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Status Updates posted by -IGNITION-

  1. Actually, the longest word in the english language is a protein of some kind, and has 1,909 letters in it, which well over exceeds signature limits =P

  2. And a Merry New Year!

  3. Good day then? lol. Have you played the Bionicle Battle Kopaka game? It's so frustratingly annoying!

  4. Hey bad luck, I heard you accidentally changed your name. Exact same thing happened to me =P


  5. Hey Nickbomb. Updated Avatar, and I think it's "powerful" enough to bring down an entire government :-P you may see it in full here

  6. I also did a Pink cat beside him. It was his "love interest" and she was commenting (in a ver sophisticated speech bubble" about how stupid he looked. Unfortunatley, I don't have that any more. I lost it when my hard drive failed :(

  7. I look different eh? Urm, just out of interest, why?

  8. I shalt join your rebellion! Neutral FOREVER!

  9. Lol. Bad luck matey *clciks save several times* Darn. I think that i've captured the "inner sanctum" don't you :P

  10. LOL. I can just imaging you opening up your computer and going "WT*?" as you see a slightly smouldering motherboard :P. On my previous computer tho, you know how all processers sit underneath a cooling fan so they don't explode violently, well, my processor got so hot, it MELTED the fan.

  11. Nahh, I don't speak Spanish, I is english me :P

  12. Ok, BZP code don't work in comments :-P

  13. Ooo.. I can add comments to myself. How exciting :). I used to be I.G.N.I.T.I.O.N, but I thought my present name meant the same thing and could be abbreviated to CuD. O.o Not one of my best ideas that :P

  14. Thank you Gatanui =)

  15. Unfortunately no. Have you ever seen the film Sweeney Todd?

  16. Well. I've been learning how to use predictive texting at a lightning speed, playing Frisbee with a Mousemat during lesson time in school, and attempting to think of various theorys that haven't been proven wrong. Most of them have. :-\.


  17. Where on Mata Nui did you get that picture of the Yellow Bahrag and Yellow Tahnok?

  18. Yeah sure you can. Just send me the link when you're done :). You don't have to give me creditsies, although you can if you would like :)

  19. You know what, I don't know. Most likely good though, except you'll probably only see it if I can be bothered to put it on Maj, which is highly unlikely.

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