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Chromatic Ninja

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Everything posted by Chromatic Ninja

  1. @Overlord: LOL! Physically ill, headache, and all that.

    @Exo: Thank you! :)

  2. Hey Overlord! Yeah, sorry... I've been a little under the weather past few days, haven't been on the computer as much. I considered getting on a few times, then decided I'd rather take a nap. ^^

  3. Your writing is awesome. :D

    LOL, do you like Fullmetal Alchemist, too?

  4. Hey IceToa! I like your Personal Photo; Kopaka is the kewlest.

  5. Where Tahu attached the phrase "Don't believe ANYTHING I SAY!" to the end of every sentence. LOL, thus: "Gali, we must rescue the Matoran; the Rahkshi are attacking Ta-Koro DON'T BELIEVE ANYTHING I SAY!"


  6. LOL, yes... I don't know why I picked "Ninjitsu." I guess just because it sounded cool. People have asked me what my name means; I always have to tell them that I honestly don't know. XD

    Everything's a lie? I had a skit:

  7. @Havok: You should see the tribute to Hughes I did... I'll have to scan it in and show you. ^^

    @Overlord: Ya, you know... slush is like dead ice. XD

  8. Hey Eranok!

    @Kome: Vezon roxxorz, fer sher! :D

    I'll PM you with my reply.

  9. *claps hands and grabs the table; table turns into a ballista*

    FMA fangirl powah!

  10. I get money from the advertisement spots on my website. Since it's not a very popular site, the spots don't sell for much. :/

    Hey, your English sounds pretty good to me! ^^

    Insane? Naw, neurotic, maybe. Now Vezon... that guy's insane.

  11. LOL, at least it's better than before! :P

    I cannot cater to your every whim! XD

  12. Request for Eranok is up in its own thread! Be sure to check it out. Hey, less screen stretching on my profile page!

  13. Both you guys are crazy. XD

    Yes, fantasy comic is my job. I get payed, a little. Like, $5 a month. (LOL). I'm serious. I'll be getting a REAL job soon. :/ I have too; I don't know what though.

  14. Secondly: you CAN learn how to draw. There are plenty of great tutorials that have helped me on DeviantArt. Manga? Doesn't really work for me. ;) And thirdly: Yes, I do other art besides Bionicle. Art is my job; I have a fantasy webcomic.

  15. LOL, it's okay Kome. Take a few deep breaths, k? XD Wow, it must have been a long message. Okay, first off: thank you! I'm glad you like my art. If you want to help support me, you can post in my art thread so it doesn't die. XD

  16. Oh, and I'm not really sure why I get so many comments. I guess just because I extend tokens of friendship to lots of people. ^^ I like attention, so I actively try to attract it.

  17. Aww... you got cut off by maxlength. XD

    Matoro was my favorite character... and since I don't sit there looking at the cover, I don't really care what it looks like, LOL.

  18. LOL, ..."and tennis"...

    Looks like my interest's, only with "art" instead of "Bionicle" XD

  19. Famous? Not hardly! Vaguely popular, maybe, but not FAMOUS. XD

    BIONICLE's all I read ATM too (except for artbooks), so I'd HATE to see the books go; there are a few I need to order online when I get the chance. Yanno, I still haven't read Downfall? I've heard it was excellent. But at least we'll still have the online serials, I guess.

    I'll check out that post.

  20. @Hunter Kirax: I'll PM you. ^^

    @Overlord: Sure! PM me with a link and I'll giver a look. :)

    @'Toss General: I know of it's existence, but I haven't really looked at it. I might consider joining if I can have a Dark Templar, though. ^^

    @Kome: Total, I think. It's a possibility they'll bring the books back in the future, I suppose. The movies came back,

  21. @Kome: I WILL read your reply in "What is Love?" Also, I'm glad you're contributing to buying the books, but unfortunately, it's too late to make a difference. Greg's confirmed that there will only be two more books, and that's final.

  22. @Mac: Yes, I'm the Vine-swinger" chick! It's good to be back on BZP. ^^

    Aw, I just think Sam is hawt. If you combined Sam's looks with Dean's personality, I'm afraid I'd have to hunt him down and make him mine.

    P.S.:Why yes! I suppose we are friends. Better watch out for me, yo! XD


    Slushieart@BZPower has been relaunched, at last!

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