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Toa Alvarno

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Blog Comments posted by Toa Alvarno

  1. Come on guys. This is getting pretty pathetic. :P


    Bink has put work on tons of hours in on this, he cares to keep us updated, and is nice enough to respond to our questions. Is whining about the game a good way to thank him?




    Bink - I know that you have much more experience than me, but I have done commercial webdesign before, and it really bogs you down when people do nothing but whine. XD


    We're not whining too much. I think I speak for all of us when we say that we're getting kinda anxious, and nervous.

    Oh, and kinda tired of the delays. No offense to anyone, but it's a fact. This is the 5th delay or something.


    Whatever. I'm sure it'll be worth it. :)


    Rock on,




    Come on guys. This is getting pretty pathetic. :P


    Bink has put work on tons of hours in on this, he cares to keep us updated, and is nice enough to respond to our questions. Is whining about the game a good way to thank him?




    Bink - I know that you have much more experience than me, but I have done commercial webdesign before, and it really bogs you down when people do nothing but whine. XD


    We're not whining too much. I think I speak for all of us when we say that we're getting kinda anxious, and nervous.



    *IS dying with anticipation*

    Could you give us a screenshot?


    He has a couple times. Look earlier in his blog.


    Um... Anxious about a game? And for those tired of delays, you don't have to express it this way. Bink has spent time on this, and he is nice enough to keep us updated. Before he became the webmaster, BZP barely had access to half of this info. So really, maybe you could say "Thanks for the hard work, this'll be great," instead of what lots of people have been saying. :P


    Um...okay. It's just that this game was supposed to be released in July and it's September. It's not even going to be the full game. It's just going to be the first level and more's going to be added. So I seriously think that this game ought to be out...soon.


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