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Blog Entries posted by Noxryn

  1. Noxryn
    It's just an inexpensive thing I got, partly because I'm in the LGBST Club at my school, and partly because I just thought it was neat:

    I would've gotten the one with "Love" inscribed in the tag, but that one was only available on one website for about three times as much as I paid for this one.
  2. Noxryn
    i started playing it again after missing my character terribly (sylvari are still probably my favorite MMO species ever), but i changed his Cloud Strife hairstyle to the new longer one (sylvari are kinda bereft of long hairstyles sadly) but i'm sad the dark color i picked for it blots out the details (it looks so pretty when it's glowing, though!)
    haven't really dug into the new story too much, but already i like it's presentation SO MUCH MORE than the last Living Story season (it feels more like... a continuation of the main story, versus a sort of side plot event that you can ignore). I'm also glad they got rid of Scarlet, who i had such high hopes for as an antagonist last season but she was too... like, errr... she was too... stale? she didnt change much and she kept doing the same stuff over and over again :/ (had a killer outfit, though)
    idk if anyone here really plays it much, im in a few guilds (Friends of Mine which is literally just me and some really close friends, TIME which has a latin name i can't spell and was my friends' RP story thing, Our Sanctuary which is a LGBTQA+ safe space guild,, Official Mesmer Forum Guild, and then Eularity whom i refer to as celry (their tag is ELRY).
    im on tarnished coast with most of the NA RPing community, though im generally messing around in WvWvW b/c i can throw purple lasers at players there . (and i get T6 materials more reliably there for whatever reason and im getting kinda close-ish to my first Legendary... need like... 700g total but i have the most expensive components done [precursor annnnnd 100 charged lodestones])
    (tbh i want to play a largos so badly anet get on that)
  3. Noxryn
    I haven't had a good day... it is and has been classified as a rather bad day, let's start with before it even began;
    Alright, you all know I tend to be nightmare prone, well same thing except it was set in a more personal thing which I won't bring myself to talk about, but it was still frightening and rather heart wrenching at the same time. If it wasn't a personal one I'd go into much more detail.
    I woke up and six AM like I do, except with the periodic waking up in the middle of night. I skipped breakfast as I had to go, and at school I realized I had a lot of things I missed (projects for the most part, not actual homework) and so I had to get myself up to date ASAP, lingering thoughts did not help with that in any way.
    Lunch was a joke, all I had was a bag of grapes, twelve little juicy orbs in a ziplock bag. (We didn't have anything else, and this included drinks)
    I suffered from hunger and thirst all day (I do not know where the water fountains are located)
    No, I do not have wireless internet for the house, I'm using a USB plugin which I'm paying for and doesn't allow me to watch vids or use AIM for that matter which indeed sux. Although earlier I put on some sunglasses a leather coat and picked up my airsoft rifle to freak out little sister, worked a bit although she was quick to catch on. Then I ended up falling down a flight of stairs, painful, but at least it was carpeted (This was when I was leaving for dinner as I sleep in the basement which has the best view of the entire neighborhood, you'd get it if you looked out my window)
    At school I couldn't find my bus (First day on the bus) and nearly missed it (caught it when it was about to leave... I was so embarrassed from that...)
    Got off at the wrong stop and had to walk two miles with a forty pund bag and all I had to eat/drink that day was that bag of grapes. I also walked in on the wrong classes as I forgot my schedule for the day.
    I had a nap when I got home after drinking a liter of water, and well I can't sleep without something freaking me out (although the rapid succession is decreasing)
    I stepped on a spider which I think bit my foot before it went down, I can't be sure however. (I'm deeply afraid of spiders, it took a lot of will power for me to smash it especially with my foot... having a sister commentating how frightened you look seriously doesn't help)
    I mistakenly flushed the one toilet that's incredibly screwed up and had to clean the mess of water (Leaned on it when combing hair in the morning)
    I may have vented some of my anger and frustration out here, and if so and if you saw (it's an if) I'm incredibly, incredibly sorry, days like today just don't help when I'm trying to word things as best as I can as I get frustrated far too easily when my day was bad.
    I apologize for any spelling errors , this is a new keyboard and I still can't get used to it.
    There were some other things, but I don't feel like typing that up.
  4. Noxryn
    I have recently updated my epic Angels Among Us. Somehow I did the first chapter really good and I just don't know how it had the least grammatical mistakes along with someone's favorite...the answer eludes me. (Go check it out! I beg of you! If you would like a link it would be in my sig which leads to my library and from there the link to the epic exists, I just need some reviews and reviewers so I can at least feel motivated to continue it)
    I went swimming yet again, after that boredom ensued, I read 100 pages of The Clone Republic which IMO is quite a fun read.
    I'm going to see a movie on Friday be it The Mummy, or Hancock (I'm hoping for the latter)
    -In other news Kachz is leaving the site for an idefinate amount of time and I would just like to say that I am sad for his leaving, but life comes first and if he thinks it is the best thing to do, I would have to agree.
    -In more news I have th ejob of shamelessly advertising the Unexpected RPG in CoT to any who wish to play. I'm having fun with it, but recently it has grinded to a halt due to some inactive players and I can't do much. I would appreciate it if any of you RPG players would go and maybe just check it out.
    (Not my RPG BTW)
    That's all I have to say...
  5. Noxryn
    got onua, tahu, kopaka and gali in the mail today
    buitl gali and kopaka and i love them both a ton, even if gali's axe is a bit unwieldly and her limbs are a little looser than kopakas, at least in mine
    but she's sitting on his shield right now, as he has it raised over his head and is crouching with the weight and also for balance
  6. Noxryn
    More of a doodle, though the shading and stuff took a while. The black coat-part doesn't look that good, because the pencil I was using doesn't color even. (And I know the cravat/hands suck). It was how I killed an hour in class, when I had nothing to do.
    I couldn't fit the entire drawing into a picture, but the duster he's wearing basically trails off and has a bunch of blank eyes in it.
    It's not very good, but eh, I was bored.

  7. Noxryn
    Haven't been online in a while, but a lot of stuff was going on so I didn't really have the time!
    Anyway, a lot of it was making medical appointments and getting new prescriptions and that, along with adjusting to them. Was pretty excited about that, since one of them is estrogen c: (Other one just makes me drowsy/sleepy as a side effect so).
    But I'm now a ceramics student at a studio nearby, so that's neat. Just something fun and interesting to do before the next school year starts (which I'm unsure where I'll be, mostly been looking at online courses but depending on some factors I may just go to Boulder). Wasn't really able to finish out this year due to medical concerns, both physical health and mental health related, that and I needed to be home more often for some other problems that were coming up -- most of which seem to be wrapping up, so there's that.
    The biggest thing is that I'm now on estrogen and I'm incredibly excited about it -- also getting appointments in line for laser hair removal since there's some affordable rates through various discounts and stuff. Otherwise I'm seeing a new therapist at the Gender Identity Center who has been nothing but helpful, she got me the letter I needed incredibly fast and has been a wonderful source for information/self help practices (mostly to help with my anxiety and self confidence, plus she used to run a makeup and fashion workshop so she's teaching me some of that, too c: ).
    Everything else has just been late nights playing League of Legends with some close friends on Skype, or Guild Wars 2. @.@
  8. Noxryn
    I finished the Intro to a book I've been working on for a while now. I can't tell about it because people may steal my idea and I don't want that. I have three editors , A friend of mine who's name I shall omit, another friend, and me. This has been hard to write and I'm about to start another draft over the Intro again to make sure that everything is okay. I had gone to the store and purchased four magic card packs ( I know it was a small waste of money but oh well...) I'm going to camp for the summer so I will be gone for four weeks. ( I figured out a way to get 70 dollars Yay!) I have been writing stories since the third grade technically (my teacher loved my poems and stories.) They weren't full stories then but later in fifth grade I wrote my first true story but I had to trash it when I read it it sounded so random and horrible. Then in the beginning of sixth grade I started Tale of Shadow which still is not finished (sorry to any faithful readers!) people mistake me for being 14 or 16 so I have more of a responsibility. Ah. that reminds me of a time in third grade when we (all of third grade) was supposed to stand and I did but the teacher said "sit down. You can't be in third you look like a fifth grader>" it took two friends and me to convince her that I was a third grader good times...good times. Oh is that the time? I better go!
  9. Noxryn
    Before I get to fun fact of sorts I have read a few lines of my interests and I realized how horribly I wrote it out... one of these days I need to go over it.
    Fun Fact: Lightning is 5 times hotter than the Sun's surface. (Don't know how accurate that is, but I got it out of a science book)
  10. Noxryn
    Intent doesn't matter when you make something potentially harmful, or say something that is harmful, or do something that is harmful. I don't really give a flying crab what your intent was, if you sit there and insult an entire swathe of people, or delegate them to a terrible representation in your media, you're at fault. You can be criticized, rightfully so.
    If you chuck a rock at someone and think you're absolved of wrongdoing by stating "I had no intention of hurting you" that won't fly, you're the one who made the poor decision to throw the rock anyway and are liable for the damage.
    Or you can sit there and argue semantics for an hour, making yourself look like a tool.
    Your choice.
  11. Noxryn
    Today I went to see that new animated Star Wars movie upon the insistance of my sister. It was just one battle after another, the droid commander and the droid sergeant are my two favorite characters. <3

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « "I can't see them."- Sergeant
    *Peers over the edge, slips and falls yelling*
    "Get back here Sergeant!"- Commander
    Droid Commanders and Droid Sergeants are so kewl. Everything else was okay, not really my favorite...
    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «they protrayed Rex as a poor minded person by that mind trick 
    Well, it had its humor in it here and there, but overall I don't think too grandly of it.
  12. Noxryn
    Today was a full mail day for me, quite exciting!
    - Got my jacket (and it FITS! So happy about that! -- Pics may come, I need to take some I feel okay with. Right now it's limited to this one, but that's not that great of an image)
    - Got my passport (For my Senior year graduation, we may go to Italy... may, depends on how things are financially)
    - Got my debit card (Old one expired and the bank was derping about sending out my new one, so I went there, ate their free cookies and sorted it all out)
    - Got tons of college information... just advertisements, but I figured to browse through them this time rather than never open them.
    So, yay! Mail and such!
  13. Noxryn
    I'm really in the mood to write something...something futury and full of explosions and flying things...but what would it be about...I'm drawing a blank -__-;
  14. Noxryn
    Comes with the year, ends with the year. By year, of course, I refer to school year.
    That and reading novels I distinctly and thoroughly enjoy, instead of silly stories serving only to appease my need for pointless amusement. (Which I've been reading far more of lately). Oh and music. Lots and lots of music.
    *goes back to brainstorming his fantasy/steampunk/romance/adventure/maybetragedy story*
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