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Tahtorak ate my house!

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Everything posted by Tahtorak ate my house!

  1. Nice pictures of the sets and creations!

  2. Write whatever that came to your mind in the split seconds you start to write or have just finished writing one sentence is the best way of writing a blog (its so effective that I didn't experience writer's block at all for this episode of Takanuva's blog!!! I was most afraid of such things)
  3. I am honored and glad.

  4. I will give you nice Thornax stew, so don't worry about your breakfast (I think its good for your health).

  5. I have a backup set of my dinner thought...:)

    Take it again and you wont have your breakfast tomorrow...(don't be angry...this's just a joke)

  6. Notice my avatar... that would be my reaction when Fero took my lunch.

  7. Why not add me as your friend?

  8. Hello, I assume you are new here? Happy Birthday! Takua/Takanuva is CERTAINLY COOL!

  9. When I was informed you had commented on me, I thought you were the Administrator team... so, nice name, man!

  10. Thanks for complementing my display name. I got the idea from another member's (one friend of mine) display name--Brutaka stole my ship!

  11. If you are talking about buying Takanuva, I would find that more interesting... :wakeup2:
  12. If you are talking about buying Takanuva, I would find that more interesting...
  13. I lol'd. ~EW~ lol...anyway very cool snow indeed! And what's the Chinese school you are talking about?
  14. I know that game called Need For Speed...its good game

  15. Worst still (OH NO!!!) I found that I congratulated the wrong person... anyway my praise is still can be for you in future or in your past.

  16. Congratulations for becoming a Premier member! (You must be very shocked and even more puzzled that someone actually congratulates you for such achievements...)

  17. Congratulations for becoming a Premier member!!! (You must be shocked and puzzled that someone actually congratulates his friend for such achievements)

  18. You're more than welcome to add comments here!

  19. Hooray 2010!!! I am sure Bionicle won't really end ... we have serials to come and the saga continues in the very hearts of all fans, right? Yeap. Still I can't create new blogs! :angry: Anyway, GA3 is now SOLELY PC!!! GREAT!!!!
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