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Blog Entries posted by Noxryn

  1. Noxryn
    Is very inconsiderate and very rude to others and is very stupid -- especially when said budging could cost upwards of $2000 in repairs and even more in lawsuits.
  2. Noxryn
    So as for today (so far) I had played Rainbow Six Vegas 2, which is slowly growing on me... I had gone to Barnes 'n Noble and bought the third Ranger's Apprentice book along with this strange Sci-fi clone bookamathing. I enjoy my purchase and still have to read the clone thing book ><
    Shortly after that I went to Target, and guess what? They had Gali Mistika and so I bought her, sadly no Gorast. I enjoy Gali, but she reminds me a bit of a bunny with the silver jet fins on her head, and in a way I think her design would have suited Onua more, because Onua is slightly taller and he was always the "hunchback" of the group with his head stationed in the center of his chest. (Gali's head is just lower than it should be IMO) Target sadly carried no TFA figs and I was bummed out about that.
    Then I went back to Wal*Mart. They had the one Bitil and a few titans in stock, but I didn't buy any cuz I figured I had already blwon enough money on things for the day. Again no TFA figs ;_;
    That was my day so far and I still have other things to do.
  3. Noxryn
    I got around twelve places to go to and I am going to need a new suit soon... and nice shoes...along with those pants that people wear on occasion... and some socks wouldn't kill me...
    In other words, an older friend of mine is getting married next week and I got busy preparing for it. (not BM, but eh, helping out with foods and stuff wouldn't hurt)

  4. Noxryn
    finally i finished Fire Emblem: Awakening
    76 hours it took (although four of those hours was me failing hard on a DLC, over and over and over again)
    i opened all the chests and killed everything
    and met a wonderful lobster whom i asploded
  5. Noxryn
    God of Clocks is an amazing book. Though, if you want to read and understand it the first two books in the series are still skulking around somewhere XP
  6. Noxryn
    WELL maybe i'll play this again ~may have half a profile ready to go and waiting on an answer or two on some questions about technical thingies~
    it's 3am im really bored ok
  7. Noxryn
    It's not that good, I admit, but it was like... the first mechanical/Bionicle based drawing I've done since like... sixth grade. There's a lot of problems with it, that I took notes on a separate paper about (The hands aren't really the same, there's some structural differences. The eyes are slightly off, and the details on the upper legs look pretty flat). But enough of my rambling (and I took a pic of it with a camera... scanner... it's just not liking me). It also looks more Toa-esque than matoran, which was a bummer to me. Shading is also probably off... shading being like, my weakest point. XP
    Jan, the Toa-Looking Matoran
  8. Noxryn
    I is happier nao.
    Why am I happy? Here's a list
    -I bought Iron Angel =D
    -I officially love Wednesdays at my school (An hour walk in the morning for health class, a period where we do whatever ((I tend to catch up on my writings with that time)) and a thirty minute period of reading at the end of the day. Oh and other than the two "Free periods" and Health, I only go to three other classes =D)
    -I actually finished the rough draft of the completely revamped DB prologue I've been slaving away at all day, and everybodeh loves it, although some dun like the blood and that I killed a character that early and was rather mean towards a family of harpies... but meh, I like it the way it is so far ^^
    -I had my vision and hearing tests done (20/20 both eyes, as for the hearing they didn't tell me the results... although I did space out for a fraction of two seconds and... may have missed a beep or two...)
    -We all went out to eat and went to a few stores (To get my book, last copy left =P)
    -My comp broke free of Comcasts evil adds, and now works on the internet again (I was using the "Clunker" earlier to get things done)
    -Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnd I made a doodle of Iril... chibi man, but the hair looks decent... and the face looks ticked ^^
    And since he's the god of the Maze, I drew a very complex maze all over his robes... I dunno what he actually looks like, but I made a guess. Everybody in French class liked it... even the teacher liked it =P (Although I was told to get back on task <<)
    -Art class wasn't today... and I don't have a printer to get the pictures of Fish I need for it... I'll improvise however, or come up with some really good excuse... I hope the former more than the latter.
    -I actually got eery question right on my math shtuff after only reading it for a day, while everyone else who had been learning this for three weeks got at least two wrong =P
    -People here think that it's "cool" that I have puny hand writing, and that I write stories and doodle bloody battle scenes... works for me however ^^
    Sooooooooooooooooooo I had a good day.
  9. Noxryn
    Camp has been pretty good I like the people and a friend of mine has just become a member. Sorry that this is so short but I'm working on a tight schedual so bye until possibly tomarrow.
  10. Noxryn
    Been working on more of them as of late, such as reconstructing a few for the third time, more for giving them a more interesting past rather than the same old boring stuff that gets tedious to write about. This involved the hacking of my notebook, but I had another one [Found it under a couch, actually] where I decided to put in all of the new information and explanations of things. Some time they'll be converted into my Word processor, but I only have about... less than two hours to be on here [Gonna go see Star Trek at 6:10 PM].
    Alicia, Anazair, Vex, and Veran are the most fun for me to write about. Alicia is fun more because of all of the events that just happened one after the other, and eventually molding her into a very violent individual who dwells within the Mortal Realm, having been sent to one [i'll keep it unnamed] realm from another. So basically she's been everywhere, and that just adds to the fun. Anazair is fun more because of reasons I don't want to say, for those who play the RPG in COT, and because it'd give away a lot about the "main villain". Vex is just fun due to the fact that she goes from; near dead homeless harpy to trained killer because of a series of events. Veran is also fun, more due to the fact that there are about... three entire sections with his history; from early, to current, to future. So far he owns about fifty pages out of that 400.
    Callow, the Locke Family as a whole, and Anazect are a bit more dull to construct histories for, though the Lockes are getting into more and more interesting parts. Callow is more or less just a normal man with a few abnormal historic events, and Anazect is one of the Anazts, but due to their nature, they aren't so much fun to write with.
  11. Noxryn
    No, it's not chibi-Sebastian, at least, not yet. I wanna see if I can do some pencil/paper editing before I decide to take a pic of it.
    However, it's creative, magic and... it needs to be read, so please read it please ;-;
  12. Noxryn
    I was hoping Farenzic Sciences would be one of them... oh well, some other time down the line then.
    And... I has no idea what classes to take for High School
    Too. Many. CHOICES. @_@
  13. Noxryn
    When I reply to comments in my own blog... is that normal? I just like to as I dunno, go nothing better to do...so yeah, do you think it is strange?
  14. Noxryn
    Making a Holiday Wishlist is hard. Cuz the stuff I want is either only obtainable via military/government, or just isn't obtainable...
    GoW2 <3
  15. Noxryn
    I finished everything and am now so bored that I made a new blog entry.
    I am sitting at the long table thingy with the computer... and the guy next to me apparently wishes to buy a nail gun and a castle and become some sort of nail tyrant. o___O
  16. Noxryn
    My personal computer was destroyed by the cat, as she decided to give a glass of water a very rough shove with her head... even though she knows that being on the table is not allowed <<
    So, I am currently using my sister's computer [Which is really screwed up...].
    Today, overall, hasn't really gone well.
    -EDIT: Oh, and probably all of my writing projects are gone now. Or will be, in the recovery process... unless a drenched computer isn't as bad, memory wise, as a computer full of viruses.
  17. Noxryn
    My computer's been acting up recently, so if I'm not around later today (When I normally am) it's 'cuz of that. Just thought a quick mention would be appreciated somewhere.
    EDIT: Problem's been solved.
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