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Premier Retired Staff
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Status Updates posted by Noxryn

  1. lolyes. New Fad up and about.

  2. Kex speaks truth.

    "This guy is pretty awesome."

    I kicked the comment off the page.... or did I?

  3. *eats pizza*

    Good timing, cuz I ordered one last night as a matter of fact =P

  4. Now you have to plan a big Official NM Q&A Topic for December, you already have October and November down =P

  5. Have you checked in the walls and under the floorboards?

  6. I screwed up when trying to go with "Spinkmeister" I really hate my mouse

  7. Thanks, the real credit goes to Robo Devil for editing out the name and inserting mine. =P

  8. Outbreak III, Demonic Beginnings, and currently those two are the fastest and easiest to get approved in.

  9. lol, Sebby is just that awesome =P

  10. lol, since I also have to shave it works with the illusion XP

  11. Same here Caspian X.

  12. Not going, moving to Denver. I'm gonna live there from now on =D

  13. lol, none of those. My age is within what Tsukasa said, though XP

  14. O_o

    I got nuthin'

  15. Wait... what did I make up that was hilarious? *bad memory >

  16. Pretty Pretty Princess

  17. Seeing your name unorangey... it's... madness...

  18. Wrack got Ped-Xing to change his name to *forgot first word* Maid Pingy-Chan, and such. A few others have it that way, and we all got avatars XP. Happened in an AIM chat a few hours ago.

  19. Zomg, people are trying to find out my age, again =O

    Even though it's been listed twice and guessed thrice before XP

  20. The Admins think otherwise, 'sides, I co-run the system as of... I think a week or two ago.

  21. Ah, dun worry I was only messing with ya.

  22. lol -- I'm just terrible at it, enough so that I just make sandwiches when I get hungry XP

  23. I just noticed that your name is orange. o.O. Awesome.

  24. As for your RPG, it took a few weeks for my first to get approved by Toaraga... although the dead last one was approved in a few days


    As for your questionish thing in my profile, I'm not going to Denver, I'm moving there and I will be living there from now on =P

  25. Just flying by and wanted to say hi (I had no idea that that rhymed)

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