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Status Updates posted by D-Shadow

  1. Woah! My character has two forms! Hapori and Demon! Radical!

  2. Yeah, alliteration always sounds better when there's at least three words.

  3. Woah... you know what's kind of funny? My twin brother's representation of himself uses light and darkness.

  4. I'm the Batman... I'm not sure... would you know who Batman is?

  5. Th-The cake i-is a l-lie!!? Why I oughta... SHORYUKEN!!

  6. He is THE (dark?) king... of sweaters...

  7. Hey Elite Spartan 6, what happened to the five before you?

  8. It is the Rising Dragon Fist (uppercut)!! Hadouken is a fireball.

  9. Rysuugen? I hardly know ya! Ha ha, no, no, I don't know what that means, if anything.

  10. It's what I do.

  11. No... I did see Super Golden Tager, the Majestic Paradigm of Power, though!

  12. Hello EliteSpartan... if that is your real name.

  13. Good, good, I'm going to be posting a comic sometime tomarrow.

  14. Woah! Your 3D skills are amazing!

  15. Iron Man rules!

  16. Dude... you're so zetta slow!

  17. Hey... what's up!?

  18. I'll tell you after I figure out what your personal photo is...

  19. *notices name and name of others* Was there a fad I missed...?

  20. Well, I haven't played much of it, myself. Google is, after all, your friend.

  21. You are not two... I'm guessing.

  22. Well... I made a new 2-Sides comic!

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