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Blog Entries posted by Noxryn

  1. Noxryn
    I hate being all alone at home sometimes because:
    -No food
    -The milk went bad which didn't help the food problem
    -I'm not drinking an energy drink in the middle of the afternoon [Water works at least]
    I couldn't eat breakfast, or lunch due to lack of food to make something with. And I am really hungry ><
    And I may or may not be on BZP as frequent as before, more cuz I'm busy with reading stuff, and trying to get back to the [technically sixth... I think ><] draft of the rest of the first and second chapters for DB.
    Doesn't sound like a lot, but they really eat at my time. So that would be why I probably won't jump immediately back into RPGs and such.
  2. Noxryn
    i updated this here blog a bit, removed content blocks i deemed pointless or silly (well besides the rpg one though it's incomplete, old and every link is outdated since the old forums are gone but it's kinda too nostalgic or me to delete)
    also the pink's on purpose; pink is a pretty color and i will deck my online self (and offline self, though it's not a particularly flattering color on me -- purple is a bit more, i think) in it.
    almost removed the splash art thing (it's ancient... well, maybe three years??? four?? i lost those dog tags forever ago, but i got them more as a little bit of morale support for myself at the time so i kept the splash thing there)
    was tempted to put a selfie somewhere 'cuz it's a blog 'n junk and that's how i usually mark my blogs, but eeeeeeehhhhhhhhhh
    if i ever get the confidence to properly do myself up in makeup and find a flattering outfit (specifically like, a skirt i really like and a cute hoodie or something since idk, i tried such a combination of clothes once in Macy's while i was bored and i thought i looked quite pretty -- still kinda shocked they had things i could wear even if it fit somewhat oddly which was reason numero uno i didn't get them) then i will likely use it there (and prolly promptly update all my other ones haha)
    (usually the standard t-shirt/jeans combo is boring to wear, but i dont like wearing shorts since i can't wear leggings or stockings with them [kinda self conscious about my legs for some reason... like, how pale they are, i think? i dunno, it's weird])
    look at all these parentheses
    (so many)
    also 701st entry yay pretty
  3. Noxryn
    my girlfriend found a spongebob corset costume thing from party city and i said id wear it if she found it
    if someone told me ten years ago i'd one day put that on id have laughed at them
    yet here we are
  4. Noxryn
    It's interesting when you're reading a book such as Lye Street and your language teacher asks questions about it. Kinda interesting when you explain about how a man was found dead in a pipe with all of his blood sucked out of his body, along with when you ask "Hey, what do you think is down in that bottomless pit?" and get the chance to go see for yourself.
    She quit asking things when I got into explaining who "Carnival" was and stuff XP
  5. Noxryn
    More of a doodle, though the shading and stuff took a while. The black coat-part doesn't look that good, because the pencil I was using doesn't color even. (And I know the cravat/hands suck). It was how I killed an hour in class, when I had nothing to do.
    I couldn't fit the entire drawing into a picture, but the duster he's wearing basically trails off and has a bunch of blank eyes in it.
    It's not very good, but eh, I was bored.

  6. Noxryn
    I have this story, that I've been working on for the last two or so days. [Just something to help get over my writers block, which is the general reason as to why I haven't updated my epic for almost... a month.] As I read over the few, short paragraphs I had in Word, I thought that I could expand what I have, and possibly make it something with a bit of meaning in it. As I did this, I pretty much decided around then that it wouldn't be something that would work for BZP, partly due to language, and partly due to the whole... idea behind it, I can't really explain it any better than that.
    However, I was wondering if there were many places that would want to maybe have something like this, then I ran across an interesting search engine, that someone on another website blogged about. So, I searched the genre of what I wrote, the theme, and what the expected word count would be [Probably 4,000 and under]. What I got was an online magazine, one that actually pays writers for their stories. Automatically, my interest is drawn to this magazine, and the guidelines, in their most basic form, are;
    -A short story has to be over 1000 words, and under 4000 words long.
    -Writers are paid, roughly, five cents per word used.
    -The story can be of any genre.
    -The general theme of the story, has to be of the "Dark" nature.
    What hit me most, was that, the story I have completely fits these guidelines. My next step, is going to be reading some of the previously published stories on this online magazine, to see if their publishers/editors would be interested in what I have.
    This discovery, has so far, made my day. Even if they don't want what I have, there were 20 other results who don't pay, that I didn't look at yet.
    - As a side note, I was actually able to chain Ralts in Pokemon Platinum, and get the shiny one I've been hoping for... for the last... three days, now? Made my day.
    -- As another side note, I saw The Vampire's Assistant today. The movie wasn't that bad, though, some of their actors need to work on their acting a bit more... they were just... I dunno, not very believable at time. Plus, some of the lines I found to be cheesy, but there were others that I just loved, but are inappropriate for BZP.
    (After seeing the trailer for AVATAR the second time, I decided that I will see this movie. The director, to me, is pretty good -- made; Alien, a few [i don't think all...] of the Terminator movies, and made Titanic). Of course, I'm talking about seeing James Cameron's AVATAR, not Avatar: The Last Airbender. I won't see The Last Airbender, as a Live Action movie, even if you paid me.
  7. Noxryn
    So I took up fencing recently, first class was today, and it's quite interesting as well as fun. The instructor stated that so far, I'm her best student.
    Though, I won't be able to do it next week... 'cuz I got firearm training (class) Thursday for two hours and then the actual target-shooting on Saturday (four hours).
  8. Noxryn
    That be me aiming at your head from my window. That includes anyone not close to any buildings, or this country. Yes my aim is THAT GOOD.
    As is my special rifle. =3
  9. Noxryn
    I have recently updated my epic Angels Among Us. Somehow I did the first chapter really good and I just don't know how it had the least grammatical mistakes along with someone's favorite...the answer eludes me. (Go check it out! I beg of you! If you would like a link it would be in my sig which leads to my library and from there the link to the epic exists, I just need some reviews and reviewers so I can at least feel motivated to continue it)
    I went swimming yet again, after that boredom ensued, I read 100 pages of The Clone Republic which IMO is quite a fun read.
    I'm going to see a movie on Friday be it The Mummy, or Hancock (I'm hoping for the latter)
    -In other news Kachz is leaving the site for an idefinate amount of time and I would just like to say that I am sad for his leaving, but life comes first and if he thinks it is the best thing to do, I would have to agree.
    -In more news I have th ejob of shamelessly advertising the Unexpected RPG in CoT to any who wish to play. I'm having fun with it, but recently it has grinded to a halt due to some inactive players and I can't do much. I would appreciate it if any of you RPG players would go and maybe just check it out.
    (Not my RPG BTW)
    That's all I have to say...
  10. Noxryn
    They're all so boring.
    Baseball has no excitement, and it's so slow. I get people like it and stuff, but it's like, why must it become the center of every conversation... and how one earth do people have the attention span to watch it? The only part of it I can understand is seeing it in person, because at least then it seems more interesting... and there's all those little shops and foodplaces to go whenever you get bored watching people run around in circles.
    Soccer (or football/futbol)... it's a game that can go on for hours and end with a 1 - 1 tie. Need I say more? .-.
    Football (American) is at least more visually interesting, like, there's stuff happening and people are running into each other. And there's more incentive to watch this than the above two whenever my father is all "sports channel," though maybe I don't get it because I can't comprehend the rules. Or maybe I don't get it because I have no attachment to any specific state/city to the point where I have any pride in it... while a lot of fans of this game seem to have enough pride to fight over this game. (Plus it's the centerpiece of every conversation at school... and the conversations are just boring... and when I say "every conversation" I mean that. Could be talking about artwork, or writing, or anime, or manga, or something and someone will be all "how about that football game last night?" it's this or baseball pending on the time of year).
    And then there's NASCAR. They're just turning left the whole time... and going in a circle. Make them drive at 100 MPH+ through a maze of fire... or something... you know... entertaining.
    Hockey's fans are more entertaining than the game (in a good way). At least the inebriated ones dancing to the song being played, up and down the aisle and are actually getting the attention of the entire place.
    Any sports not included are the ones I don't hear about every waking moment.
    But it's like... when people say they get really annoyed with those who obsess over things they don't particularly care for, and stuff it into every single conversation and hail it as the most amazing thing to ever bless our little existence... that's how I feel with these sports.
  11. Noxryn
    I'm looking to see if something was said in a forum, then see that it hasn't been said, make a post about it just to find out that it was posted with a very strange title ._.
    Oh, and even though I said this before, this is my blog and I shall say it again:
    Congratulations Rorschach on the new COT RPG Judge position!
    Congratulations The Power That Is on the new COT RPG Judge position!
    Two cuz rather than have Sisen approve the RPGs twice (One for general 7 and one for finality) it was decided that Sisen only approves the finality, and the second COT RPG Judge gives the 7th approval. So basically, the main 7 are all members, while Sisen is the special staffer who can approve these things at a faster rate than the old COT Staffers who had something better to do half the time =P

  12. Noxryn
    I drew this spider thingy in the middle of Biology class and to me it looked pretty neat. This little unnamed creation is probably the best doodle I made all year, which is a good thing =P
    Just thought to share that with everyone.
  13. Noxryn
    I need to make an epic that I don't just quit halfway through because I'm not inspired, or motivated to continue it. Though, I have no idea how to go about that... since currently my mind is fried of storylines or plot ideas, as well as stuff for the characters to actually go through in order to end up where they're supposed to end up...
    I hate my inability to create and continue a full epic series on this site.
  14. Noxryn
    I spent like two hours playing with my sylvari's face *not to even factor in the body type and junk*
    my time management is brilliant~
    but he look so fab, all red and pink and green (and glow in the dark, but he glows purple so he's not a nuclear sylvari :,D) *and he teleports with clouds of butterflies in his wake which is just amazing and lovely*
    *ended up buying the game because Spink is easily persuaded to do so by sales people, but ssshhhh*
    *also playing Pokemon*
    *needs to remember that he needs to redo his priority list*
    *also why can't I turn off smilies in my blog
  15. Noxryn
    where is the box i feel old and i have (1) opinion
    everyone else put in life updates so heres mine no one asked for

    estrogen made me hot and i have a boyfriend

    and a pool, i have a pool

    im kinda a big deal
  16. Noxryn
    Walking through fifty degree weather with a T-shirt and shorts was a very bad idea.
    Cuz now I feel miserable... and my ear is starting to hurt ;-;

  17. Noxryn
    There's this giant gummy bear... on a stick that turns drinks into slushies and makes you sick if you eat it all at once.
  18. Noxryn
    There's no section on the school's website for Animation Class D=
    Well, there are sections, but none of them are the ones I'm affiliated with... basically, my teacher either forgot, or I'm hallucinating my third period class. Wheeee~
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