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Luke the Warrior 2

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Everything posted by Luke the Warrior 2

  1. I guess I haven't. I've actually kinda finished with Bionicle. Kinda wondering how long that would last. Anyways, I'm probably going to be updating the stuff on here to reflect how I've changed. Looking back on what I said so far back, I can see that I've changed quite a bit.

  2. Why do you answer a question with a question? That only leads to more and more questions until there are not enough answers to go around, then there becomes generic answers, so when people get them, they feel blown off which is the leading cause for low self esteem. this is completely disregarding that I don't focus on Self Esteem, nor do I truly care about it; at least, not right now.

  3. Yeah, but, mind you, it was a very long time ago.

    I do, reluctantly, remember someone else who I had never seen before; I had conversed with him for no more than ten minutes, and he told me the same thing! How does that work?

  4. Last time I used that, this one girl came out of nowhere and told me that I was a geek. last I checked, that's not something you want to be called on a regular basis. I was actually ok with it at the time :P

  5. I could say that the sky is up, but I always say that. I could say that up is a relative direction, but that would be over-thinking it. I'm going to leave you with those answers and hope that you're happy.

  6. If you're reading this right now, then you'll see that I'm wishing you a happy New Year. You'd better believe it!

  7. In the Final Polls, you and entry #7 are tied for first, and nobody else is close.

  8. I made sure you had some of that on your page...

  9. Merry Christmas!

    and a Happy New Year!

  10. ...And a happy New Year!

  11. You say "Yet" as if it's bound to happen.

    I kinda like it; it's a way to get my name out. Everybody's heard of the truly skilled, like MercenaryXero, VTP, InnerRayg...

  12. Congratulations! Enjoy your new position!

  13. Hi, this is Luke the Warrior 2, Can you resubmit your request at Nathan8472's shop; there was lots of confusion, and the PM systems are down, so... Yeah.

  14. :D What do you think of the banner?
  15. On the earlier comment on my page, I say, "Sure, we can be buddies... why not?

  16. Did you make that squid in your personal photo? It's awesome!

  17. Hey, kakaru, thanks for the banner and av!

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