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Everything posted by MacGyver

  1. Oh. I have N+ on my PSP. Level 26 is such a bugger. >:(

  2. A plant that has a face?

    *falls down again*

  3. ....Hi.

    *falls down*

  4. I want to laugh in your profile. Therefore, I shall laugh.




    And done.

  5. I got a lot of ideas! - Pete Thornton. - Murdoc - Billy Colton - Harry Jackson - Nikki Carpenter Seven plate of cookies if you can guess from what TV show does the name come from! MacGyver is MacGyver.
  6. Oh, awesome. = D

  7. Is your avvy the character of the platform game "N+"?

    Just wondering.

  8. Enough with the helo's, you.

  9. And..? You have commented on my profile because...?

  10. Sorry, I don't sell yak meat. Try Frank Moore three blocks away.

  11. Never! I'll never play.

  12. "Watashi Wa" means "I am" in Japanese, right?

  13. I used to play it... But I'm too lazy to write smart things to come out of a vending machine.

  14. Buy PM? I thought it was a pressie... So lucky...

  15. *gasps* You're not? =p. Npt a surprise, I read your real short blog, y'know. Just kidding

  16. Yeah! Power to the MacGyver fans! Hubzahh!

  17. See? It's good, right?

    Wow, you broke out of a chair that was tied with an award-winning knot. I'm having doubts you're a girl now... ;p

  18. *Ties Everclear to a chair* That's why you have to try it, dear. Now, DRINK! *slowly pours a cup of the most delightful tea into Everclear's mouth*

  19. I said mature as in THINKING mature. All the books and all the rock music made me more realistic. And I wasn't judging you, I was complimenting for your cheery and happy-go-lucky attitude.

  20. Really now? But you don't like my tea. =(

  21. Now that's surprising. Everybody likes my tea. This is quite the blow-back for me. *sad*

    About you mad avvie and banner making skillz, are you sure you're not 32 instead of 12?

  22. Awesome avvie. I like AC/DC too. So the rumor about the staff being made of pure awesomeness is true after all.

  23. One thing to say, when I was ten I was never as cheery as you were. Maybe it's all those books and rock that made me mature.

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