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Surface Detail

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Status Updates posted by Surface Detail

  1. Indeed, wait...why is there bacon in the soap?

  2. And if you take M, stick a packet of lemon juice in it, and amplify it's forcefield with a series of sonic waves you get...Ireland.

  3. well, er...happy belated birthday?

  4. ahhh...now I get it, I had thought that you...nevermind, anyway, happy...er...very very early birthday in advance? Or what about keyboard day? Or the I'll take whatever you give day?

  5. OK,OK!?

    I have twelve salt shacker metal suits armed with plunger and egg beater weapons that can incinerate a human being or transfer data from a computer system in 2012 with electronic screeching voices!

  6. Happy annual Human celebration of one year closer to extinction!

  7. You...disturb me...greatly


  8. And as for the other things, I am in no way "grading" you, it's just a bit of a fit of annoyment I get in sometimes, as for the mods, no they are not paranoid, the rule is only that you can't do something like say,"I IS A CHRISTIAN ALL YOU OTHER RELIGIONS IS EVOIL Hhahah!!111"maybe you should check the rules concerning this before you pass judgement.

  9. yes, I do, all I'm saying is that it's just that the, well, chatspeak annoys me, that's all, it's nothing against you, it's just "acronyms" like wut, and hi ppl, and u, nothing personall against you,

  10. Hapori dume is stuck in a tomb, the tomb is stuck in a broom, the broom is in my spoon.

  11. Well, most nerds usualy speak in such a manner as this:





    Its usualy teenagers who speak in noobese,"Liek lollulz u like orly and I wus liek ya rly!!1333!"

    Good name though.

  12. Yes, but many unfortunate 12 year olds in their invasion of the internet do, and you'd be suprised how many there are...perhaps using the english grammatical term wuld allude to drug addiction of the masses?

    I is a high person!

    Or maybe a race of avian humanoids?

    The world may never know.

  13. Nah, I saw his corpse in a TARDIS somewhere at FOX news. Or was that CNN?

    Anyway, welcome back, somehow.

  14. Isn't there something wrong with everything?


  15. woot! A answer, more or less a few questions of personall interest, anyway, here is your check for what is, drumroll please: one Euro.

  16. good for you sirk, good for you.

  17. I see the same comment on Club penguin everyday...again...and again... and again.


  18. Chinchilas are people! Little, furry, earthling people!

  19. We are all laughing at you uchiha, we are alal laughing at me, someone is laughing st omi, then Janus, and va-er...VQ tri-angulated, and I'm laughing at the penguin handing out porrly zeroxed socialist newsletters down the street.

  20. Yep, the future is bright for you my friend, well, other than the few mosquitos on the windshield, but as soon as ya get back to the station you should be able to take care of that. Wait, did jerry take out the garbage?

  21. clockwork orange right?

    I read the book, never saw the movie.

  22. To which the surrounding gasses, energy, etc.(debris) may be being seen as surrounding the black hole, when it has been engulfed possibly thousands of years ago.

  23. hmmm..interesting, I had thought that land based telescopes did an equal share, I was refering to the fact that, due to the speed of light and what not, when observing even from the Earth's upper atmosphere, or in geostationay orbit, we may be looking back in time

  24. HE is Isis so he go bye bye now with da Ood and da Manjacillicularianians.

  25. Ahh..so your a ND fan?

    What of vote for me?

    Ya know Pedro has several small shark skeletons in his closet.;-)

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