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Riisiing Moon

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Everything posted by Riisiing Moon

  1. Thanks...but any reason in specific? :P

  2. Noticed you added me to your friend list. I don't mind at all, just wondering why. Leave me a comment back here and I'll check.

  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! From that guy who doesn't know you. :P Oh, and I read Not Fair 2, really sucks that a topic that like that had too get closed...

  4. Noticed you didn't join MH&H5. Want me to reserve a spot for you in six?

  5. Thanks for the tip, should've known that myself. Especially since I'm talking to you. :P

  6. You're not going to kill me, are you? Help me kill Mezz before he gets to like 80 again.

  7. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! *Balloons*

  8. Thanks, I've had a great one!

  9. Happy birthday! Did you like Spawny?

  10. Hey, now that we have invisibility, should me and Zev attack them now?
  11. Nice personal photo, i love that edition!

  12. Actually Cressona, I name all of my messages that. So the cake was the truth. Eat it!

  13. Alright, awesome, so just to clarify, you're going to send decoy groups from the front, me and Zev ambush them on the sides while we have invisibility, and then we fight? And also, tell us when to attack.
  14. Alright, so I can sort of tell me and Zev are going to be the main combat team from our troop number. What's the plan? Can we like send small amounts of troops to attack and then have larger groups attack from the sides? Like a decoy?
  15. Yeah, it's still Oric here, just call me Rakdos.
  16. NO!!! TOBY IS A GOOD BOY!!! And no, my name is not actually Toby. Wait, the Upgrader upgrades the troops, right? (Wow, I feel stupid.) Give me the specifics and I'll proabably be it, I haven't done much around here...yet. *evil laughter*
  17. I think we should make an ambush with two groups, then use the rest of our forces to attack from the back. Basically, we use an ambush as the distraction while we have more powerful forces killing the opposing team.
  18. Hello there, I was just asking how the weather on Destral was?

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