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Status Updates posted by Munkiman

  1. *calls Combustion Man*

    "Someone's running around with my title. I want you to find him... and end him."

  2. *calls the asylum*

    *with a hamburger phone*

    *Juno was a pretty good movie*

  3. *cocks rifle*

  4. *dies from multiple stab wounds*

  5. *enters comment block, nuclear chainsaws blazing*

    Yeah, well... We have a better climate!


  6. *enters conversation*

    *kicks reason to the curb*

    There. Argument resolved.

  7. *flaming boulders ridden by AUSTRICHES fly out of the lava pool and attack Zy*

  8. *kicks ointment out of LSAW's hands and into the pool of lava*


  10. *punches Munki in the face*

  11. *shoots Suna*

    There. Problem solved.

  12. *sniffs*

    What's cooking?

  13. :o

    How could you, Captain?

  14. 00 didn't grab me. It's on the bottom of my long, long list.

  15. 2009 looks like it's going to get much closer to Bionicle's roots.

    And that's one reason why I like your Ascension so much, because it has that sort of feel to it.

    Sick of official characters? But what about the ones in City of Fear? ;_;

  16. 8D

    *fire-truck sirens*

  17. A picture... of YOU? And how is that supposed to convince me?

  18. ably has kryptonite.

  19. Actually, I do have amazing powers. I'm a quadripalegic, but I can move around like an able-bodied person! :D

    Amazing, isn't it?

  20. ad.

    The current DC Multiverse contains a universe called Earth-4 that is based on Watchmen but uses the original Charlton names and appearances.

  21. Again, being hopeful, iconic, charismatic, heroic, selfless and inspiring make a great character as far as I'm concerned. If you want to think about his flaws, he's always guilty whenever something bad happens, even if he couldn't prevent it, especially to the people he loves. Even with super speed, he can't be everywhere at once.

  22. Ahaha, I get it. Yes, Nihi has "brought the Munkis".

    Quite humorous.


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