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Status Updates posted by Aeori

  1. I believe the term is Industrial Rock. Anything in Rock which heavily uses effected guitars and keyboards. So I've definitely heard of the genre but not the band. Not neccessarily my style but they're quite good. You should look up a band called Volbeat, they're a fusion of Thrash Metal and Rockabilly (or as I like to call it, Metabilly). Very unique band. I highly recommend them.

  2. It takes on usual, about two months for sets to come out in Australia, that is if we get them so that would explain that person's excitement in the sets topic he/she posted.

  3. Thank you for mentioning me in your post on that best MOCer topic. I might actually become famous from that.

  4. I'm true blue mate.

  5. Alright then, we will just refer to it as a cloak positioned neatly around the waist. But it's so coincidental that happened. We even connected it the same way.

  6. Thanks for closing my dupe however I don't think the report got sent because I know I did send one. Maybe that mailing thing has something to do with it.

  7. I'll give you the tabs for as many songs you like that I have if you ever decide to play guitar...and I've been playing G-tar since last year.

  8. You and I seem to have alot of interests in common according to your interest thingy. I can play Toxicity on guitar along with Aerials aswell as liking the bands you mention. BTW, I can play heaps of LP and BB.

  9. Aeori

    Happy B'day my old Avvie and Sig maker

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