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Everything posted by Torchflare1234

  1. My nearest LEGO store is in Orlando, FL.

  2. Yay for nonconformists!

  3. That's a good place to start.

  4. Nope. I live on the East Coast.

  5. "Top dog" is a term that means the best of a group.

  6. SCAR- Take a look at my maj folder.

    Xairos- "co" refers to the teachers and student at the Master's school.

  7. IF I rebuild them they will probably be on brickshelf or maj. Bionicle.com takes too long and gives me trouble half the time.

  8. If I rebuild The Master and co. they'll also have the Maxilos suspension.

  9. Congratulations to everyone and kudos to bonesiii, this was one fun contest.
  10. They got taken apart and then rebuilt into the Toa Kamas. I might decide to rebuild The Master and all the others again, if I feel like it.

  11. Category: [New MOC] Beast Name: Kerta Air Serpent Topic: None Description: A vicious flying serpent. Spits acid and eats carrion. Multitudes of these beasts can be seen flying in circles above potential prey. Matoran consider the Kerta Air Serpent to be a bad omen. I love this contest.
  12. Its ok. I'm just not comfortable knowing the real names of other people online.

  13. I've uploaded most of my MOCs onto my majhost.com folder, just need to take a few more pictures and I'll be done.

  14. Category: [2nd Chances] Beast Name: Valtic Topic: Link Description: Extremely intelligent, amphibious, raptor-like creatures with a nasty attitude. The spikes on its body generates a high voltage that can be released in a lethal blast. Category: [New MOC] Beast Name: Scorch Ant Topic: None Description: Insectoids with a fiery bite that live in vast, underground colonies and known to collapse the ground around prey to catch it. Some Matoran have tamed them and used them as mounts for military.
  15. Xairos- Take a look around my majhost.com folder. There, I will be uploading the new and hopefully final versions of my Tales of Kamas Nui MOCs.

  16. With a skeleton key, of course.

  17. I can has biscuits?

  18. *Small flame becomes a bonfire, the smoke causes Eki to sneeze violently.*

  19. (Looks over at a weapon MOC on shelf and smiles.) S&T Xian Weapons contest? Sounds like fun.
  20. Don't forget gas prices.

  21. *Sits in Eki's stomach stoking a small fire.*

  22. Don't forget kitty-eating.

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