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Everything posted by Torchflare1234

  1. Nope, just this computer I'm typing on.

  2. Wait...*blinks*... that was made with ppt? Whoa.

  3. They're going to have their own masks.

  4. I think he means December 9th. I wonder why he said November.
  5. Yup, just updated its bio.

  6. I hope he does, it would be nice to see more entries.
  7. That sounds more like it.

  8. This will be a big help, or at least it would have been if I hadn't already beaten it. *looks down list of entries* Lol, the entries are longer than the side content, for once.
  9. -SCAR: No, by waking up the demigod and destroying him Xairos can eliminate all Makuta.

    -Xairos: It took me about two weeks to draw it.

  10. Why did you wake him in the first place?

  11. Normally, I'll read the entire entry, but that's not a normal entry. It's a long list with many strange sounding names.
  12. Hey, there's no need to apoligize, it's an easy mistake.

    Congrats on becoming a seeker. Now, what are you seeking?

  13. Ironicles. I don't think unseen is a good word choice to describe any of the monsters(unless one of them had the ability to become invisible). Unnoticed or unrecognizable would probably be better. Or maybe difficult to believe the existence of; like Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, or Keetongu. Still, I was thinking that some unlucky Matoran would go into some random place alone and people would fine him dead without any trace or something. The contest is about the monster when it's revealed, the "unseen-wrath-speading" is going to depend on how Bonesiii writes the story.
  14. You mean make another self-MOC? I don't really know, I need to do more work on my epic and I need to finish my contest entry.

    But don't stop MOCing. All because you don't get a lot of replies in a MOC topic, doesn't mean you should stop MOCing. It means that what you built just doesn't agree with the tastes of other members. Members' tastes=more replies.

  15. Ironicles. I don't think unseen is a good word choice to describe any of the monsters(unless one of them had the ability to become invisible). Unnoticed or unrecognizable would probably be better. Or maybe difficult to believe the existence of; like Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, or Keetongu.
  16. Yup, I'm a high school grad.

  17. I don't believe Greg has ever truly lied to us, he's either avoided giving a direct answer or he changed his mind. But he doesn't lie.
  18. Entry #1 » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « The Gartana is a sapient, violent, mist-like creature that is capable of controlling any mechanical object it comes in to contact with. Its substance hovers inches above the ground, radiates a purple light and comes from its helmet. A machine controlled by the Gartana will give off a faint, violet glow. It has been seen abducting various machines for an unknown reason. One Matoran theorized that the Gartana is building something, but the why still remains unanswered. No one knows where the Gartana comes from, only that it wants to go back. Full screen Entry #2 » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « The Cazek Wasp is a tiny hive insect that is hostile to intruders in its territory. Extreme caution should be used around its hive for it will swarm and attack any who get too close. One sting alone is relatively harmless, but multiple stings can cause a victim to become mutated due to the Hordika venom contained in the stinger. You can recognize the Cazek Wasp by the loud, thunderous humming sound made by its wings before it attacks. It follows the Visorak horde for it uses the webbing left by the spiders to create its hive. Full screen Entry #3 » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « Created by a Makuta whose name has long been forgotten, the Makuta Wolf is a creature of fear and hatred with only one thought, kill and destroy. It is a beast many doubt the existence of. Several Matoran have, in the past, sought to prove the existence of the Makuta Wolf, they have not been seen since. What is accepted by the believers is that it has a near Matoran-level intelligence and that the Makuta Wolf only hunts at night and strikes from the shadows. The belief is that the Makuta Wolf will turn down an easier meal for its preferred prey; Matoran. Those who claim to have lived through an encounter with this creature catch only glimpses of it before it returns to the shadows. Here above is an artist's interpretation of the Makuta Wolf's appearance based off of the eye-witness accounts. Original pic Full screen
  19. For the OGD, remove any posts that does not contain original questions that Greg has answered. That would make it much easier to read and find out what has already been asked. » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «*gasp* The monster is a mutant Thwant!
  20. You mean my avatar? That's part of my entry for Bonesiii's blog contest. It's what Spinax could only wish he could be.

  21. Lol, you must like the theme, huh? You know, here's a suggestion you might wanna try. You could make a MOC, take a pic, and trace the pic in Powerpoint. As long as the actual art you enter is drawn in powerpoint, I don't care how, so tracing like that would be fine. You could then also include a photo of the actual MOC in your post too; I would just judge based mostly on the .ppt pic instead of that (so it would have to look cool to win ). Would this satisfy you? You could even coolify it beyond the limits of the plastic that way, if you wanted. Already doing that. It does work. And it looks awesome.
  22. Not sure. When I can find the time, I guess.

  23. I may enter, if I can think of something. *go off to ponder*
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