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Everything posted by Cub

  1. Friends, I didn't ask what was likely! I asked if you'd want to see motorized sets! Let's use our imaginations, shall we? Since I'm older now and have a full time job, I guess I don't think as much about price as I used to. Yes, a motorized set would be expensive, and yes, it would probably be outside the target audiences price range...but that is irrelevant when we are talking about things we'd want! Personally, I think a motorized Nui-Rex would be amazing! It would walks, it would bend up and down, and its next could extend rapidly to do like a head-butt. I think Tahu would end up capturing and taming it. Then he would ride it around Mata-Bara-Spherus-Nui-Wherevertheyare head-butting bad guys all over the place! Yeah, extremely unlikely, but it would make the 2015 line vastly more interesting!
  2. CCBS = Character and Creature Building System. It's ok, I didn't know what it meant either till a few days ago As for Rahi... YES! We certainly need more! I just ordered a bunch of '01 Bionicle Rahi in an effort to complete my collection before the new sets start rolling out. All I'm mission now is the Manas! Speaking of which...why haven't we gotten more mechanical/motorized sets like the Manas? And would you folks be interested in seeing something like that in Gen 2? I know I would!
  3. Hey, I made that video! And in my opinion...well, it's hard to say. He could have been trolling us, or he could have been giving us a slight nod. Or (possibly more likely) it could have just been my imagination making something out of nothing. Anyone else have an interpretation on this? Keep in mind that they are also allowed to discuss leaks, which allows much more discussion to occur. Once we get an official confirmation, I'm sure the amount of spam will drastically decrease. This is incorrect. Lego has made the same requests of EB that they have of us. BZP has taken the stance to not damage our reputation with Lego because EB chooses not to respect those wishes. I think when he says they are allowed to discuss it, he means the website allows it, not Lego. So he is technically correct.
  4. So what types of media are you guys most looking forward to/most interested in seeing with this next generation of Bionicle? I for one have always enjoyed the books over the Movies and Comics. Of course, a whole new generation could open the doors on a whole new type of media. We could see a TV show for crying out loud! Personally, I didn't like The Legend Reborn. I just finished watching all of the Bionicle movies last night, and I found that I even preferred Web of Shadows to TLR. The first three films just had a certain feel to them that I thought was missing from TLR. Of course, Mask of Light is obviously my favorite! So if there is going to be any video media (be it TV of Film) I'd like to see it done in the MoL style. Anyway, what type of media would you like to see? That's my question to you, fellow riders of the hypetrain.
  5. I believe this is 100% true. They were definitely doing maintenance on the site (you know, getting the BIONICLE stuff ready) but they didn't mean to for us to find out. We stumbled across the page, word started to spread, and they realized what happened, so they quickly patched it. I guess for all intents and purposes that could be considered a glitch. This my friends is what we call a coverup.
  6. That's an interesting point... BIONICLE: The Next Generation! Haha oh goodness...now I feel really old! But...does this mean that the forums will be flooded by a bunch of "Well kids, back in my time"-esque posts? Please no... How about instead of that, we teach those "kids" how great Bionicle used to be by answering their questions and stuff, instead of reminiscing about how things used to be, which will probably turn them off the whole idea... Completely agree. Splitting the site is the worst that can happen. We already have enough strife on controversial issues here. Not integrating new users would 1)Split the site, causing strife, which is not desirable. 2)Make us look bad. That's not a good scenario. Oh I couldn't agree more! I was in no way supporting that idea, merely speculating. Of course, there will always be some divide, intentional or not, between first and second generation BIONICLE lovers. That doesn't have to be a bad thing, though! I think that what's important is that we don't allow ourselves to forget what brought as all together in the first place; a mutual love for BIONICLE. After all, it isn't what makes us different that's important, it's what unites us that makes us strong.
  7. That's an interesting point... BIONICLE: The Next Generation! Haha oh goodness...now I feel really old! But...does this mean that the forums will be flooded by a bunch of "Well kids, back in my time"-esque posts?
  8. Howdy folks! Boy, it's been a long time (and a couple of name changes) since I've posted on BZP. Glad to be back, though. Feels...right! Sorta like sinking into an old familiar chair after a stressful day at work. Anyways, regardless of whether or not BIONICLE makes a return this year (and yes, I am personally a HUGE believer!), I'm sure glad this has happened. I feel like it has breathed new life into the community! In fact, it inspired a bit of a BIONICLE revival for me! I went online and ordered all of the original movies (all of my old DVDs were scratched up from here to Thursday!) and I've been watching them back to back. Good grief, the memories! The nostalgia! Looking forward to maxing out my credit cards as soon as the "official" announcement is made! And I'm certainly looking forward to spending the time between now and then getting back in touch with the community. You folks really are the best!
  9. Cub

    Thoughts On Dark Mirror

    I think what Tuyet did was the right thing, but, she took it to far. Of government, the American government is doing the same, but on a far more healthy level. I don't think I would consider my own country 'evil' or anything like that, at least, not yet. But, America as a country is falling, it's just a sign of the times. But lets not get political on BZP, lets keep it bionicle.
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