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Blog Entries posted by xccj

  1. xccj
    So I guess there’s another blog war going on. Oh boy. But a few bits of it have annoyed me, and despite myself, I’m going to add in my words. (And to be fair, I've only read a few entries on this issue, and I’m not going to pretend to be some sort of expert or anything. Please hear me out before replying.)
    So, to get to the bone of it, there’s a discussion over LGTBQA+ rights. I should say something along the lines of “I’m a neutral party” but I’m just going to come out and say it. I am in support of Princess Grr’s Gender Squad. I do not like discrimination of any kind, and I think it’s an excellent idea to support those in the minority. BUT that does not mean I approve of the way some people have been doing so. (I’m not going to name names, and I’m not even sure if the people I have in mind are associated with Princess Grr.)
    Anyway. These people (I’m just gonna refer to them as Group A) fight fire with fire. They see hatred and fight back with equally angry stances. Now to step back. This is not saying Group A doesn’t have a right to be angry. This is not saying that they are completely overreacting. But the people they are angry against (for scientific purposes, let’s label them Group B) are human too, and deserve to be treated with basic respect. Again stepping back; this does not mean Group B is not in the wrong or that the issue should be ignored. What I think is that this method of “discussion” is ineffective and should be gone about in a different way.
    The way I see it is this; when Group A harshly puts down Group B for their actions, they are victimizing them. Group A probably doesn’t see it this way, and their reasoning is probably legitimate. But Group B won’t believe that legitimacy, no matter the facts. They will feel victimized, and as such be less likely to listen to any further reasoning from Group A. This doesn’t solve the conflict; if anything, it makes things worse. Another analogy: Group B is acting like a bully. Group A’s response is to bully them right back. I don’t know what your elementary school education was like, but I was taught that this isn’t the way to solve conflicts.
    Based off what Princess Grr wrote about, I thought the idea was to educate Group B about the issues of LGTBQA+ rights. You don’t do this by villain-izing them right off the bat. You open a reasonable discussion. You calmly explain to them why their comments were hurtful or disrespectful. I know I can’t say this for everybody, but I would like to think that most people aren’t actively trying to be down on LGTBQA+. Perhaps they are ignorant of how their words and actions hurt others, and given a calm discussion, they will realize the errors of their ways.
    Yes, that’s an insanely optimistic way to put it, but why shouldn’t that be the first step. This is a kids forum after all, and it wouldn’t surprise if people posting here don’t realize what their words are doing to people. They’re likely to have a point of view based on their upbringing, and by outright telling them they are wrong and evil, they’re going to get defensive. But if the first step... even if it’s just the first step... is to honestly tell them how you and others in Group A feel, then perhaps you will sow the seeds that will lead them to move past their outdated upbringing and become more progressive and opened to others who are different than they are.
    Is this the only step? Eventually, is verbal harassment the best solution for some people who won't change? Here’s a quick story: one year in college, I got forced into a room with a guy and we ended up having several conflicting lifestyle preferences, such as when to turn the lights off and what temperature to keep the room. We butted heads quite often, and I eventually went to my RA, who had us sit down and try to reach a settlement. I was willing to make some sacrifices to match his, but he was utterly unwilling to admit that his ways were perfect and wouldn't budge until I did everything according to his methods. Our sit-down went nowhere, and the eventual outcome was me paying to change rooms.
    The moral of that story? Some people are too stubborn or prideful to change their ways or beliefs. No matter how much reasonable discussion is had, they won't yield to a new way of thinking. In this case, more extreme measures might be appropriate. I was really into the idea of hitting him hard on the head, for example. (My RA advised me not to do that.) In this case, said member might be asked to leave the community, if they are truly incapable of being open to others. BUT such drastic measures are not the first step, and they should probably be avoided anyway. The first step is to try and calmly talk it out. That’s what my RA did, and that’s what they taught me about bullies in elementary school. Want another metaphor? Say that the problem is like a wound. Clawing and scratching at it won’t make it better, and could actually make it worse. Applying medicine will help it heal.
    So let’s apply some medicine to this situation. Let’s educate Group B about the LGTBQA+ community. Let’s teach them to be friendlier and more open. Let us not be like Malcolm X during the Civil Rights era, where we fight fire with fire. Let us be more like Martin Luther King Jr.
    We are all people. Nobody’s perfect. Some of us are wrong. Some of us can be very wrong. So help us correct the errors of our ways instead of shouting slander at us. The shouting might be legitimized and make you feel better, but ultimately, it’s not going to solve the problem.
    From what I read, Princess Grr’s Gender Squad is about using the metaphorical medicine to solve the problem, and I fully support that. I hope that others in this argument can back down and start taking an approach like this. Frankly I am disappointed that so many have taken the yelling approach instead. Come on, we can be better than this!
    I’m not saying this is the perfect solution. I don’t know what the perfect solution is at all. I just think that calm discussions are a better method than angry villain-ization, and I hope further discussions move away from the latter.
    Anyway, if you do see some error in my reasoning, please politely let me know. I’m willing to admit when I make a mistake, even if I don’t like doing so. It’s strange to write this, because I am clearly a pessimist, but I think you should look for the good in people first before you judge them harshly. My motto is to respect everybody equally, until they have proven that they do not deserve my respect. Even if Group B is being disrespectful, try to help them change for the better before putting them under some sort of evil label.
    Those are my thoughts for tonight. Thank you for reading, and peace out.
  2. xccj
    Alright, I'm restarting, but I've come up with a new little idea. The next 8 (at least) contests will have a consistent theme; I will select something by the year, and you must figure out what it is. It can vary from a character to an object to a location, but it will be introduced in the said year. (AKA, so even though Brutaka appears in 2008, he was introduced in 2006. Specifics, however, like Tahu Mata, Nuva, or Mistika, Vakama Metru or Hordika, or Jaller Inika or Mahri, will be specified by year.)
    Since I will be busy this weekend, I'm starting this now.
    Let's Play 20 Questions. I will think up something pertaining to Bionicle, and you must ask me questions to see who it is.
    1: The questions can only be yes or no questions. So "Is he pink" works but "what color is he" doesn't.
    2: There can only be one question per post, and no double posting.
    3: I will edit my answer into every body's post. You can only add a second question in your post if I have already edited in my response.
    I am thinking of something from 2001.
    Now, ask away, and see if you can figure it out in under 20 tries.

    Choco Frogo wono... the answer was Kanohi Akaku, first introduced in 2001 on Kopaka but also in five other pretty colors, including a sand blue version for the then alive Matoro. It appeared in MNOLG, and was used too... just not by a Toa like it should be. Anyway, CF got the correct answer after persistant pesterings... I will now think up something in which to stump you guys again for next week, which will deal with something from 2002. And I haven't counted all the guesses yet... but it was more than 20.
  3. xccj
    Let's Play 20 Questions. I will think up something pertaining to Bionicle, and you must ask me questions to see who it is.
    1: The questions can only be yes or no questions. So "Is he pink" works but "what color is he" doesn't.
    2: There can only be one question per post, and no double posting.
    3: I will edit my answer into every body's post. You can only add a second question in your post if I have already edited in my response.
    I am thinking of a Bionicle think (AKA, it isn't a character. Any more specific and I'd give it away too quickly)
    Now, ask away, and see if you can figure it out in under 20 tries.

    Answer: It was Bula berries, and Bfahome got it again. Unfortunatly, it took y'all 32 guesses, but I was being pretty vague plus I chose something that isn't too popular. Just 'cause I used Bula berries in all my epics doesn't mean that everybody does. I have an idea for next week which should be really good.

  4. xccj
    EDIT: I've started on this, so any new entries will not be major characters.
    I have an idea for a new story to celebrate the return of Bionicle. Specifically, a story featuring members of BZ-Koro, the virtual village where Bionicle fans hang out. (An analogy for BZPower, obviously.) I planning to use a few story tricks I’ve done previously, and one of those is to have members submit their names to become major characters!
    All you’d have to do is fill out a short entry form in this blog and I’ll consider making you a character. Depending on how many entries I get, you may or may not get to be a main character, but I’ll do my best to make sure everybody who submits gets into the story. (And people are more interested in stories they’re in, so I hope to garner some readership that way too. ) You can pick your character traits, as stated below, so that I’ll be basing it off what you want to be like rather than just my impression of you. (Some higher staffies will be in this regardless. How else are we supposed to have a supreme overlord if I don’t include Black Six?) That said, I do reserve the right to make slight alterations to characters to fit the story. (Or, if, y’know, you make yourself too powerful.)
    Anyway, entry submission time!!
    Name: Generally based off your username, but pick one if you change it often, or pick a shorter nickname if your original is way long. So like somebody called “Blardy The Super Cool Toa of Extremeness” will get it shortened to “Blardy.” If you’d like to think up something entirely original, go ahead, I guess, but then people won’t recognize it as you.
    Area of Expertise: What’s something you know a lot about, Bionicle-wise. Is it masks? Weapons? Characters? Locations? Can you craft stuff, or are you stealthy? Choose something fairly limited, like a simple profession or area of study. Forge disks, purify protodermis, study Rahi, knowledgeable in Bionicle history? (This is one where I might tweak things if you try to godmod the character.)
    Mask: Choose a mask of power that you can use. It’ll be Great Mask level, and let’s limit it to the common ones, so no legendary masks of time, light, life, creation, shadows, energy, ext.
    Weapon / Element: You can choose a weapon that has elemental powers. Like a fire sword or earth hammer. You can pick the design and the element, but no extra gimmicks.
    Side: Are you good or evil? Or are you a turncoat? If you want to be the latter, enter in which side you want to appear as, and then PM me the details so we can keep it a secret.
    Motivation: Answer this question: Why would you embark on a quest? For the fame, or for the fortune? Help me learn what makes your character act.
    Fatal Flaw: Here’s where you deviate your character from yourself (or at least claim to.) Pick some sort of unique downside to your character. Are they afraid of snakes? Can’t swim. Weakness to lightstones? Inexplicitly turn into a koala one a day for just fifteen minutes? Be creative here, and it’ll challenge me to include this into the story!
    Other Details: If there’s something else about your character that you want to include that’s not covered above. Don’t go into too much detail here, cause there’s only so much characterization I can pull off, but something extra to add your special personality to the character in the story.
    Aaaaaand that’s all I’ve got for now. I might start writing in a few days or so, depending on how quickly I get entries. (Or if nobody is interested I’ll just scrap the project.) But thanks for reading, now submit your own character!

  5. xccj
    Let's Play 20 Questions. I will think up something pertaining to Bionicle, and you must ask me questions to see who it is.
    1: The questions can only be yes or no questions. So "Is he pink" works but "what color is he" doesn't.
    2: There can only be one question per post, and no double posting.
    3: I will edit my answer into every body's post. You can only add a second question in your post if I have already edited in my response.
    I am thinking of a Bionicle being.
    Now, ask away, and see if you can figure it out in under 20 tries.

    Edit: Bfahome got it again, on the 26th guess (there were a few more after him, but I didn't count them, because it took me so long to get back.
    And here is the BS01 page guilty of choosing this week's answer through the "random page" option.
  6. xccj
    Time to give this a go again...
    Let's Play 20 Questions. I will think up something pertaining to Bionicle, and you must ask me questions to see who it is.
    1: The questions can only be yes or no questions. So "Is he pink" works but "what color is he" doesn't.
    2: There can only be one question per post, and no double posting.
    3: I will edit my answer into every body's post. You can only add a second question in your post if I have already edited in my response.
    I am thinking of a Bionicle location.
    Now, ask away, and see if you can figure it out in under 20 tries.

    Edit: The Power that Is got it this time around. The answer was Motara Desert... you guys figured it out in 25 tries.
    BtB asked a question, so I'll pass it onto you... would you guys rather play 30 questions instead of 20? It won't make much of a difference, because it's not like I penalize you for going over the limit, but what do you think?
  7. xccj
    No, I'm not creating a second, larger version of my last entry. This is something new.
    Let's Play 20 Questions. I am thinking of a Bionicle Character; you must ask me questions to see who it is. The questions can only be yes or no questions. So "Is he pink" works but "what color is he" doesn't. There can only be one question per post, and no double posting. I will edit my answer into every body's post, and will only answer the first question.
    Now, ask away, and see if you can figure it out in under 20 tries.

    Edit: Final answer in! It was Toa Naho, and the winner is Bfahome!
    Would anybody be interested if I did this kind of thing once a week? It was kind of fun. See my last post for details.
  8. xccj
    Contest Time! WooWee!
    Intro: Long has my named confused people across BZP. They go "what does it stand for?" And I refuse to tell them. Is it because it's a really cool acronym that I'm keeping secret to spite you all, or is it just really random after all? (I always tend to lean towards the latter) But it has never before had a solid definition...
    Until now.
    Goal: Define the acronym XCCJ. That's right, using your skills of the English language and knowledge of words that start with the letters X, C, and J, enter a combination of words that can be shortened into my user name.
    Example: One I teased Wrink with years ago was "eXtremely Cool Collecting Jackrabbits" which is not the true meaning of Xccj... but it would work! Now you can come up with your own, with some restrictions.
    1: The words must be allowed on BZPower. Nothing that violates their rules and such.
    2: Don't bother going to an acronym site and looking something up. (I've tried, found nothing). This has to be your own work.
    3: You can only enter once, but if you want to slightly edit you entry mid-contest, I'll allow it.
    4: I am banning further use of "jackrabbits," because I came up with it first and decided that I didn't like it.
    Now you're thinking, "Okay, I can play around with some words and enter this, but what am I getting in return?
    Prizes: I will take the winning entry and use it for my display name. Yes, that is right, I will violate my own beliefs and change my user name for the first time ever into whatever the winning entry is. (That further restricts the words that can be used to ones containing characters that can be in a display name. And also think about length, although I don't think there's a maximum length for user names... is there?)
    Upon Bunda's assurance that there is a 26 character limit for names, I will hereby add this. If your combination of letters exceeds 26 characters (which it may well) please include a username version of your entry, using two or three of the words, which is 26 characters or less, and that will be the name i will use. So while "eXtremely Cool Collecting Jackrabbits" is actually 38 characters (including spaces) it could be shortened into "eXtreme Jackrabbit" at 18 characters and still be acceptable.
    Voting: The entry period will be opened for a couple of weeks, or as long as I feel like it. The odds are it'll spam most of the rest of December. In the last couple of days of the year, I will create a poll for you to vote for your favorite entry. The number of polls and their restrictions will depend on the number of entries I receive. The one known restriction is that you can't vote for yourself.
    And on January 1st of the new year, I will hereby change my name to the winning entry, and I will leave it that way for the whole month (or until I can change it back to xccj, which should be 15 days for an OBZPC).
    Secondary Prize: Depending on the quality of the entries, I might create a content block that will list the entries in my blog for future visitations. But that depends mostly on you guys coming up with something really good.
    Now do you want to reveal what Xccj truly stands for? Do you want to humiliate me with a crazy name for a month? Then get creative and enter today!!
    I also reserve the right to cancel this contest if only couple of entries are received. Now enter before i change my mind...

  9. xccj
    Let's Play 20 Questions. I will think up something pertaining to Bionicle, and you must ask me questions to see who it is.
    1: The questions can only be yes or no questions. So "Is he pink" works but "what color is he" doesn't.
    2: There can only be one question per post, and no double posting.
    3: I will edit my answer into every body's post. You can only add a second question in your post if I have already edited in my response.
    I am thinking of a Bionicle being / character. I hope this one isn't as vague as last week's.
    Now, ask away, and see if you can figure it out in under 20 tries.

    It was Roporak (the brown Visorak) and Bundalings managed to guess the correct one in the end. 22 guesses.
  10. xccj
    And again...
    Let's Play 20 Questions. I will think up something pertaining to Bionicle, and you must ask me questions to see who it is.
    1: The questions can only be yes or no questions. So "Is he pink" works but "what color is he" doesn't.
    2: There can only be one question per post, and no double posting.
    3: I will edit my answer into every body's post. You can only add a second question in your post if I have already edited in my response.
    I am thinking of something from 2007. It may be a character, object, or location, but it was directly introduced in this year.
    Now, ask away, and see if you can figure it out in under 20 tries.

  11. xccj
    I'm bored.
    Let's Play 20 Questions. I will think up something pertaining to Bionicle, and you must ask me questions to see who it is.
    1: The questions can only be yes or no questions. So "Is he pink" works but "what color is he" doesn't.
    2: There can only be one question per post, and no double posting.
    3: I will edit my answer into every body's post. You can only add a second question in your post if I have already edited in my response.
    I am thinking of something from 2003. It may be a character, object, or location, but it was directly introduced in this year.
    Now, ask away, and see if you can figure it out in under 20 tries.

  12. xccj
    I'm back, and now to bring this back too...
    Let's Play 20 Questions. I will think up something pertaining to Bionicle, and you must ask me questions to see who it is.
    1: The questions can only be yes or no questions. So "Is he pink" works but "what color is he" doesn't.
    2: There can only be one question per post, and no double posting.
    3: I will edit my answer into every body's post. You can only add a second question in your post if I have already edited in my response.
    I am thinking of a Bionicle character.
    Now, ask away, and see if you can figure it out in under 20 tries.

  13. xccj
    Yes, I forgot to post something this weekend. Sue me.
    Let's Play 20 Questions. I will think up something pertaining to Bionicle, and you must ask me questions to see who it is.
    1: The questions can only be yes or no questions. So "Is he pink" works but "what color is he" doesn't.
    2: There can only be one question per post, and no double posting.
    3: I will edit my answer into every body's post. You can only add a second question in your post if I have already edited in my response.
    I am thinking of a Bionicle item.
    Now, ask away, and see if you can figure it out in under 20 tries.

  14. xccj
    Okay, so it's not exactly a secret, but our big BrickCon news piece was going to be the group review we did of Baranus V7. But after much deliberation by the higher ups, it was not deemed worthy of being an official review. (We were told not to make it more awesome than the BrickFair review, but we did anyway, and look where it got us) Anyway, if you want to view the final, edited version, feel free to PM me and I'll hook you up.

  15. xccj
    I did this a while back and it was a lot of fun, and I want to do something more in my blog besides lame rantings of things. So let's do this!!
    Let's play 20 Questions! I think you should know the basic rules; I'm thinking of something Bionicle related, and you ask questions to help narrow it down! (Heck, might be slightly easier this time since we can know everything there is to know about the Bionicle universe.) Here are some of the more detailed rules:
    1: The questions can only be yes or no questions. So "Is he pink" works but "what color is he" doesn't.
    2: There can only be ONE question per post, and no double posting.
    3: I will edit my answer into every body's post. You can only add a second question in your post if I have already edited in my response.
    No category for now, but if it seems too hard, I'll give ya one to help narrow it down.
    GO! Winner gets to pick next category. (Or at least suggest it, I reserve the right to veto specific ones.)

  16. xccj
    I was thinking to myself, why not celebrate my 300th blog entry with an MOC!
    But Xccj, you suck at MOCing...
    *Ahem* Anyway, here's an exclusive MOC to go along with a few sets I recently purchased.

    Yeppers, it's a Toa combo of the Phantoka... well, Toa. Something I kinda enjoy doing is limiting myself to using only pieces found in sets... and in this case I didn't have much of a choice, because I only have a few canister sets with me.
    This dude has got some pretty powerful shoulders. Unfortunately, he doesn't contain that almightiness of the original Toa Kaita Mata, as he's waaaaay hunched over. But, hey, he looks strong, and Wairuha Nuva looked horrid hunched over too. Anyway, the hunch allows for excellent positioning of the propellers, and there are some wings back there too. The Legs are certainly the worst part here... and I even used up most of the pins and axles I had putting them together. At least he's stabilized.
    The color scheme isn't that bad... lime and orange contrast sharply, and the whites off, but they all stand out nicely from the gray. And, somehow in the positioning of the armor, he doesn't look like a horribly skinny dude with broad shoulders. If Lego released this, I'd probably beat somebody over the head. (Over exaggeration, but I wouldn't be impressed.) But as an MOCist...
    Well, I'm still not impressed. Now that I've taken his picture, I'm going to disassemble him and turn him back into the original Toa.
    Don't even think of asking for a Makuta Kaita. 1: The storyline doesn't support a merger of multiple Makuta. 2: I'm not buying any more of the winter Makuta... you'll just have to wait until I get Bitil and Krika, and even then I am not touching Gorast.

  17. xccj
    FireFox is highly overrated. It's not bad, but people who use it have a superiority complex.
    Chrome is Google... you do not use Bing on it.
    Safari is Apple and therefore lame.
    Internet Explorer is not only the original and most widely used but it works and anyone who says otherwise is in denial and is probably suffering from the superiority complex mentioned above.
    Opera is... y'know what, I don't have a good knowledge about this one? I should experience it some more before I really evaluate it.
    And other web browsers are... um, wow, that's a lot of them...

  18. xccj
    Hey, I have this crazy new writing idea that I'm not going to go into, but it would involve BZP Member characters. Instead of using other peoples names and basing their characters off my perception of them and then getting in deep trouble... why don't I skip right to the source and ask who wants to appear in a short story-ish kind of thing that might/might not happen (and if it does happen, it wouldn't be until after finals, during winter break).
    Basically, if the idea is cool with you, you submit a character profile, which will use your main user name and tell things about your character, which may or may not be reflected in the real you. Categories...
    Two positive characteristics / abilities
    One negative characteristic... because perfect beings are boring.
    General side (Good vs Evil)
    Feelings towards the end of Bionicle (Strong or so-so, don't give me anything too deep)
    Primary Colors (Generally just choose two)
    Mask? (Not necessary)
    So, for example, here would be my profile.
    Brave and good at martial arts
    Highly overconfident of his abilities
    Good Side
    So-so feelings
    Green Hau
    Be creative... I will need baddies as well as heroes, bystanders, victims, ext. By submitting your info, you agree that I can use your character in any sort of way, good-bad, rules of BZP permitting. Heck, to prove it I'll try and kill off my self-character early.
    Anyway, good idea, bad idea, submissions?

  19. xccj
    I need help with something. I have a character who's got really good aim, and I need to give him a personal weapon, but I want it to be unique, so a simple gun won't pull it off. It also can't be a bow or slingshot? Anybody have any other ideas of useful hand held projectile weapons (real life) I could use?

  20. xccj
    In case you didn't know, I wrote up a big Choose Your Own Adventure style BZP-Koro story in my blog the other day. If you haven't done so, read it.
    ... But if you have read it, and were sad that you weren't in it, now's the time to change that.
    I have been approached by a mysterious member (who's name is alphabetically deficient) who is interested in creating a second Choose Your Own Adventure story, bigger and better than the first. But we can't write a proper story without any characters in it. Since this is set in BZP-Koro, that means we need YOU to be the characters. (Well, you'll eventually be the protagonist in this second-person story, but we want to create another member with your name to aid you on your journeys)
    So if you're interested, post in this entry, and include...
    Member's Name: The name you would want to appear in the story. If it's overly long, it might get abbreviated. Example: Emperor Whenua = EW
    Side: Good, Evil, or neutral. If you choose neutral, you're more likely to fall into the good category, but you never know what might happen.
    Strength: Choose a quick positive attribute for your character
    Weakness: Choose a quick weak attribute for your character
    Other: Anything else unique you might want to add about your character. But be brief; if you give too much detail, we may just ignore it.
    If you post here, your character will show up in the story at some point. We can't guarantee that it'll receive a major role (that will depend on the writers) but I know we can fit you in somewhere. (Hey, we always need that Random Matoran shouting stuff, and it could be you!)
    If you have any other questions, you could post those here too.
    Now, submit away. The more characters we have, the faster we can finish this new story!

  21. xccj
    And again...
    Let's Play 20 Questions. I will think up something pertaining to Bionicle, and you must ask me questions to see who it is.
    1: The questions can only be yes or no questions. So "Is he pink" works but "what color is he" doesn't.
    2: There can only be one question per post, and no double posting.
    3: I will edit my answer into every body's post. You can only add a second question in your post if I have already edited in my response.
    I am thinking of something from 2006. It may be a character, object, or location, but it was directly introduced in this year.
    Now, ask away, and see if you can figure it out in under 20 tries.

  22. xccj
    First, they started building it.

    By they, I mean the guys at the Lego Universe table at BrickCon. It's the tree Dojo from the game.
    So when the public came, they started building it.
    And then they drew a name.
    And then they finished building it.
    Then they gave it to the person who's name they drew.

    It survived the trip home and in currently on display in our living room. It is super epic. I don't think I'll ever take it apart. (Except for the baseplates... but those are easy to remove)

  23. xccj
    Which movie should I see this weekend. Coraline or Pink Panther II? The first looks to have pretty good graphics, but Steve Martin is sure to deliver in the comedy section. And, hopefully, I can catch a matinee, because I don't know if I have enough cash for one, much less both.

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