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Blog Entries posted by Noxryn

  1. Noxryn
    Brick Fair for me ended at around 2:30 PM as I had to catch the plane back to where I live and all of that good stuff, but it was a lot of fun being there.
    I met some awesome people, got some awesome stuff and the only real downside was probably the hotel room [Our air conditioning didn't operate correctly] and we didn't get the best service, but that's not something horribly horrible, and all of the good stuff outweighed the bad stuff by a million-fold.
    What I did on the first day was basically watch the set up, and get registered and signed in with the hotel. I got up early, so I went to bed early that night and I still don't think I missed too much from late Thursday so it was all good and stuff. The plane ride there was long and I slept for half of it and listened to some music for the rest of the flight. I was just glad to note that the airport wasn't as busy as it was back during Thanksgiving, which makes sense cuz there were no holidays going on or anything XP
    Friday was still set-up day mostly, though I saw some of the awesome stuff and took a few pictures with my phone [We brought a camera, but forgot the charger so it was basically useless the entire time ><]. They had some neat displays around the NXT, and the MOCs brought in over where all the BIONICLE in the main room was set up were all very awesome, and I found myself spending most of my time over there, though on Friday I don't believe they were all up. I thiiiiink it was Friday when I met Disky there and it was the first time I actually remembered of the evening stuff which would be boring to go into detail about on Friday, but they were interesting while I was there in person. ^^
    Saturday was much more fun, all of the displays were up and people were getting ready for the Public Expo which went on from 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM. I actually was able to get up early enough to volunteer, and even though it was sitting in a chair and answering questions/making sure everyone who went in was authorized to actually go in, it was still fun. There were actually some interesting conversations some people started with me around 10:50 AM while they were all waiting to go inside. It was a pleasurable experience, and I was very glad I had checked everything out beforehand, or else I wouldn't have had a clue as to where things were. Though, the room looked packed from the outside, it was practically an endless stream of people going in and I couldn't believe that people weren't leaving and going upstairs [And the vendors had some amazing stuff upstairs]. I was pretty glad when people started heading up there, more because it was like 20 less stamps to look at XP.
    I was also able to meet some of the staff [of BZPower] though being confined to a chair all day with no one around to take my spot for a bit limited that, but it was still fun IMO to be helping out and peeking into the room now and again to see if it was getting any less crowded XP
    Sunday I was over at the BIONICLE area for most of the time as I had limited time to help around and most of the jobs were continuous through the Public Expo, but at least I did something even if it was small. Oh, and before that I went up to the vendors and got some fancy pieces for a little Halo Minifig dude, and a crazy Spartan who I never actually pieced together.
    Some of the events I can't remember the days they were on were things like the Combo Speedbuild which was pretty interesting to watch; some of the contestants made some amazing things with the Exo-Force sets they were handed. Another of the events was the Speedbuild with the Eifle Tower [i hope I spelled that right ><]. The team I thought was going to win actually lost, but it was still pretty fun to watch them tear the box open and stuff ^^.
    Though, I must say again, the displays were incredible and I was really glad I got the pictures I did. Once I'm able to get them online I may be able to post some of them in my blog.
    That's basically a giant summary of what I did during Brick Fair, and I am going to try to go again next year [i would try going to Brick Con or something like that, but with school... I really can't take the time to.] There's a lot that's not there, so yeah.
    It was crazy fun, and I got some crazy stuff and actually bought two sets at the Lego store there [Titan Mata-Nui and a Clone ship... thing that looked awesome, got Mata-Nui for the parts as I think the set itself looks bad and mismatched].
    That's pretty much it.
  2. Noxryn
    I like soft pillows. Soft, cold feeling pillows. I like that along with a warm blanket and a very thick and soft mattress that practically tries to swallow you.
    Too bad All I have is the pillow and I have yet to find such an awesome bed ;_;
  3. Noxryn
    So, it was lunch time, perfectly normal until someone buys lunch and sits down. Now, he pulls out this cookie, but see it is not a normal cookie, oh no.
    It was soggy and flabby like what some people can jiggle around by flinging their arms around. He ate the thing.
    It literally stuck his mouth shut and he couldn't speak.
    Oh and another time he is about to sit down when the pricipal is all like "What's in your sleeves?"
    He pulls out two corndogs.
  4. Noxryn
    I just went to the pool and was having a great time, until it was decided that there was a thunderstorm on its way and the place got closed ><. Oh well, life goes on.
    I am now looking at the gloomliness of our sky and am thinking "What can I do that will be fun and productive?" Initially I went with typing something up, but I'm not in the mood, and I just drew a giant machine thing a majig and don't feel like making another.
    Then I decided to try out Bonesiii's coolified mask thing for the third time, I really disliked the outcome and tehrefore quit that as I didn't feel like making another.
    Basically I am bored.
  5. Noxryn
    I flew to Houston last weekend, and got back afternoon time Monday. Basically it was a hangout with friends thingy, though I built a grill and made food on it cuz I was hungry an it was dinnertime and my friend made me build the grill with him, and stuff. After two hours of assembly, we moved it out back and invited a third friend and ate stuff we made. (It didn't burn =O)
    I also rediscovered how much fun Deadspace is, and watched as my XboxLive died again. I'll have to get that fixed at some point.
    We walked a lot, and basically shot each other with stuff and acted liked our ages suggested. I also ran into some other friends who are of the older crowd, and that involved a lot of talking and ending up getting a "Joke" of a punch in the chest which hurt ;_;. Though, I wasn't expecting it and the guy was really big, but that's besides the point.
    I also got to say "Boom. Headshot." cuz I shot someone in the head.
    Then I flew back on the plane where everything is mini.
  6. Noxryn
    I is happier nao.
    Why am I happy? Here's a list
    -I bought Iron Angel =D
    -I officially love Wednesdays at my school (An hour walk in the morning for health class, a period where we do whatever ((I tend to catch up on my writings with that time)) and a thirty minute period of reading at the end of the day. Oh and other than the two "Free periods" and Health, I only go to three other classes =D)
    -I actually finished the rough draft of the completely revamped DB prologue I've been slaving away at all day, and everybodeh loves it, although some dun like the blood and that I killed a character that early and was rather mean towards a family of harpies... but meh, I like it the way it is so far ^^
    -I had my vision and hearing tests done (20/20 both eyes, as for the hearing they didn't tell me the results... although I did space out for a fraction of two seconds and... may have missed a beep or two...)
    -We all went out to eat and went to a few stores (To get my book, last copy left =P)
    -My comp broke free of Comcasts evil adds, and now works on the internet again (I was using the "Clunker" earlier to get things done)
    -Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnd I made a doodle of Iril... chibi man, but the hair looks decent... and the face looks ticked ^^
    And since he's the god of the Maze, I drew a very complex maze all over his robes... I dunno what he actually looks like, but I made a guess. Everybody in French class liked it... even the teacher liked it =P (Although I was told to get back on task <<)
    -Art class wasn't today... and I don't have a printer to get the pictures of Fish I need for it... I'll improvise however, or come up with some really good excuse... I hope the former more than the latter.
    -I actually got eery question right on my math shtuff after only reading it for a day, while everyone else who had been learning this for three weeks got at least two wrong =P
    -People here think that it's "cool" that I have puny hand writing, and that I write stories and doodle bloody battle scenes... works for me however ^^
    Sooooooooooooooooooo I had a good day.
  7. Noxryn
    When I say "Hi" I would really like it if you don't comment on the food item that had been stolen from me kthx.
    I say "Hi"
    she goes "He's stealing your sandwich..."
    Then I kill the thief. =D
  8. Noxryn
    I'm in the lobby of the place where BFair is taking place. It's all set-up time at the moment, and I'm living off o the free internet provided in the lobby only cuz I don't have $10 to spend in the room.
    But yeah.
  9. Noxryn
    Ah, well as we all know BZP was down for two days, for the first things I could do, as for the second, a storm swept by and hindered my ability to go places.
    Well on the first day earlier within the day itself I decided to go to the neighborhood pool and swim in the area which I am staying until I caan get settled in the new home.
    It was an interesting time there, and I met a girl there who voluntarily gave me her phone number, and during this time we have become rather good friends.
    So I finished that and came home. I went to see iff BZP was working, it wasn't and so I decided to try drawing things and reading until a baseball game was going on and I decided to go there with a few friends. Well at the time it seemed like a good idea, but now I feel a bit embarrassed by winning a T-Shirt from a "Who can do the best air guitar?"
    During the game (12-0) Tulsa stole a bunch of bases including home which surprised me, and on both teams the batter accidentally let the bat go flying. One went into the crowd and a lucky man got it, the other went into the outfield.
    After that interestng game I came home checked to see if BZP was working, it was not and fell asleep. Then came the next day of stormy weather. Augh that was horrible, it continued to today as well as I watched a tree get hit by lightning just outside the fence around the house I'm staying at. Another hit the mailbox in the front yard setting the fire alarm off and scaring me. BZP was back up though and I have something to do.
    I updated my Epic Angels Among Us which a critic reviewed and only found one thing wrong which was incredibly minor. Now I type this and I sent my form for the SSCC and I hope I get approved by them. *crosses fingers*
  10. Noxryn
    It was a great movie =)
    Also -- Final Fantasy XIII, I bought it and it's sooo much fun. (I spent Gamestop store credit on it, not real cash... and got five bucks in real cash back, oddly enough... even though the store here was twenty bucks more expensive than what Blockbuster was selling it for).
    I also just figured out what this trailer I watched back in 2007 was about... and the game's not even out yet, funnily enough. (FFXIII Versus is what the trailer was of, I thought it was just a Kingdom Hearts trailer when I saw it, though)
  11. Noxryn
    I was at the store, and decided to buy a Clone Trooper Battle Pack, and messed around with that for a bit, then I bought that blue Glatorian whose name escpaes my mind, and I like the gold pieces ^^.
    Oh, and I bought season 1 of FMA cuz I like that show.
  12. Noxryn
    Well I went about my daily business, a three mile walk, eating three meals, going on BZP, reading, sleeping, going out to a Movie... and so forth.
    Well, once I find some interesting pictures perhaps I'll stick them in somewhere
    So, is reading this a time of day you do not enjoy?
  13. Noxryn
    More creativity.
    In language class, all you write are things limited and restricted to these ways to do things, and it does get annoying at times because generally I think too much on the stuff that I have to force into it, than the actual writing itself. I would love it if one assignment was a "Free Writing" and you just type up a story, spell check it, grammar check it, give it a creative appearance, and get graded on the quality of the work, and the useage of words and phrases. It'd be just so much more fun, rather than "Read this. Write this, this way, no exceptions." It kills the creativity.
    In Science, the labs that are constructed are pretty creative, but why not have a thing when the students get to design a lab to do, in order to figure something out? Let them use what would be needed to be used and grade it based off of the results, and the presentation of how it is done.
    Social Studies, perhaps have an assignment where you have to write up a historically accurate story based around an era of time? Like a story of the battles during the Civil War, or Revolutionary War. Or, just in general allow the students to design their own project, but in order to design the project it'd have to fit with the current area of learning, and display creativity as well as effort, along with correct facts. It'd be fun.
    Math can't be helped =P
    Unless you used the more advanced forms of the subject in order to determine where a rocket you set off would generally land, or something that involves going outside and shooting something
    Art, I'd say allow more free draw periods, and not just several hundred projects where you have to draw a certain item. Like, learn a technique, but draw your own drawing and add the newly learned technique into the picture, rather than doodling boring things.
    Those are the classes that I have/had that could be spruced up in the creative sector a bit. It'd be more fun, at least, I believe so and so does most of the student body.
  14. Noxryn
    So I started a bit late, three days ago from this hour to be exact, and all I have created is a 7,200 word story thus far.
    However, it's progress~
  15. Noxryn
    If you're going to bash someone, or end up causing more harm than good in a situation, I'd prefer it if I weren't to be dragged into it. I don't like reading insults, or crude comments about individuals, them being true or not. It does ruin my day, as well as put me in many complicated situations that I do not wish to partake in. If you're wanting to deal with the person, and want to go about it with a more positive mindset and attitude, then I don't mind being dragged in, since then I won't have to watch two sides end up throwing insults back and forth.
    I've been in too many things that involve forms of bashing of others, and currently, I just wish to be left out of it if it is possible. I don't care if you bash about it to yourselves, I'm just letting you know that I do not want to be a part of it. Bashing doesn't get things done, reasonable talking as well as acting in a more positive stature and manner is what gets things done, as well as being mature about the subject, rather than going to the elementary level of insults, which just get people angry and end up worse in the end.
    Future reference.
  16. Noxryn
    so now i'm the owner of a microwave, mini fridge and a coffee/tea/hot chocolate maker.
    i like these things for they are useful
    and also have ffxiv: arr preordered as my birthday present yesterday :>
  17. Noxryn
    I figured out how Microsoft Word 2007 works~
    Well, how it works to the point where I can meet all the schoolwork guidelines and not have to do it the painfully hard way.
    Only took me a few years...
    (I also stuck a pic of Alucard in this blog because he's cool)
  18. Noxryn
    What was odd in the middle of History today was when we're in our little tiny group going over one of the historical characters in the Civil War era. We read this thingy on Fredrick Douglass in class, and then we're to take notes on it. Once we decide "Okay, let's take some notes." riiiight after that someone in our group responded with "Let's start with the psychotic killer angels."
    The reaction was a "O____o" from everyone, but that phrase sounded neat and fit one of the characters I made up for Demonic Beginnings forever ago. Of course I use different terms now and then, but it sounded fun enough. Well, with that aside some other stuff happened.
    I missed practically no work I have to make up... and somehow I figured out how to properly run a program on the school computer when I couldn't the last time I sat there ><. I forgot my earbuds so I couldn't finish my project fully yet, since I need to do voice recordings still and need to make sure that the music is working... cuz last time... well, the music sounded really... weird. And that's ducking for ya.
    Oh, as a side note: My sister's earbuds made of the exact same type and brand mine are work better... mine act funny and you have to fiddle with it alot, and since she doesn't use hers and I'm too lazy to go get mine I now have pink colored earbuds in my ears while I listen to random songs. They're soooo much less stressful, but I know someone is going to chop off my head when she gets home ._.
    The bad part was the night and the morning. I thought I was going to suffocate on my own hacking and coughing... and when I read the cough drop stuff it seems that I am supposed to ask a doctor before use if I have frequent coughing with excess phlegm. I think they should make these things more noticeable <__<
    I calmed down around four in the morning and was able to sleep. I woke up an hour later for school. That sucked.
    I also missed breakfast, and was very irritable in the morning which I do regret, I fell asleep in the library at school, got yelled at by the librarian for sleeping, then fell asleep in History and got woken up by a sharp kick to the desk which hurt my ears ;_;.
    TOMORROW on the other hand, I have to put up with allll my classes. I hate Math, PE, and French cuz they all make me work hard and I hate working hard on something I have no skill in, but I have to do it anyway which sucks. Future stuff for me are;
    -3 make up tests
    -an astronomy project [To be assigned]
    -The stupid voicethread project <____<
    -Two computer projects [Almost done with one ><]
    and that's it for academic shmizzle.
    When I get home, I have about... four or three BZP hours to do stuff, well I don't only go on BZP when you see me online. I am also working on: My Language project, Demonic Beginnings [Novel], looking up my grades, answering questions [on other sites] and juggling four other active forums. I only do so much on the comp cuz School says so [i have a science book downloaded on this thing] and cuz I feel like I should help the people who request it, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnd I... seriously don't have anything better to do.
    Now I have something better to do and the schedule is like this;
    -Wolverine Orgins with the family [Just my little sister and my mother]
    -Out to eat.
    -Ice cream place.
    -Book store.
    -Browsing around on Mainstreet.
    After that I might go on BZP and stuff, but might not. Depends on my mood.

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