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Blog Entries posted by ~ChanetheDemongirl~

  1. ~ChanetheDemongirl~
    Ok so I typed the jazzz about my personality, but what you haven't heard is the way I feel about guys on BZP :\
    And this is for ******** whom I just wish to be friends with not a BF & GF T_T
    I'm not looking for anyone on this site to be a BF to me so don't get that way if I'm all nice.
    I just like to hangout with my BZP firends and chat ^^ Besides my folks say its good to wait for the one you truly love to come on by But at this point thats a loooooooong way off XD
  2. ~ChanetheDemongirl~
    My cool buddy Tiranak asked me to help out advertise for his Epic called:Of All Sangheili. And it would be nice if he had a couple more fans to help out his topic. Here's his Epic below his Cool Photo I made B)

  3. ~ChanetheDemongirl~
    Alien and Predator! Friends? No way you say, yes way. Some photographers revealed that Hollywood stars Alien and Predator have been seen hanging out. Here's the scoop on the latest pics :3

    Seen here in there backyard playing tennies pole wacking game.

    Two best buds, hanging out, and shooting pool. Nice B)

    And finally being corduial and well mannered in a friendly game of Chess. Well played
    Well there you have it, best news on the block. I'm reporter Chan'e
    on channel 6, bringing the lastest on Sci-Fi news

    *snickers* Whats a Fangirl to do <:3
    I luv those guys ^^
  4. ~ChanetheDemongirl~
    Well I'll start with the sad news
    Today I have recently asked a CoT Forum Assistant to close both my Halo Database and my Halo Epic topic . Buuuuut the Good News >:3 I have some preperations in mind for this Blog, so I will bring New Life to my Halo Epic! ^^ New Changes, New Updates and more! No all I gotta do is get reeeaally busy on it O~o XD
  5. ~ChanetheDemongirl~
    Today I interview the Contest Winnr Taka Nuiva, so she can have a spot on this blog about herself.
    So this will be closed until futher notice.And here She is
    My Questions from the Interview:
    1:What do you like?
    2:Do you play any video or comp games and if so what?
    So others can realate to what games thet've played
    3:What would you like to advertise on my blog?
    4:What BZP topics do you post in most? Epics, Bionicleartwork, or other?
    Feel free to talk about anything you want on my blog Its your page for the day.
    5:What are your thoughts on other members, mean or not?
    6:What are your thoughts for the future after BZP is closed down?
    7:what Music do you prefer?
    BTW parden me < I know I'm lame on the questions, but pretty much you can
    even post a topic of your own on your fave subject
    Taka Nuiva:

    1) I like Bionicle. And fantasy. (Takanuva). Knights with shiny armour. Not to forget the demons, bringers of darkness and Vampires. And Drawing. ^^
    2) I used to play "The Sims" a lot, also "Bionicle: The Game" And of course "Lego Racers". I've been laughed at for that for years. XD
    3) Uhh... nothing. ^^
    4) definitely artwork, but sometimes I also browse GD. My habit of posting in every topic I visit is... well, it makes me post in every piece of art I see.
    Sometimes I also post in Short stories and epics, if friends of mine wrote some. The only problem is that I sometimes forget checking back their profiles, so that they have to remind me every now and then =]
    5) Every member is a special person, artistic or not. Therefore, if there's a question I need to ask someone, I always ask, without thinking about the star ranks or PE.
    Members... sometimes I tend to forget that they all are real people XD
    Each Bzper is good at something different. There are artists, writers, MOCers... and you can learn from everyone, if you listen to them, watch their work and don't feel afraid of asking questions
    6) IF Bzpower gets closed down... I'll be really sad. I'd leave a lot of friends behind. =( But my plans... I think I'd continue drawing, writing fan fiction, drawing, mourning about the loss of Bzpower, listen to music... draw a little more... so Nothing much would change. ^^
    So... thank you for the interview, Chan'e! =D
  6. ~ChanetheDemongirl~
    From: 2003
    Ok,so I'm mainly talking about a sguirrel,the so called cute and cuddlely tree animal.(But this topic can also be about other animals.)But anyway-it all
    started when my older brother and I were in our back yard,when all of the sudden we see a slow
    moving sguirrel.So my older bro tells me to take my (halloween hood/mask,whatever you'd prefer to
    call it.)and grab the little bugger and hold him still to show everyone else....Thats when the bad thing
    happened.As soon as he comes back from inside the house to tell me to let it go,he grabs my hands
    as I was holding it trying to make me drop him himself.Well as soon as he did that-the squirrel bit me!
    I then started bleeding from my index finger were the squirrel bit me,and hurried to wash my hands,
    later on that day I had to go to the hospital to check and see if the squirrel had given me rabies.
    Turns out I didn't have rabies thankfully.....but as for the squirrel,lets just say he was the test subject
    to check for rabies.
    Pretty wierd being bit by a squirrel huh?
  7. ~ChanetheDemongirl~
    My friend Vahi786 had informed me that I got 1600th post count.
    Thank for the news dude. And so to Celebrate....well I gots is this :3

    Anyone else who ain't a premeire member can feel free to talk about, how many posts they got, and feel free to share their celebrations here
  8. ~ChanetheDemongirl~
    Hey guess who's back? =D
    *Breakdances Covenant Elite stlye* Me! ^~^
    And I'm happy to see you all
    again :3 *hugs everyone*
    Well Its been stressful and hetic
    most of the time during the time
    of of Me and my Family's packing.
    I was tired and fussy after all that
    staying up day'n'night to keep my
    Mom and Dad awake, so much that
    when we first got to our Apartment,
    I fell asleep on my own lap. *zzz*
    And got more than just a normal deep
    snooze, although I was still tired the next
    morning I was still fussy and tired abit
    I got on BZP with'ma PS3 WOOT!!!!
    But sadly only for a short bit.
    So I'm wonder'n how you all on BZP
    are doing lately , happy to see and
    hear from every Member here. lol
    P.s I gotta new namechange! Just until
    the Season of Fall is over though
    In Winter I'll change back to Ripley-8 again
    Credit for new name: Tea_Leaf, Thanks.
    Of course now everything is great at my new home, we even have a pool.
  9. ~ChanetheDemongirl~
    Waking in the Morn, stretch legs and feet.
    Thinking of getting some food, might something good to eat.
    After daily Bible studies, and alittle comp typing, I sit at my little brother's side while he does flute piping.
    At the stroke of three, nothing much else to do for Me.
    So I sit and watch TV, or listen to my CD.
    Writing, Planning, Plotting, and daydreaming the freetime glee, of imaginations innocent and carefree.
    The day almost done and light almost dark. I sit in my room and read my book, till the night has come and the day is done.

    So you like?
  10. ~ChanetheDemongirl~
    I've already created this artwork and its story. But I needed to do a re-make. This explains my depression I have about too much Vanity .
    The Character is the 2nd spirit of the Angel of Death, and she discribes her dreams of hateful Men who took what was dear to her. Her flesh and blood in a way was stripped and sold for selfish purposes in vain. And she wakes up from her dream and realizes that it wasn't real. She soon lives her life to the fullest and dies, in doing so helps those in need beside the Angel of Death.
    Alltogether what I'm trying to express is that the stuff I see and hear is women and even teenage girls being mistreated, and even abusing themselves. Dressing up to impress in a very horrible way, and thus Some but Most Guys in the World abuse and disrespect them. Taking advantage of girls who are despreate for love or attintion, and some guys believe that All Girls are like the "Attention Getters", but truth is all girls are not like that. And I'd like an understanding to come between both Guys and Girls.
    So please enjoy this short poem like story: Death In Vanity. Thank you.

    I'm am born of carnal flesh and blood, but I grow to not want the things and the attention's of this World. When I am grown of Natural beauty of God's Creation I do well to keep out of trouble. But as innocent as I am trouble still yet comes to find me from the darkness of the shadows in the middle of the World.
    From what I've learned no one loves me for how I am. All that is dear to me, my Flesh stripped from my Bone and my Blood runnith cold. In the Blackness of Death Hate runs in my mind, Hate of how Men felt about Women, hate that abuse was in this world toward the weaker women. My heart begins to slow. I realize that all my fears a nightmare and continue not. I feel dead and lonely but I know that I'm still here. I now long for warmth, and safety and comfort. I'm not the only one who has this feeling....not all are bad as my nightmares tell me.
    My Blood begins to warm, and my Heart begins to beat again. I am able to give hope, I am able to sacrifice all that I need for the sake of others....Protector and Friend.
    Now Dead and gone I seek to help those on there way. The Protecter of the Helpless.
    Delshiea Annock~ Second Spirit of the Angel of Death.
    This story Written by ~ES6~
  11. ~ChanetheDemongirl~
    I am sad because of my brother moving out of the house finally.
    It kind of bothers me to know that he's going to be so far away and I won't get to see him often.
    I know my life will be boring and abit depressing without him in the house, because he's always been my cool older brother and he's always looked out for me.
    I'm not really sure how to feel about him moving. I'm seriously going to miss him. (also gonna miss all the times I was able to pester him :3) Hope your trip goes well bro and you better message often >:3
  12. ~ChanetheDemongirl~
    Tday I'm going to host comics here. Here you can drink Coffee, Late, or Mocha and read some of my best comics and get the latest news on whats up and whats new in the series ^~- .
    Today I'm featuring 'The Epic of Chane's Comics' I cameup with it yesterday since this first season was alittle messed up. It'll have all the GS and PGS in there with all the charcters ^^ Hope you all will like this. I'llprep for it soon or after the comic series is done IDK? But soon
  13. ~ChanetheDemongirl~
    Aftermaths and Returns
    An Epic written and one by Tiranak and ~ES6~
    After the war with the Flood and Covenant, the Elites return to their planet.
    For a few years it is peaceful, but there was always tyrants and corrupt soldiers in the Covenant Speperatists, so soon, chaos breaks out. 2 sides lead the confrontations; Rebels who disagree and despise the Allied faction, who outnumber these renegades only by a few hundred numbers.
    But still, times are though between the Allies, with friendships and unresolved business among the soldiers.
    Yet even with the consant warring that started 20 years ago, there is a third faction, the Mecenaries, soldiers of whom could never gain any employment in either the Rebels nor the Allies.
    They are unperdicable soldiers, hired only by the most desperate Commanders and lead by the single Sangheili who gave many fellow soldiers nothing but pain, hatred and deep sorrow.
    Still though, even in Sanghelious's most desperate times, there are still soldiers and civilians on missions much like the ones the current Mercenary leader sent the previous Generation on.
    The age of an average soldier is now 20, with the former Covenant Seperatist Soldiers being aged 40-50, still a young age in Sangheili terms (considering the normal age of an Elite is 120), with the only thing seperating the young between the older, is that the older Soldiers have a superior knowledge of Combat and their previous experience on the battlefield.
    Information of the Epic:
    As always, we will have Guest Stars, but we won't have a form as of yet. Simply give us the age, name, backstory, appearance and skill of your character. You may have more things than that, but for now, your character MUST be a Sangheili/Elite (whichever you prefer to call them).
    The prolouge may be short, but chapters 1 and 2 will be longer.
    Chan'e will write chapter 1, myself 2 and so forward.
    This epic may become a sequel to my current one, but probably not.
  14. ~ChanetheDemongirl~
    I got my hair dyed purple and gold glitter and went with my folks out in the evening in town. When we got there all sorts of people were in costume and my little bro Ninebreaker was the main tricker treater ^^ . I didn't bring a bag so I didn't trick or treat <:] plus I didn't get to dress up like I planned ethier. That'll have to be next year.
    Happy Halloween you to you all
    Here's the Town

    Alotta People O~o

    SpiderMan,Jack Skelington, and a Viking

    Da Masta Cheif Sorta X3


    Creepy Guys one and two XD:

    My li'l bro Ninebreaker ^^

    My Dye Job on my hair :3

  15. ~ChanetheDemongirl~
    My eyes are abit itchy and I'm feeling abit tired, so I might just go take a quick nap. I'll try and get a few comics done for tonight *yawn* walks into living room and plops on the couch next to my xeno plushi ^^...well I sleep with a stuffed monkey but I'm pretending its a xenomorph T~T.....yeah the truth can stink.
    Zzzzzzz-zzzzz-zzzzz -~-
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