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Status Updates posted by Jiigoo

  1. I'm not dead, I'm a zombie.



  2. I'm the only Bhuddist person you know?

    Sweet. :D

    Also, is my BOCL intro comic the one where my head is on fire? I'm too lazy to scroll down on the topic here so I'll juts ask.

    If so, then i can see why the "power crazed bunnies with flamethrowers" thing reminds you of it. :P

  3. If you really want to know what has happened to Jiigoo, you must ship over nine thousand of those Krispy Kreme donuts that you were bragging about in your blog to me. Nao. Srsly.

  4. Ikr!

    Your personal pic is very epic, too.

    Also, bananas (the mandatorily neccesarily irrelevant information).


  5. Ingtar: Thanks. ^^

    Kothra: Yes, it was your turn to make a comic. But I never check my profile, so hah. Also, you SHOULD change your anme to WhyIsItAlwaysKothra? That would be total win. >=D

    Also(again), You double posted! Bad you! :P....

    That joke is getting REALLY old, right? XD

  6. Is that you in your personal photo?


    Nice Rahi animation in your pet store, also. :)

  7. It's [actuallystayingathomebecauseimsick] aliiivee!


    How's it going, Banana?

  8. It's not really working, though, fyi. :P

  9. Just saw the Watchmen commercial on TV. It looks a bit weird, but I might see it when it comes out. : D

  10. Khols, (oops i mean"k"), your avatar scares me.

  11. Khols, your banner scares me even more than your previous "K" avatar.


  12. KHOLS




  13. Koth comics = epic

    so go start them now

  14. Kothra doesn't KNOW?!? ZOMG. And why ask me? =p

    Also, hi Blademan. =D

  15. KOTHRA.

    Guess what delicious piece of food/candy I am digesting.

    (I'll give you a hint: it starts with "STAR" and ends with "BURST.")


  16. Kothra's personal picture looked like a walrus at first glance.

  17. KOTHRA

    Go check out my blog

  18. KOTHRA



  19. KOTHRA

    stop making me lose


  20. Like I said, I'm a zombie.

    Also, lolwat. Help Desk Barbie?

    Your new av scares me. XD

    Just sayin'.

  21. Lol Dude

    Love the quote in your sig

  22. lol u mudkipz

  23. Lol, how could I NOT see your Legionary kit? :P

    It's appears whenever I click here to comment. :P

    ALso, does the Legionary armor (helmet) fit on a Kakama?

    You said that you've tried to put it on a Kakama, but I didn't really read on in the topic to see if it fits. And I'm too lazy to read the topic, so I'll just ask here. ;P

  24. Lol. Same. I think Chris Paolini takes wayy too long to right a book. Even though his books are fairly long, they are still epic and so everyone who raeds them will read them in a matter of days, wanting more books. :P

  25. Lol.:P

    I know that FCC is still open, but its dead. D:

    Rome? O_o Okay.

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