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Blog Entries posted by Noxryn

  1. Noxryn
    Today was a full mail day for me, quite exciting!
    - Got my jacket (and it FITS! So happy about that! -- Pics may come, I need to take some I feel okay with. Right now it's limited to this one, but that's not that great of an image)
    - Got my passport (For my Senior year graduation, we may go to Italy... may, depends on how things are financially)
    - Got my debit card (Old one expired and the bank was derping about sending out my new one, so I went there, ate their free cookies and sorted it all out)
    - Got tons of college information... just advertisements, but I figured to browse through them this time rather than never open them.
    So, yay! Mail and such!
  2. Noxryn
    So school started today, although it started yesterday for every other grade. Anyway, my school's doing this weird thing where we have three classes (well I do, most people have four) per day, but whatever.
    So far I like my classes, although I may drop Criminal Justice this year -- I'm not really liking the new teacher (The old one was far more fun, engaging and interesting... and he treated us with some semblance of respect, this one treats us like a bunch of 1st graders) plus the school kinda screwed some of us over as, without telling anyone, they decided that this year it wouldn't be a concurrent enrollment with the college, so it's worth no college credits (last year it was worth three) [we learned of this in class].
    But, anyway, things went smoothly. Even if half my government class didn't show up because they mixed up their schedules.
    Tomorrow I get to experience college algebra. Woo.
    /bored so wrote an entry.
  3. Noxryn
    Comes with the year, ends with the year. By year, of course, I refer to school year.
    That and reading novels I distinctly and thoroughly enjoy, instead of silly stories serving only to appease my need for pointless amusement. (Which I've been reading far more of lately). Oh and music. Lots and lots of music.
    *goes back to brainstorming his fantasy/steampunk/romance/adventure/maybetragedy story*
  4. Noxryn
    Okay, this isn't a full detailed entry full of all my pictures. Oh no, this is but a bored "I did some stuff" with some pictures taken after the fact. Not big images either, so yeah. Actually I only have one more, it's of the stuff I bought (okay some of it, not all of it)

    Just missing the Mines of Moria set and the Race for the Tesseract set (if that's what it's called...). Anyways, can't see it but Loki has a giant buster sword hidden behind lil' Takua, and the pink haired person is rocking out on a giant war axe. Funtimes.
    I want more elves.
    Because. Elves.
  5. Noxryn
    - Get hair to cooperate for once in its miserable life (hopefully for all of BFair, but it'll prolly look dumb for another year) </3
    - Do the "luxury" packing (backpack full of stuff, like my camera, tablet, a few books maybe, my notebook, possibly my 3DS and -maybe- a small MoC or something)
    - Get all of my music back on my iPod (it was acting up so did a restore... on the wrong computer -__- ) and maybe add some more... maybe.
    ((Stop screwing up the song I'm lip syncing to << >>))
    - Necessity packing! (Y'know, clothes, stuff that makes people smell nicer than a dumpster [like mint and/or strawberry~], and other such things
    After that it's all to hope I keep to schedule (I fly out Thursday, so like, I still have two full days to do all that in... oh and play KH Re: CoM... and maybe some Amnesia...) and that I'm easy-enough to find at the airport @.@
    But that reminds me, I need to leave some "I'm gonna be gone" messages in places... oh and tell some people, though I think I told everyone who needs to know I'll be gone *so I'm not asked to do something last minute/end up looking rude by not responding to IMs/Posts in some places*
    I'm more hoping I won't be too stricken with anxiety... my psychiatrist gave me medication for it, but Iunno if that's really necessary *not bringing it <<*
  6. Noxryn
    I'm pretty excited for it, even though I start school (Senior year, woo) not that long after the event wraps up. It's been quite a while since I traveled alone, so of course I'm worrying a tad over all the airplane stuff to go through (but I worry about ordering food from a restaurant, so yeah). But anyway, it'll be fun!
    I may bring a little MOC, still undecided about that. (It'll be something createable within 15mins, so yeah :x).
    I should probably find my backpack... This year I'll remember to bring my camera's battery so I'm not stuck sapping away my phone's battery through taking somewhat-okay pictures of things.
  7. Noxryn
    Okay so I keep losing my blog, right? Yeah, that happens to me, but the add entry bar on that side place is so nice for moments like those.
    I just wanted to say I wuv my kelari in Rift :3 *'cuzhe'sadorable*
    And also
    I'm a dork and my brain convinced me "You're getting GW2" although I sorta came to that conclusion forever ago, back when I was all "okay, I'm going to do this Hall of Monuments stuff" and then promptly didn't do it (Well, the vast majority of it~)
    So, Imma make a Sylvari, 'cuz they just look :3
    And yay Brickfair and stuff coming up is all exciting
    'cuz since I'm 17 I get to go alooone~
    *And my mother is a worry wort so she's giving me an overabundance of money for the trip @.@*
    So maybe I'll have a MOC, Iunno yet. If I do, I'll sneak it onto the table 'cuz I'm too last minute for all the fancy stuff. If I do, it'll prolly be something small and mangled.
    Also, insomnia
  8. Noxryn
    Been missing for some reasons, some more reasonable than others.
    First few reasons: I was on vacation for a while after my school ended (I'll be a senior next year), and at the same time have been trying to find a job around here (none to be had, apparently), and trying to get my community service hours officially in and documented (more waiting for Pridefest to roll around, as their hours count double). Plus I've been chatting with a pretty close friend of mine off and on the last few weeks, and when he's on I generally devote all my time to him, which means no BZP and no games and so on and so forth.
    Second few reasons: I've been needing to get my hands on some books (Paradise Lost, Oliver Twist, Poisonwood Bible, etc...) for classes next year (except the first one, I simply want to read that). Otherwise, I've been nose deep in a MMORPG known as TERA Online, which I find incredibly fun despite all the things people complain about it for (namely the RNG, the lag with some things, the lack of content at the end of the game, and whatever "grind" they all yap about). Popped myself onto the RP Server as I was curious about it and so far that's been the nicest server the game has (PvP servers have the maturity level of spoiled toddlers). Haven't run into anyone my age really, save for two people, but I never noticed how many fathers/mothers play these games lol. (Also my avatar/sig are screenshots of the character I made, a high elf lancer~)
    Watched my guild leader die a bunch in one of the instances, was funny~
  9. Noxryn
    Spring Break juuuust ended for me and I feel like writing about it because I love you all so much <3
    Over last week I was in Los Angeles, went on the Warner Bros Studios Tour (saw all the batmobiles all lined up, they were making a documentary for The Dark Knight Rises) and walked on some of the sets used in a few shows (like Gilmore Girls, Friends, The Big Bang Theory, True Blood, etc...), went into the Hollywood Museum (weren't allowed to take pics -- but they have a whole -floor- dedicated to Harry Potter). At their gift store I bought Snape's wand, 'cuz it looked fancy.
    Also went on a tour of the Chinese Theater, walked around in Madame Tussouds (no clue if I spelt that right) Wax Museum, went whale watching (saw four or five finback whales and tons of dolphins), and had a generally good time.
    Also got back into the MMO Aion (it's going free to play in a week~), so I've been doing that along with schoolwork (just April and May and Summer Break <33). I've got a 31 Chanter and I've met some awesome people through the game, either I'm lucky or the majority of players in that game (or on my server) are just nice people <3
  10. Noxryn
    So I feel pretty bored right now, not bored enough to resort to this other blog entry idea (although I'll likely do that one tomorrow, or next week... I have Spring Break <<)
    Well, at the recommendation of someone (who I generally take recommendations from) I tried out this odd strange game known as Dungeons & Dragons. Before I only sorta had an idea of what it was, and by sorta I mean more like "I know that there are numbers involved..." and it took me a while to figure out what it actually is (because I'm dumb). There's a club for it at my school, but some of the people who I'm pretty sure go to it regularly kinda irk me so I didn't try it out earlier there (although now I might). What I did do, though, was go to a localish gaming store (also a coffee shop... quite a good one actually, even though I only had chai tea @_@) and I tried out the Encounters thingy ('cuz the person there mentioned that it was good for people who didn't have the most comprehensive grasp on how it worked).
    Apparently there were a lot of people there (I dunno how many people generally play these games, but their table caps were six and we had seven players), but they were all really nice to interact with. One person helped me out whenever I was all "okay, so, what do I do now..." and another person let me borrow some dice, and I think the game master was being nice to me 'cuz the first time I got hit by something I very nearly blew up ._.;;; (so he didn't play kill-the-magic-dude). Most of the people there were well over my age, like two were I'd say anywhere from 35 - 40 and one other person looked 50-60ish. There were two guys who looked more 20 - 24ish and the game master looked maybe 19 - 21ish. Either way, I'm pretty sure I was the youngest person there, even though I looked about as old as the latter two. (So they might've thought I was older as well, that happens to me a lot).
    (Also I thought the guy who sat across me was really cute, plus he had the most -amazing- hair /randominterjection <3)
    I came in on Chapter 2 (I think of 4... ?) with one of the pre-generated characters they had (which had fancy glossy cards that worked well with a dry erase marker), so I played Jarren the Mage who was represented with a bald dwarfy dude with a staff (although, some of the other miniatures looked really neat, some had a lot of detail especially considering how small the things are). I don't know what the title of the Encounter was, as I have horrid memory, but it basically consisted of doing some miscellaneous stuff and then a fight. (We chucked a corpse at a magic door that went boom).
    From the get-go I almost died in one hit (my luck sucks </3), but somehow survived and killed one thing and shot at a bunch of others. (I found the mage boring though, 'cuz I didn't really need to move anywhere... and I could hit anything anywhere on the map).
    It was a fun social experience though, and the game itself is fun. (I like the imagination needed to visualize everything, that and the creativity with doing things, plus it was a pretty good source of inspiration for drawings and writing a little). It was my first shot at a tabletop RPG and I had fun. (I bought two books the host recommended for new players, 'cuz I'll likely go again in the near future, and a set of dice so I don't have to mooch off people << [they're purpley with pink swirls... which was honestly why I bought them xP]).
  11. Noxryn
    I feel kinda meh about it. While I enjoy the games, having spent far too much time in the first one, I just don't feel as hyped up for this game for some reason.
    While Mass Effect was definitely fun to play, I never really got into the lore so much. The characters were kinda meh, save Tali and Garrus (and even then, they weren't spectacular... well maybe Garrus, but that's 'cuz I've had a crush on Garrus since I first played the game </3). Shepherd, well the ones I always ran, were always kind bleh. Paragon one was too goody, Renegade one was too hate-able and the healthy mixture of both led to a boring character -- I don't know, maybe I just feel limited in terms of options for how to expound upon the Shepherd I wanted to make? Like, there's tons of things to do in the game, but most of the stuff boiled down to "Here's your Paragon option, neutral option and renegade option" and it made a boring character and character progression, in my honest opinion.
    Everyone else I never got into. Wrex was okay, but he was only useful in a combat sense, so I shot him when he got annoying in the cutscenes (I'm such a wonderful person </3). Ashley and Kaidan/en both bugged me to no end, I nuked Ashley (as she was more annoying in my opinion) and Kaidan/en was just so dull. Whining about headaches (L2 implants, yadda yadda) and dying in the fighting -- nothing else, really. Plus, he just looks like the "generic soldier male" that only the default Shepherd could put to shame. (Plus, I really despise the customization options... there's not enough for what I wanted to pull off. Now, I do love Aion's customization options -- body build, facial build, age, height, skin colors that varied a bit more, hairstyles that were actually cool looking and not so bleh etc...).
    So, from that I just found the characters lacking. I do really like Garrus though, but I don't understand why outside of his voice and that he has a bit of a... anti-heroish feel to him. Plus, he took a missile to the face and can still laugh about it <3
    Then there's the plot. In my opinion it's kinda meh. Giant evil robots out to destroy everything (sounds kinda familiar, no?), there's no interesting twists and turns (not even Cerberus was that interesting in terms of plot) and it just feels like every other generic apocalypse in the future type of story. It'd have been redeemable if the characters were better, or there was more development with character relations (not necessarily the relationships, but that'd have been nice too... I was so heartbroken when my [male] Shepherd couldn't have a relationship [or much of] with Garrus in ME and ME2... don't know what the picture is in ME3, I've heard mixed things).
    Really, I got more enjoyment out of the mercenary plots (in a "wow, I could really build off this if I wanted to write fanfiction"). than the actual story.
    I do love how open the world is though, it gives an ample canvas for writing (if I wanted to do fanfiction/practice, or play a TBRPG), but that's about it.
    The gameplay is fun, though.
  12. Noxryn
    You write a 7,000 word profile and realize you can't use it because the species you want to use is a reward </3
    And then you keep adding stuff to the profile in delirium.
  13. Noxryn
    But there are these magical, wonderful things and they are called mittens. <3

    I'm still terrible at drawing (although the hands look bigger in the real-life version... they look like they shrunk when I put it onto my comp o.O but maybe that's just a testament to my terrible iPhone picture-taking skills)
    EDIT: Some edits were done, I like this version more~
  14. Noxryn
    All that is left is to beat Sephiroth and Kurt Zisa~
    Finished absolutely everything else, except I missed a red trinity because I broke it :<
    (oh and the ultima weapon thingamajig)
    And I have 30ish hours logged into it.
  15. Noxryn
    For such a long time people have hounded me to play Kingdom Hearts (well, any game in that franchise). So, being the completionist I am, I decided to start with the first game and go (in order) to the end. So far, I find it really fun -- some of the voices are a tad annoying, but that's just my ears being picky in all actuality. (Though a Mickey Mouse/Sephiroth scene I saw in a trailer for one of the games reeled me in).
    But it's been great fun breaking out my PS2 again, I missed it <3 (and I even have a memory card~)
    Didn't get much done with my writing, I wanted to transfer the next scene I wrote in a notebook into the word document, but I just wasn't feeling it.
    However, I am completely up-to-date with My Little Pony. (Also, Derpy is just fantastic).
  16. Noxryn
    After watching 14 episodes of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (in a -row-), I seem to have lost the ability to write one of my stories (the one I'm currently putting most of my time into) without envisioning the characters in a ponified form.
    But, regardless of how dysfunctional my visual mind is behaving, I still ought to dig up my notebook where I wrote how I intended to introduce the Legion debacle into the city. So, off to do that~
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