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Status Updates posted by Raaki

  1. a lot :P

    almost all my wii and gamecube games are nintendo!

  2. Actually I thought they were pretty cool

  3. Congrats being one of the AC 15 winners!

  4. Dude! Your art is awesome! How long do you spend on it?

  5. ha, hey wuts up?

    so is it fun in the xbox??

  6. haha lol

    not a big deal

  7. Hey Axzaa! How have ya been doin? Ya these forum upgrades rock!

  8. Hey Bones, remember me? It's THI. You got a pretty good amount of comments!

    c ya

    -Money Bags

  9. Hey dude! sup? the lil warriors are sooo good!

  10. Hey dude! Ya you don't know me at all, but that is one long profile. haha, I don't even know why I'm posting such a random comment!

  11. Hey PePs, you've been pretty busy eh?

  12. Hey ToM! Not bad drawings and Mocs here, i likie the Bohrok Va.

  13. Hey Turakii, it's me, -t- or Techi or if you don't remember that, it's THI! How's it going?

    -Money Bags

  14. Hey Turakii!

    Ya, I agree, Stacie Orrico is awesome. Has she got a new album yet?

  15. I think it was too much.

  16. oh really? Oh well. SDhe's still pretty good.

    well talk to you later!

  17. Since when can we post status pdates?

  18. What Do you mean BC?

  19. What do you mean by RIP? What Happened?

  20. Why helloooooo there!

  21. Why helloooooo there!

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