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Allen Walker: Crown Clown

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Status Updates posted by Allen Walker: Crown Clown

  1. c'moooon... make Forsaken a longer storyline... pweeeease...?????????

  2. darnit I'm cunfused now! ar you really a guy or a girl?! MAKE UP YOUR MIND WO/MAN!

  3. Does you not know whut folgers is?

    It's a coffee company over here across the pond XP

  4. don't step on it, lol.... I know it makes absolutely no sense, but I don't care. XP

  5. duuude, why's the rpg so inactive??/ DX

  6. everyone's fighting over Lazzy....

    Well, I need him to control an NPC for Naruto, so... Yeah.

    *drags Lazzy off*

  7. gah! I doesn't remember adding you to my friends list...

    sorry for being a bothert *bows in apology*

  8. go ahead and tell everyone you're a guy, dude!

  9. go ahead. I'm only writing part of my application to a college. XD

  10. goddarn Europe, throwing off my time-thingies >

    I keep forgetting when I should be eating lunch, you're on your way to dinner or sumthin :P

  11. heey, I've still got a Five Star rating! :D maybe I should have stayed away longer... then people would've thought I was dead! And made even /MORE/ high rating!

  12. hello,. friend of my friend? wisheth to be friends? ^^'''

  13. Hello! is this thing on? mkay, I've been away, like, orever. I anyone still remembers me and wants to catch up, I'mma risk it and just throw my skype here.

    1. Allen Walker: Crown Clown

      Allen Walker: Crown Clown

      togaoki is the account name. you should be able to find me. look for the obvious as obvious robot.

    2. The Lawuser

      The Lawuser

      Oh, I remember you. You were that D.Gray-man fan.

  14. hereey, you stole my return-theme, Taka! D:

    lols... yes, I enjoy spamming your comment-box. XD

  15. hey! you!

    we doesn't talk anymore, lol... ^^''' I haven't seen you in forver...

  16. hey!


    -pokes- I haven't talked to you in forever. XD

  17. hi, Silver-silv-- *looks a tthe coment s below mine* Zev? as in, Zev the wolf, old Zev?

  18. I hope you got ma PM, Maadra; there's a lot to go through XP


    XD *pops up behind you, making you fall to the ground in surprize*.....

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