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Shadow Kurahk

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Shadow Kurahk

  1. Shadow Kurahk


    Sunny's happy, I'm happy. S~K
  2. Entry Name: Lakava Entry Picture: Entry Topic: Coming Soon Entry Gallery: Click. Mutation: Matoran, Toa, Turaga. S~K
  3. *GASPGASPGASPGASP* I think you're artwork is pwetty sunny. S~K
  4. Shadow Kurahk


    I'd rather you crop the website name at the top of the first photo. It contains inappropriate content. S~K
  5. 'How 'bout you take a nice picture, they do in those cookbooks? I love to cook as well. S~K
  6. Shadow Kurahk


    I've got 3! Click! S~K
  7. Is it better now? TELL ME WHAT FONT YOU USED! Pweese? :(

  8. Only the "S" is. :P What font did you use?

  9. Shadow Kurahk


    I'm sorry, I also just recently suffered from a death. S~K
  10. Shadow Kurahk

    Give Me

    Comin' right up... S~K
  11. Shadow Kurahk


    Sorry, I don't have any. S~K
  12. Shadow Kurahk

    M X B B B C #1

    Working on it now... EDIT: Maybe I'll enter... S~K
  13. Shadow Kurahk


    Well, it didn't start out like that. It was hailing so hard that when two pieces of hail hit each other they'd combine to form a clump. This happened so many times in a certain location and finally became this enormous clump of hail. S~K
  14. Shadow Kurahk


    PSHHHHAW! I'v seen hail the size of a donut! No, seriously, I have. S~K
  15. Oopsies! But it's not like anybody wouldn't expect that with Steve Carell in the movie. S~K
  16. Loved that movie...especially the end, Oopsies! S~K
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