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Status Updates posted by ~ChanetheDemongirl~

  1. @Jordboy1:

    So did they stop making it?


    Man! I played Halo 3. lol


    Cool Thanks.

    Dr. Doom is pretty cool. B)


    You can have Spartan leaders, and play as the Covenant. And have an army of Elites! MWAHAHA!

    But anyway you can play as Covenant or UNSC, the only plays on the 306 or Wi

  2. @Jordboy1:

    Yeah. I'd like to have a breakdance'n Elite. XD

  3. @Ka-Chan:

    *Inhales to repeat what he said on #############'s profile*

    It's Q from Armed and Dangerous! A prototype combat android discarded due to the fact that he loved tea more then fighting!

    I knew it!

    *does the In Yo Face Dance to Resev.* Lemme

    guess, the new pic is Mega Man right?

  4. @Ka-Chan:

    Nah meez don't :P but I do have a PS3 B) lol

  5. @Ka-Chan:

    Oh BTW Aliens are intellegent and capable of figuring out traps.

    *evilgrin* XD

  6. @Ka-Chan:

    Ohhh theres gonna be guts and blood all over the floor.

    You might also wanna try a few

    stiches and banages. XD

  7. @Ka-Chan:

    Yeah I know I have a cute panda, I'll only have it for awhile.

    Soon it will be cute no longer. *grins and laughs mannically*

  8. @Lewaofair:

    My mom can't believe that I like AVP, seeing

    that I'm a girl and thats not common for girls to like that stuff. XD lol


    That doesn't count-He's family. lol

  9. @Lewaofair:

    Your correct, Tis

    a Chestburster. lol XD


    Its a pic from the

    first alien movie

    produced by: Ridley Scott...

    *speaks in creepy tone* 0_0 Alien.

  10. @lewaofair:No, you didn't insult me. I forget sometimes. =P lol

    @Resev:You poked me with a Rat!? O_O

  11. @makuta27:




    @Resev:*Pred-Alien boots Resev off page. lol

    @Pit:Your bandits are Xeno-chow. lol XD

  12. @nuparurocks:



    Congrats buddy.

    @Onyx 27:

    Nice to meet you.

  13. @Pit: Cool.

    @makuta27:Why Thank you.






  14. @Pit: I've been good. ^_^

    @Jordboy:Thanks. I got it from Ocrist. B)

  15. @Pit:You mean the part where he blewup, or the part where he plotted his revenge? :P

  16. @Resev: *threw mop*


    *lands in my hands* Darnet! lol XD

  17. @Resev: No, I hadn't heard from ise106 lately.

  18. @Resev:

    Jango all the way! Oh looky, I'm a Toa. *snickers*

    I'm a Swarm Scavenger.


  19. @Resev:

    *dodges gernade

    and escapes with life. I'll be back Resev*


    *does the hymlic

    manuver and makes Trans cough up gernade, and throws it back at GG.* lol

  20. @Resev:

    *Goes insane from being locked in the cage!@_@*

  21. @Resev:

    *Plasters Resev

    to Hive Wall.*


  22. @Resev:

    Fine I'll get you off the wall. =P

    *waits till Resev reaches the hive entrance and boots him out!*

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