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Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Everything posted by .Colin

  1. Dude! I changed my name! I feel like helping Bundalings for some reason. Call me ER though.


  2. I want to help you in your campaign for being a newb. What should I change my name to?

  3. You think that stuff is scary? You have obviously never heard of the Mexican Penguin named Gorge! -ER
  4. Check out my latest MoC over in BBC! Project Mahri.


  5. Hehe. . . check out my latest topic! One of my best of the MoCs I have made in a long time.


  6. Why do you want to PM me so badly?


  7. .Colin

    Getting To Know Ya

    Shine, that was beautiful. . . Sup me man, just keep doing what you are doing, your MoCing talents have improved greatly, try posting more in the Artwork forums, make some art, whether it be hand drawn or through Paint/Photoshop. Maybe start a PBZP, or try and ask people their opinions of a MoC before you post it, that will make people think that they are worth something, which is always good. Wow, I make a lot of run on sentences. -ER
  8. Hello, Ayena, remember me? Toa Rahaga?


  9. "'Tis cleared," ER said accomplished. . .


  10. Nope. Thanks for your concern. :]


  11. Hey man! What has been going on?


  12. Sure, I can only play on weekends, so I guess I'll just play next weekend.


  13. .Colin

    Flames Of The Dragon

    My MoC of you is going to be my best MoC so far. I love it! I just need to make the other leg and spiffy him up and I will be posting him next week. -ER You changed the Blog quite a bit, dark purple looks good.
  14. Thanks. Hey, I sent you a friends request, just letting you know!


  15. XD. I'm just saying that not many people have a pic of themselves.


    Nice comeback. :]

  16. Who the heck am I? I'm "Toa Rahaga".


  17. It wasn't a stupid comment, I'm just disturbed that you still make such bad banners.


  18. Because I like Halo. Sorry if I was insulting or something, I was just wondering.


  19. Why do you have a women as your avatar if you are a male? Or are you?


  20. Just letting you know, I'm doing a pretty cool MoC of you. I'm wondering though, if I can figure out your leg design, do you think I could use it?


  21. Strange PP. . .


  22. You made MC look bad with those banners, for that you must die.


  23. Oh well, I didn't expect to win, but Congrats' my good friends! :]. I am hoping that I can be linked to you guys in the storyline if I read my prize correctly for coming in 3rd for BD's Blog Contest. Great entries by the way. -ER
  24. I asked a girl out yesterday and she said we can go see Cloverfield today . I am not a nerd, at least not a big one. I'm more of the smart one who loves sports and Bionicles but has more of a social life than an academic one :]. -ER EDIT: It also helps that I broke my arm :].
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