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Premier Retired Staff
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Status Updates posted by Noxryn

  1. Happy one day late birthday! *missed the GD topic by seconds*

  2. Happy-belated birthday~ ( sorry I didn't get here sooner ;-; )

    1. Disky


      oh thank you :>

    2. Disky


      I got here even later so it's okay

  3. Have an awesome Birthday! (Cuz saying it once, just ain't enough)

  4. Have you checked in the walls and under the floorboards?

  5. He has a little attention span that be why <_< and I pointed that out. =P

  6. He vanished temporarily in favor of the name of one of his favorite book characters =P

  7. HE WILL ALWAYS BE IN OUR COT FAMILY. Yes, you can't escape us, or we will brutally kill you and haul your body back to COT =D

  8. Heh, sorry, I'll get on that ^^;;;;

  9. Hello Aho

    I am Hungry

    I want food

    I will go get some now.

  10. Hello to you to =P

  11. Hello, and thanks! =D

  12. Hey Nera, I was wondering when you would join Bzp!

  13. Hi

    *comments* two in one! =O

  14. Hiya Smeag! =D

  15. hmm? I was mentioned in my own profile with an interesting name... it must be the end of the world. o.O

  16. Hmmm... I don't have a particular favorite, though I do like chicken noodle soup created from scratch, and clam chowder is pretty good too.

  17. Hope you had a great birthday! I totally spaced and thought yesterday was Tuesday, the 23rd orz

    1. Catra


      its ok, thank you friend 8)

  18. I am master of Reality until the Bounty Hunters die. Other than that... just the talking to people, and stuff.

  19. I blow stuff up via magix

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