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Captain Flowers

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Status Updates posted by Captain Flowers


  2. hows that project going?

  3. i have always been into both. gundam owns for the guns. and FMA owns for the awesomness

  4. i just wish that we can all act mature is all

  5. i know. but they'll be no match for honenhime. (fave character)

  6. i like the way you think.. *evil grin*

    wana recruit havok?

  7. i saw. i havnt had time to post yet, or properly view it. i'll get right to it ;)

  8. i take you like pink floyd?

  9. i think its the people on BAW... a much tighter comunity all around

  10. i was buissy with the drawing

  11. i would just like to tell you that you have a moc steeler on bioncle.com... just so you know, like passing your mocs as their own...man, i hate that...

  12. i've been drawing.... lots of it to. got a new camera, and i think i found my stungunmilly

  13. i've never been good at inking...

    and the colouring style is the only one i know... do u have any tips for that?

  14. If a schizophrenic person threatens to commit suicide is it a hostage situation?

  15. im good! how be you stranger

  16. it would be sweet to have a series afterwards, yet kinda weird... lots of my friends like the ending though.... blarg....

  17. its a must. we have to. my luxray/electrivire combo will DESTROY your guys. lol

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