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CM Kornbluth

Premier Members
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Status Updates posted by CM Kornbluth

  1. *pokes to make sure you're alive then glomps your wonderfully alive body*

  2. *pokes very hard with a long, sharp, poisoned, dragon-tail spear*

  3. *raises the knife of The Ultimate Showdown Of Ultimate Destiny*

  4. *sobs* Turakii - hic - why won't you - hic hic - talk to me?! *sobs* I need to have humour in my - hic hic hic - life and - hic hic - you're my only -hic - hope....

  5. Awww...poor, lonely Toaraga...no comments...you must be so saddddddd.... *comforts*

  6. Bones, you're my favourite Moderator. You're the funniest adn laid-backiest of all. You're even cooler than OMi(who oh, I said a leet word - contact a Moderator to take proto from me! Val).

  7. Funny, so do I....

  8. Hey, good luck here, buddy! PM me if you need help round the site!

  9. Hey, I hope you accept me as a worker!

  10. Hi, there! Ranna's sis, yeah, I get lots of rain, but not as much as I'd like. Tury, thank you very much! EW...uh, what?

  11. Just to let you know, Tukua, I added you on MSN.

  12. Roa, I need a reply to my PM, which I know you read. I need a reply to it.

  13. Seriously, guys, stop telling me to empty my inbox when it's full. I'm not gonna empty it just because people want me to. It is empty now, but when it gets full, don't tell me to empty it, please, I have issues with getting rid of things. Even though now I discovered the archive feature.


  15. The comment's a lie.

  16. The thought of Carmelita Spats being the one who turned into Takanuva instead of Takua is a scary thought indeed.

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