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Sniper Jo

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Posts posted by Sniper Jo

  1. Additionally, Pohuaki did say (whilst he was still a moderator) that the fictional counterparts of banned members could still be used in comics, so long as they represented the characters and not the members. Since Janus hasn't officially redacted that, I assume it still stands.(also that gun flash is pretty neat)

  2. Scottish is more rustic and heavier accent than a British accent.

    You've got it wrong. Scotland and Wales are both in Britain, and as such are British accents. And there's hundreds of separate accents that could be identified as "English". (I'm not complaining that Americans can't identify individual accents from within England- heck, I can't most of the time- but leaving out Scotland and Wales from Britain is stupid.)On-Topic: So I'll be introduced through this? =D
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