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Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Everything posted by .Colin

  1. I am White Lightning. . .


  2. Blarg.


  3. .Colin


    Sad face. Well, that is why you should use firefox, it recovers the page and info (latest version). -ER
  4. Sad face.


  5. .Colin



  6. Plus, you seemed like a nice person.


  7. Everyone who is really talented at MoCing I add.


  8. I thought I was better known. . . anyways, I'm a MoCist, I've seen a lot of your work, and wanted to add you. I'm one of BD's best friends.


  9. That's good.


  10. Hola como estas tu?


  11. hOLA!

    I's ares noob.


  12. .Colin


    I have the best idea ever, even a catchy catch phrase! Pay your taxes kids. I need a good name for a DH that is an executioner. . . Executioner, maybe? -ER *DH and Vakama* *Vahi* *Stone temple*
  13. Hola. Nice entry in BBC 48.


  14. .Colin


    I'm think of doing the scene where the Toa Metru become Hordika. How many should I make? I have Vakama built and it is a really cool and simple design. . . I'm thinking no less than three. I hope you go to finals, and may the best MoC win. -ER Shine: When bunny's take over the world. ALSO: BD, you should add Disturbeds Brickshelf. B-Shelf member: ahkmou
  15. Not really, I'm just a fan of your MoCs and add all the expert MoCist to my list.


  16. Weird Av and PP. . .


  17. Hi unlucky one.


  18. Ares the new banner/av for the Ink Blots?


  19. .Colin

    Ink Blots

    You make Master Chief sad. Sad face. -ER Which epic are the from? Yours or Serans.
  20. I got my cast off today!


  21. 'Ello! Welcome to BZPower!


  22. .Colin

    School Shooting

    Stay home, relax, and MoC! That is seriously frightening though, I would be scared too. -ER
  23. So close to 1000 post you are!


  24. .Colin


    Lu aus are for the noobs. Lolz. -ER
  25. .Colin

    The Mini Moc Contest!

    A bit large, it might get DQed. . . -ER
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