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Everything posted by Torchflare1234

  1. I'm not a parish.

  2. Always watch the road. Always. Getting a ticket sucks. Majorly. Fender-benders suck. Majorly. But brakes are good. And being able to walk away is good. No airbag deployment is good. Minor damage is good. No damage is better. Minor trauma, a little flustered, but I'm okay. Just, watch the road. Always.
  3. But there's like, fourteen of us.

    *The other Toa Kamas surround and mob Xairos*

  4. The concentric ringed version with the recommendations:
  5. Or the user simply tranquilizes the opponent from a distance without giving the opponent a chance to counter or dodge and avoids any conflict. Utilizing the wind to carry the power makes it more wide-spread and able to affect multiple targets. It can't be dodged and it can't be blocked. Any user would never need to fight or struggle against any opponent ever again. And that makes it too powerful in my opinion.
  6. Here's a version with the mentioned concentric circles: Made with MS Paint and MS Powerpoint for those curious. I like the Photoshopped version, but to make it appear more coin-like; evenly raise the entire border and the lettering, leave the white background flat, and add an overall metallic shine to it. I would very much like to see this made into a 3-D spinny. Nice to know everyone is liking it.
  7. *reassembles*

    Hey, nobody outside the Toa Kamas picks on Keeto! Nobody!

    *flings Xairos with a giant catapult made of light*

  8. Have one contents column. It's difficult to read half a comment.
  9. Or modify the Article so it no longer specifies the Matoran of Darkness place of origin.
  10. *superheats the air around Xairos*

    Dried Fiend anyone?

  11. Just got it. Now I can post various things; artwork, MOCs, spur-of-moment ideas, etc... Things are going to get interesting.
  12. Hah, Fiend, not even the Great Beings can change a Toa into a Matoran. Your sparkler did nothing!

  13. 97,000+ years ago- Kamas Nui's foundations are set. 96,500 years ago- Matoran populate Kamas Nui. 95,500 years ago- The Toa Barak come in to being. 92,000 years ago- The Barraki known as Mantax conquers Kamas Nui. 80,000 years ago- The Toa Barak ally with the Brotherhood of Makuta in a preemptive strike against the League of Six Kingdoms. Mantax and the other Barraki disappear and Kamas Nui is freed. Kamas Nui experiences a time of peace. 74,000 years ago- The Skakdi known as Lupike is banished from Zakaz and becomes an inhabitant of Kamas Nui. 39,000 years ago- Skakdi raiders begin to terrorize Kamas Nui. 38,996 years ago- Skakdi raiders are beaten back to their home island. 1,300 years ago- Toa Konitu and his team become suspicious of the Makuta of Kamas Nui. A fierce battle ensues, the Makuta of Kamas Nui is believed to be dead. 1,000 years ago- A massive earthquake breaks Kamas Nui, one village disappears completely. The Makuta of Kamas Nui attacks the Toa Barak. Toa Niru, the Toa Barak of Earth, is the last remaining Toa on Kamas Nui. He sacrifices his Toa power to create the Toa Kamas, becoming a Turaga. Turaga Niru instructs the Toa Kamas to coordinate hit-and-run attacks on the Brotherhood of Makuta and the Dark Hunters.
  14. Theoretically, one could increase the air pressure around a target to cause immobilization, provided the target doesn't pass out first. Or the wind could strike a nerve center or the equivalent, but that would require the user knowing where to strike and how hard.
  15. You can mark off 81, 82, and 84 for me, I made up my mind.
  16. *gasp* Did Kohila just vote? As I had stated here, the Watchers were revived with Mata Nui. Glad to see you've voted.
  17. I changed my name, that's all.

    *introduces Xairos to the concept of a hotfoot*

  18. Rewriting it as such would also gain my support. Maybe more of a Mask of Freezing, able to reduce the temperature of any substance to at or below its freezing point. Or perhaps having it manifest as eye beams? I too, would prefer it if the word "weak" was removed. If there must be a limitation, make it so the user is vulnerable to the mask's power. The story team did limit it. The user can't use it on himself. Heh heh. Ausar called it drivel.
  19. I've changed meh name.

  20. "AYE" to Article 80. No complications here. "AYE" to Article 81. Wasn't the Meow-Mix cat named Morris? I would approve of the name changed to "Moriis". "AYE" to Article 82. I'm nitpicking.Look, I understand the desire for new words, but can we please be more careful in their construction? I'd hate to see the possible puns that could come off of this. "AYE" to Article 83. Again, no complications. Just cause I'm curious, was the name based off of Reidak? "AYE" to Article 84. I like the sound of "vamis". (Wait, isn't that a paradox?) "AYE" to Article 85. But could you elaborate on "worst"? "AYE" to Article 86. No complications. "AYE" to Article 87. But may I ask what the difference is between Darkness and Shadow? I always figured they were synonymous.
  21. "AYE" to Article 70. I see no reason as to why this mask shouldn't exist. "AYE" to Article 71. My only problem is the name. Can it please be changed? Kehrap? Too close to another word for my liking. Could lead to some very unpleasant puns. "AYE" to Article 72. Again, no reason for it not to exist. "NAY" to Article 73. As Ausar pointed out, its use would be impractical. Why would a BIONICLE character need to hack into "technological data files"? Also, how would the user store these stolen files? "NAY" on Article 74. Usage by non-Elemental Stone beings would be impratical and any skilled Toa of Stone could theoretically do this. A Mask of Stone perhaps? "NAY" to Article 75. Will someone please explain to me why a proposer can be against his own Article without ANY logical explaination? "AYE" to Article 76. Though, I can't imagine how it would be heavy. "AYE" on Article 77. Same argument as Article 74. Besides, there's no such thing as a controlled Nova blast. "NAY" on Article 78. Too complicated. I don't understand how a blast of wind could lead to paralyzation and I really don't see why. "AYE" on Article 79. Why must we put such limits on Elemental Masks for fear that they won't be approved?
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