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Everything posted by MacGyver

  1. Sir Cynthia Corriander Felicity Barington-Smythe, you make the most wonderful and lovely hats for llamas. I'll give you that.

  2. But why? We're not enemies yet. Anyway, if you still want to, change it to Jack Dalton

  3. MacGyver

    Go Go..

    If I remember correctly, his saber can talk, can't it? I'm not as old as you guys out there, so I've never watched much. I did, however, watch a MMPR movie a few years ago. It was pure win. The new seasons are just.... bleh and filled with corny talk
  4. MacGyver

    New Stuff.

    Wow, you've got all the pieces I don't have. And all of them must have some good MOCing qualities. What really amazed me is that you've had contact with Smeag. I watched the very first episode of MacGyver last week. His mullet was a tad bit short.
  5. MacGyver

    How Delightful

    My goodness! Doesn't the squid know how bad junk food are for health?
  6. MacGyver


    Is Roa sharing a secret or a joke with the Bionicle? Yep, seriously doesn't make sense to me. -.-
  7. *Signs up and sells his soul* Yay! (un)officially a member of a club that devotes its whole to one sole subject and his ego!
  8. MacGyver

    Prince Caspian

    Oh, right, The squid trees, If I recall correctly, They can move around, How in the world can they actually do that? Do they have, like, little brownies moving them under the roots? It still remains a mystery
  9. Not crying. Not crying at all. Will be missing you though. Sell some of those parts to me, pwease? *Sniff*
  10. MacGyver


    Just cough up enough money for you to buy an apartment, and then write a book.
  11. MacGyver


    Did you get that from The Spook's Apprentice (otherwise known as The Last Apprentice) book? Anyway, changing residency wouldn't really hurt, would it?
  12. MacGyver


    The third Miru prototype on the second row belongs to Tahu. It should have been used on Tahu
  13. MacGyver

    More Wips!

    It's awesome! I can't wait for the finished product!
  14. MacGyver

    Lego Dreams...

    Iron Man?! My most favorite superhero else than Spider-Man!? *faints*
  15. Kaw-Pang!Have I ever told you you're the greatest? Yes?Well then let me tell you, YOU'RE THE GREATEST!!! Ah,the great and simple words of compliment.
  16. MacGyver

    Lemon Club

    A Lemon Digimon!The third most awesome thing in the world! (The second most awesome is a Lemon Mech,while the most awesome is a Lemon.)
  17. Aha!Very smart of you,Seran,but also,not so smart of you.Those Exo-Force hands as fingers for a Matoran is way to big,but I guess he`ll need it since he`ll need to use those fingers to hold the Boxor`s control joystick. In any way,I`ll practice my worshipping now. They're meant to resemble the claws he has as an Inika, actually. -S
  18. Hmmm..Dying your hair,eh?That would be new to look at.. If you`re gonna dye your hair,go for Black.But if you can`t decide.just shave your hair. You wont have to worry about it anymore. I have Black-Brown hair.Which also turns black when wet.
  19. You know,'Depressed' does not rhyme with 'updated'.I was hoping it would. Yes.I`m trying to cheer you up,and yes,it`s obviously not working.
  20. Demented look...Demented look...Glowy eyes....Glowy eyes....EVIL!!!
  21. Just be grateful you have 'M' for you.I don`t even have real friends in my class,they`re just people whom I call 'Acquaintances'.As long as I draw,as long as I do things that please them,I`m their friend.But deep inside me,I know I`m just a nobody,an entity that fills up a seat,someone who people don`t care about.All my real friends left me. Wow!I think I there`s a book somewhere in this post!
  22. Of course there`s a reason.I always wanted to be friends with a vegetable!...Wait...

  23. Wow.It`s neat in here.Now,what to say...Oh,right!Hi!

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