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Blog Entries posted by -SZ-

  1. -SZ-
    So they have returned! Exciting, no?
    *mass booing*
    So, what are these so-called Thingamabobs anyway? Um, basically random things in the LEGO world that I feel need more recognition.
    *kills lame opening*
    Presenting Thingamabob #1...

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « Roa McToa's Kopaka Nuva! ...revamp-Phantoka-thing. (Topic) 
    Because Roa's unique style is to die for.
    That was so anti-climactic.
  2. -SZ-
    Saw The Dark Knight. It was pretty good. The Joker was incridible. I can't decide which Joker was better: Ledger or Nicholson. Harvey Dent was kinda boring, and Batman too.
    But The Joker. Yeah. Awesome.
    also confusion abounded
  3. -SZ-
    For Turakii:
    Hahli looked at her reflection in a pool and smiled.
    "You win the prize!" she exclaimed, pointing to her reflection. "You're gorgeous. Could you ever find a prettier face? No sir, just look at that mask."
    Sighing contentedly, she smiled to her reflection.
    Realizing that it was getting late, Hahli left the pool and head to her hut for the night. Her dreams were full of herself: Winning beauty contests, people admiring for beauty, and one of her riding a motorcycle with Tom Cruise.
    She woke up suddenly.
    "What's a motorcycle?" she asked, getting up from her bed. "And more importantly, who's Tom Cruise? Someone trying to out-do me in good looks? Well, I won't have it."
    She moved to her mirror to wash her mask when she suddenly realized something.
    "MY MASK! IT'S GONE!" she gasped. "No, no, no, how could this happen?!"
    She ran out of her hut and into Turaga Nokama's.
    "My mask! Nokama! It's been stolen!"
    "Hold your horses deary," Nokama replied calmly. "It will turn up. Now leave me, I must try to beautify my incredibly ugly mask."
    Stamping out of the hut, Hahli met shocked Ga-Matoran faces with frowns. She then went back into her hut and pouted.
    "I'll never be beautiful again," she cried.
    Abruptly there was a knock on the door.
    "What do you want?" she asked angrily.
    Macku, the Matoran with the mask like an elephant's trunk, stepped in.
    "Sorry, Hahli, but someone said he must see you."
    "Tell him to go away, I'm pouting."
    "He says it's urgent."
    Throwing her arms up, Hahli replied, "Fine."
    In stepped Tom Cruise, he was shorted than Hahli had expected.
    "You! YOU!" Hahli shouted. "I'll kill you!"
    As Hahli ran at Tom, Macku stepped in between them and stopped the craziness.
    "Look, Hahli," she said, "He's just wanted to give your mask back."
    "W-what?" Hahli stammered.
    "Well," Tom said, "I had a dream about you. And, um, I didn't want to be so ugly as I am. So I used this weirdo universe-changing device and...here I am!"
    "You stole my mask?!" Hahli shouted.
    "Well, I'm getting old, and my fans are decreasing, I needed something to revive my career, and I figured that if I had your mask I'd be more handsome, or something like that. But now I want to give it back, because I didn't get that role in that new Shymalan film."
    He looked depressed.
    "Aww, well isn't that...GIVE ME BACK MY MASK!"
    The End.
    So there it is, a random story written in 20 minutes with no plot, and no ending.
  4. -SZ-
    - BZPers will argue about anything and everything.
    - LEGO does, in fact, know what it's doing.
    - The staff are real people, and awesome ones at that.
    - The blogs own the forums.
    - Opinions are opinions, live with them.
    - Teenage guys, for the most part, are toddlers with hormones.
    - Teenage girls, for the most part, are toddlers on caffeine.
    - New members don't get no respect!
    - Grudges never last; why hold on so hard?
    - Life is awesome when you let it be.
    - 2009 will make or break Bionicle.
    - Love is the most wonderful and confusing thing in the world.
  5. -SZ-
    Yeah, I saw Get Smart. It was fine, not great. Pretty funny here and there.
    For those of you waiting for Part II: Everything's fine. It's over. Life's back to normal.
  6. -SZ-
    So there's about a 50% chance of me going to Brickfair!
    What MOC(s) should I bring?
    An old one? (If so, which one?)
    A new one? (If so, what should I make?)
    Or both old and new?
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