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Status Updates posted by ~ChanetheDemongirl~

  1. "Let us not forget our dear friends the Cuddle Fish. For if you leave them alone for a second the tear eachother to pecies." Quote from POTC3.

    BTW Hows it goin?

  2. (forgive my pirate talk :P I can't do that very well XD)

    Argh- I be tak'n agander at the booty ye collected so far ;)

    (See :\ I warned ya XP lol)

  3. @_@ *is very confused* What GPS?

    Are you one of my Gueststars I had in my series or are you just playing around o_0?

  4. @_@ Nice Avatar!


    BTW Welcome to

    BZP, nice to meet you. ^_^

  5. @_@ Power draing...Must Attack! *sleeps*


    -_- *Xenomorphs

    carry me back to my profile page*

    XD lol XD lol

  6. @_@....those engineers.... they'er scary.

    THEY BITE!!!!

  7. @~Nuuk~: Umm, yes is that ok? :o

  8. @D-E: XD

    @Ka-Chan: Thats funny :D

  9. @D-E:O_O is scared of D-E now....

    @Ka-Chan:So how are you doing? :D

  10. @Dark Mercenary:Thanks.

    @Resev:*ponders for a moment in silence*.... You know what,

    I don't know? :P O_O

    @lewaofair: DX is a he. You owe him twenty bucks! lol: XD

  11. @Darth Resev:

    *Morphs into Xenomorph and attacks Resev*

  12. @Darth Resev:

    A minor stabb wound=P.

    *Xenomorph plays dead until, Resev turns back, wall crawls behind Resev and inner jaw punches thru Resev's skull.*

  13. @Eki:Haru? He's dead. 8 Apr 2008 - 19:45

    In real-life did he passaway?

    What do you mean by that?

  14. @Emperor of Chaos:

    Alien Games also


  15. @HydraxonofthePit:

    Well I heard from Resev that theres a debate

    on whos better than the other.

    But I think that

    none where better than the other.

  16. @ise60:

    Cool heart. B)

  17. @ise60:

    Yes Halo Wars is one of them.

    @Jedi Gali:

    lol They are making a Halo Movie.

  18. @ise601:

    Congrats on passing my post

    level, and sorry about the ads. :(

    I've only seen one bad ad and that was yesterday:P

  19. @Jordboy 1:

    Yeah I see what you mean.

    @Lewaofair: Thats ok. Pics up little void and throws into deepspace.

    @Bitil:You should have a GuestStar

    pm soon.

    @Pit:Happy April Fools to you too.

  20. @Jordboy:

    I think they are

    resuming it?

  21. @Jordboy:

    Thanks JordMan. lol



    Hires Predator as a bodyguard.

    Wolf Predator throws Resev out.* ROTFL XD

  22. @Jordboy:Yeah.




  23. @Jordboy1: Oh

    Me Seez. :P lol


    Void where? 0_o

  24. @Jordboy1:

    BTW I do like 360. B)

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