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Blog Entries posted by Munkiman

  1. Munkiman
    I feel very depressed now.
    TTGL spoilers ahead.

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «KEEP GOING.
    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «No... it's too painful!
    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «SO SO SAD! ;_;
    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «KAMINAAAAAAAAAA! 
    EDIT: After watching episode 8 again, more specifically Kamina's last moments, I'm feeling better.
    Also, I wish Adiane had just hurried up and killed Nia instead of taking her sweet time about it. :angry: Nia must DIE.
    EDIT2: After 14 episodes, Nia isn't as bad anymore. Luckily, they made her less of a central character. She CANNOT replace Kamina. EVAR.
  2. Munkiman
    Spelled it wrong the first time.
    So yeah, now I'm watching it using good ol' #######. I've seen the first four episodes so far. It's great. Kamina is awesome, even when he's confusing me with his "believe in me who believes in you" speeches.
    That is all.
    Don't bypass the filter. -Shine
  3. Munkiman
    Saw The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor today. It was made of awesome and win.
    Minor spoiler of EPIC WIN-NESS:

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «The emperor rips off his own terra-cotta FACE and throws it at the good guys as a projectile weapon. Someone HAS to make a gif of that.
  4. Munkiman
    Which boy genius would arise victorious in a battle of cosmic proportions: Dexter of Cartoon Network's Dexter's Laboratory, or Jimmy Neutron of Nickelodeon's Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius?
    Just something that's been on my mind.
  5. Munkiman
    After a long discussion on the subject, I have decided that the third movie in Christopher Nolan's Batman Begins Trilogy should simply be called
    Pure and simple.
  6. Munkiman
    I've even figured out what I'm going to say if there is a spin-off of Avatar. But I have sworn not to reveal it until the time is right.
  7. Munkiman
    Not really. Somewhere in France, though.
    I was gone for a few days after the BZP-dun-work Crisis, and apparently my pride and joy, CoF, was stolen by some three-year-old and pasted onto another website, claiming it was his own along with several other RPGs from past contests.
    Now, most people would go easy on mentally challenged three-year-olds whose capacity for computer usage consists entirely of Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V, and eating things they find off the ground. However, I am not so merciful.
    Stealing is bad, dudes. And stealing other people's ideas in a desperate attempt to inflate your own ego and look cool to all the other drooling babies in the playpen is just sad.
    I mean, I never do that.
    *ahem* Anyway.
    But what really ticks me off is that the whole thing was solved without me. I just finally get onto a computer for the first time in days and find out that I have two PMs: one telling me that someone stole my idea, and the other saying that it was taken care of. I mean. they even had the evidence deleted, so I couldn't register on the forum and make snide remarks.
    I mean, come on guys! You gotta wait up for me! My Sherlock Holmes costume has been collecting dust for years, and the one time I get a chance to use it, the whole freaking mystery gets solved without me! I wanted to unmask the Creeper! ;__;
  8. Munkiman
    There once was a man,
    His name was Magellan.
    A Portuguese skipper,
    The girls found him cute.
    He sailed with five ships
    To find the East Indies,
    Then come back to Spain
    With a bounty of loot.

    Whoopie ti-yi-yo,
    oh happy Magellan!
    Starting your journey
    with hardly a care!

    Whoopie ti-yi-yo,
    strong, brave Magellan.
    You'll find the East Indies,
    You just don't know where.

    They crossed the Atlantic
    and spotted a country.
    Magellan said:
    "It's the East Indies, at last!"
    But then someone shouted,
    "Hey, that's Argentina!"
    Magellan got cranky
    And chopped down the mast.

    Whoopie ti-yi-yo,
    settle down, Magellan!
    Put down that axe,
    There's no time to despair!

    Whoopie ti-yi-yo,
    Keep trying, Magellan.
    You'll find the East Indies,
    You just don't know where.

    A great storm arose
    In the might Pacific.
    The five little ships
    Were diminished to three.
    At last land was sighted,
    Magellan was happy.
    But then someone shouted:
    "Hey, that's Chile!"

    Whoopie ti-yi-yo,
    Cheer up, Magellan!
    Check out your map
    And don't tear out your hair!

    Whoopie ti-yi-yo,
    Keep trying, Magellan.
    You'll find the East Indies,
    You just don't know where.

    It took them five months,
    But they crossed the Pacific.
    They spotted a land
    That was dotted with palms.
    Magellan proclaimed:
    "Yes, that's the East Indies!"
    But then someone shouted:
    "Hey, I think that's Guam!"

    Oops, Magellan!
    Your fun little journey's
    Become a nightmare!

    Whoopie ti-yi-yo,
    Keep trying, Magellan.
    You'll find the East Indies,
    You just don't know where.

    They sailed due west
    To the Phillipine Islands.
    Magellan was pleased
    As the natives drew near.
    But then someone shouted:
    "I think they're attacking!"
    Magellan said, "What?"
    And got his by a spear.

    Whoopie ti-yi-yo,
    Farewell, Magellan!
    You almost made it,
    It's really not fair!

    Whoopie ti-yi-yo,
    Oh, ghost of Magellan -
    The East Indies Islands
    Were right over there.
  9. Munkiman
    Yup. Saw it. Can't resist a Pixar film.
    And it was really good. Cute little story, amazing art and characters, fluid animation. Best Pixar movie since The Incrdibles, IMO.
    I love EVE so much. She and WALL-E are so cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute together.
  10. Munkiman
    So I saw Get Smart on Tuesday with David, Naomi and Maya.
    I add the names of my RL friends to prove that I have some.
    Also, got a new computer for high school. This one doesn't suck, which means now I don't have any excuse now to not watch Tengen Toppa Whatsisface.
  11. Munkiman
    For those who saw my premature victory speech for RPGC 10 two entries down, I may have forgotten to mention that I shouldn't have counted my chickens before they got beaten by Truth by a single vote.
    Also, I'm listening to the Serenity soundtrack right now, and it's a lot better than the Firefly soundtrack, which was really a waste of money since the only songs on that soundtrack I really like are the theme song and River's Dance. :/ But this one's better.
  12. Munkiman
    Hancock was sold out, so I ended up seeing WALL-E for the second time. Still amazing.
    "Put on your Sunday clothes, there's lots of world out there..."
  13. Munkiman
    I finally watched Serenity, the film sequel to the best TV series that ever ran for a single season, Firefly. After watching the entire series on DVD twice, once on my own and once with my dad, I couldn't put it off any longer.
    And it was so awesome, and so sad when some of the characters died, and I'm so happy that I watched it and loved it but now I'm all depressed that there's no more Firefly... *cries*
    If you haven't seen Firefly, go get the DVD from Netflix or something. Your life has no meaning until you have watched it.
    And in other news, City of Fear is sitting comfortably in second place in RPG Contest #10, which means on Monday (if not complications arise) I'll be able to open up my first RPG.
  14. Munkiman
    Conversation over PM with Munkiman_ (aka Setsuna):
    Originally, my second reply to him contained the information that July 26th would be two days before Heroes Season 2 is released on DVD in the UK.
    Read and enjoy my suffering.

  15. Munkiman
    "After the Earth was used up, we found a new solar system and hundreds of new Earths were terraformed and colonized. The central planets formed the Alliance and decided all the planets had to join under their rule. There was some disagreement on that point. After the War, many of the Independents who had fought and lost drifted to the edges of the system, far from Alliance control. Out here, people struggled to get by with the most basic technologies; a ship would bring you work, a gun would help you keep it. A captain's goal was simple: find a crew, find a job, keep flying."
  16. Munkiman
    I did my Chinese final this morning. Now I get my grades on Wednesday, graduation ceremony on Thursday, and I am OUT OF HERE!
    (I'm doing this in real life)
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