only really bad parts, as far as classes go, was that I have some minor biology homework, some English homework [A speech ._.] and... I think that's it.
    My highlight of the day was being one of twenty Freshmen in a Biology class [There's about 100 or so Freshmen who take standard Biology] to get an A on the Biology test. No one got Bs, there were like, twenty As, then like... thirty Cs, and it just went downhill from there.
    So, I guess I get this stuff =P
  8. Noxryn
    My personal computer was destroyed by the cat, as she decided to give a glass of water a very rough shove with her head... even though she knows that being on the table is not allowed <<
    So, I am currently using my sister's computer [Which is really screwed up...].
    Today, overall, hasn't really gone well.
    -EDIT: Oh, and probably all of my writing projects are gone now. Or will be, in the recovery process... unless a drenched computer isn't as bad, memory wise, as a computer full of viruses.
  9. Noxryn
    Go and congratulate Gato/Desu/Insert other name you recognize, and do so here.
    All who do are awesome in my book.
    Oh and since there's really no point to allow comments for this entry, I'm gonna lock this entry.
  10. Noxryn
    So I had some money and happened to be at Borders earlier, and so I bought a few books;
    - "Moron's" Guide to Psychology
    I'm interested in psychology and plan to take it as a class next year, so I figured that using a book that explained aspects of psychology in simple terms would be useful, and helpful for background knowledge. I read the first page or so, and so far, it's not dull and it's pretty interesting in my opinion -- this will hopefully give me a bit of an edge when designing, and writing, fictional characters. The book is by Joni E. Johnston, in case anyone wanted to go and search around for it. Odds are, I'll probably provide a full opinion of it after I've read it.
    - The Silmarillion
    I bought this in paperback, so it was fifteen bucks instead of twenty-eight. I like the writing style used in the book itself, and am more using it for research as far as writing out histories of fictional (and fantasy) universes go. It opens up explaining the celestial beings and their part in shaping the world in The Lord of the Rings, with some short stories that flesh out the universe a bit more. From what I've so far read, it's interesting, but I need to finish it before recommending it. (By J.R.R Tolkien, Edited By Christopher Tolkien)
    - The Complete Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
    Meant to buy this quite a while ago, and was happy that Borders had it in stock~ (By Douglas Adams)
    - A Dictionary of Corporate terms and Office-Speak
    If I ever write a story using a corporation or office-setting, or such, then this'll probably be a nice reference to have. It was five bucks, which is why I bought it. (By Diane Law)
    - So You Want to Write?
    I figured that getting some print-resources for writing would prove useful, helpful and easy to get to even when a computer is not around. I read the first chapter, and it's pretty interesting -- so far, it mainly says that if there's a specific genre you wish to write, then read books of that genre (a bit of an obvious statement, to me at least) as that's the best way to really study how to apply words and story to the genre. (By Marge Piercy and Ira Wood)
    There's a bunch of other books I wanted, such as some Stephen King, some Lovecraft, Edgar Alan Poe's works, World War Z, and many other Horror/Dark Fantasy and some philosophical books (Borders lacked what I was hunting for, though).
  11. Noxryn
    I finished my history project in its entirety, and I had a bit of fun writing it. I still hate that it was a school related thing, since if I had more freedom when it came to themes and language, I really could have made it -far- more believable than it was, and probably far more interesting. I can't post them [Half page journal entries] due to the fact that the point of them is a political matter, and politics [To this degree] aren't allowed on the forums, or in the blogs. Maybe one day I'll be able to post something I write for school that I had some freedom in, but till that day my school work shall remain to be... somewhat of a mystery XP
  12. Noxryn
    I used Robo's "Master list" of RPGs to see how many I was in/staffed in/owned. I came up with the following conclusion (COT only)
    RPGs I have Played In: 50 or so
    RPGs I have Staffed In: 11 or so
    RPGs I have Owned: 3 going on 4
  13. Noxryn
    Let us never forget that on this day of September 11 [8 years ago], thousands of lives were wiped off of this Earth through an act of destruction that shook a nation.

    A custom content block was set up for this day, so that it stays at the top of the page throughout the next 24 hours or so. Comments posted in this entry that are not suitable for the site, or are just unsuitable by my standards, will be deleted -- just be sure to act respectful [Of the date, and BZP rules along with the members].
  14. Noxryn
    For P.E our class is playing softball, with three teams. The teams are on a rotating thing [batting team, when out, goes to dugout, dugout team switches to field and field switches to batting], but the team I was on got out [three times] after the third batter, so batting got boring. When we were in the dugout, all I felt like doing was to either sleep or writing and I had no laptop nor a pen and paper. And since I was outfield, there was absolutely nothing interesting happening to me... besides for the other Outfield people tackling a runner.
    So yeah, PE was boring.
    And that's the only thing I have to blog about.
  15. Noxryn
    Should I write? What would I write... what is there to write? Maybe write about the Holidays? ... Maybe... how about writing up those projects of mine? Eh... doesn't feel special. I need to write something I haven't done in a while...
    Something like psychotic biomechanical people who do stuff.
    What stuff?
    I dunno.
    Oh, and I won't be on Meebo (AIM/MSN) today. Feeling a bit to out of it for any kind of actual conversationalizing (As can be noted from the fact that I just made up that word) And also cuz I think my comp might blow up soon. *Means it's going to turn off in a few seconds*
  16. Noxryn
    I did it; I wrote a SS.
    Link: Short Story -- COT based -- definitely not my best, but it's something.
    Edited the title cuz "Yay!" is more fitting.
  17. Noxryn
    I finished chapter three of The Monarch and the Peddler, comments, critique, and anything else would be appreciated.
    As for other stuff, I still got four or so SSs to work on, but I'm doubting I'll be able to finish one of them today.
  18. Noxryn
    Tornado Warning at school kicked the hour long aptitude test to Monday.
    Aptitude test is for gauging whether you're good to go for a class that has College credit tied to it, which surprised me, cuz this class is Photoshop.
    Oh, and my English teacher was commenting on how awesome the stuff I turned in was =3 (Got perfect marks on the five pages of summaries I turned in, on the GIP Vocab Test I took, and some extra credit I did to pass the time).
  19. Noxryn
    Last night I had decided to watch Friday the 13th prt 1, 3, and 4 as well as Freddy vs. Jason. And, today I saw the new Friday the 13th, and for me it was very entertaining. What, with the smart alec comments from the characters half the time, as well as the fact that I found Jason killing people to be amusing, and laughed at some parts cuz it was somewhat funny to me.
    I liked it, though it was a bit much like just a slasher film, though there was some plot to it... not like.. amazing or anything, but it's fun to watch to be entertained for an hour or so X3
  20. Noxryn
    We got to write four short stories. I had a lot of fun with this, the first one was themed and was more like "How would you react if there were no adults in the world? Like, they suddenly vanished." it wasn't expected of me to make it a story, but I made it a first person small story thing that was a lot of fun to write. I had ten minutes, so it wasn't any longer than half a page [Though, with my handwriting, it counts as a page].
    The second story was themed... forget what the theme was though, but it was fun to write out nonetheless, and it got my creativity moving forwards. The third was the same.
    Then, we had absolute free reign with the fourth, and I made a full page detailing a story thing I made up in two minutes and wrote out in ten ^^
    Then we all turned them in. Easy grades. ^^
  21. Noxryn
    So yeah, I'm leaving for Brick Fair at a confirmed time of 5AM Thursday, and that is going to really annoy my biology group as I set up the entire experiment and came up with how they'd be executed and what materials would be needed, though I hope they wrote that stuff down, can't be certain though. My World Geography group is just gonna be annoyed that they'll have to present the project themselves rather than having me do it. ^^;;
    And right now I'm semi-tired.
    And I'm getting a haircut today. I just hope that the barber people don't mess it up a third time ><
  22. Noxryn
    Yesterday, in the wee morning hours which is basically before dawn, I developed this mind-paining headache. It hurt a bunch at first, but through the day it faded out and away (almost like magic!), but it got far worse when I was at home -- which kept me from really doing anything, other than talking to some people over IM (I couldn't think well enough to write, but I did do my homework... maybe, I could fix it up and make it nicer... but yeah). This morning I woke up with a nasty throat and cough, achy all over and just dead tired... I woke up around eight-thirty AM or so and went on BZP/ME2 (Not much else to do... really. Everyone's at school, I don't really feel the greatest to go out and about walking... so yeah) All I did on BZP was wait and just read over some stuff, I posted a bit in the morning because I was thinking, but now... two hours back I fell asleep and now I can't really think for the life of me.
    Basically, it's been a boring, bed-ridden day =/
    But hey, now I have an extra day extension on all projects and homework! XP
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