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The Bad Color

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Status Updates posted by The Bad Color

  1. cool, I never had noticed.

  2. Thats beyond scary, that's, that's just freaky.

  3. Wow, I like this cool comment thing, it's awsome! Also, who's that in your avvie Lk?

  4. Hey Caspian! I added you to my friends list, I love this new style, you gotta put up a personal photo.

  5. What's the thing in your interests from? It's kinda strange

  6. Feel free to leave comments

  7. Ha ha! that personal pic is hystarical

  8. Pepsi stole Cokes whole stinking idea, they deserve that photo.

  9. What is going on here, I thought you were atheist Wrack'n Red, how is that a religious?

  10. I decidede I like yu, I upped yur stars.

  11. How is it not a Coke clone.

  12. The Pepsi can deserved what it got.

  13. Makaru, that was the funniest comment i've seen in a while.

  14. I doubt there's any logic behind that statement, I would be disturbed if I were you.

  15. Interesting, why do you have no comments.

  16. The Village ruled, people didn't like it because people didn't get eaten, it's pathetic the way society is leaning to mindless gore nowadays.

  17. Advent Children was an interesting movie, it wasn't that great a movie but still entertaining.

  18. You look like a hobbit.

  19. "Nobody is perfect, and I am nobody. Therefore I am perfect."

    Well you got the first part right, but I'm not so sure about the last bit.

  20. intresting point you made, I don't think its offensive as long as I'm not condemming people, I'm just saying I care where people go when they die.

  21. quick random question, whats your favorite Flyleaf song?

  22. You don't look like you were to ready in personal pic, it is funny though

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